The impact on employees
Where you place yourself on the organization/employee spectrum will of course have a huge impact on the attitude of your employees toward both you and your organization.
If you consistently orient yourself toward the organization (which the culture of your organization and the expectations of your higher-ups may force you to do), you will find that your employees distrust you and lack loyalty. They will perceive the organization as a bad place to work.
If, on the other hand, employees have the feeling that you are doing what you can for them, their trust and loyalty will increase, as will the constructive communication that can flow from these things. They won't expect much, as they know what the realities are; but a manager's attitude toward employees is not hard to discern, and will determine the employees' attitudes toward the manager, and thus their behavior toward the manager: it can act as a powerful motivator, and affect the way they work and how hard they work...