Git merge strategies
We will not go deep into all the possibilities of the git merge
command; rather, we will explain a few terms used in connection with Git and merging.
Fast-forward merge
When you merge two branches in Git, and one branch is a subset of the commits of the second one, the result will be a fast-forward (ff) merge, where no merge is done at all. The branch will just reset to its new position.
Figure 15.11: Fast-forward merge diagram
Squash commit
Using squash commit could help you to keep a branch clean and simple. When you want to merge one branch with another, by using squash commit you can join the commits in the branch into new one commit, with a new commit message, and connect this new commit to the target branch. You will lose details but gain simplicity.
It is up to you and what your priority is.
Figure 15.12: Squash commit diagram
Instead of merging, you can use the rebase
command. As the name suggests...