- 34ac2 branching point / Branch points
- ancestry references / Ancestry references
- annotated tag / Creating a tag
- annotated tags
- about / Branches and tags, Annotated tags
- anonymous Git protocol
- about / Anonymous Git protocol
- attribute macros
- defining / Defining attribute macros
- author
- versus committer / Predefined and user defined output formats
- authors
- mapping / Summarizing contributions
- bare repositories
- about / Bare repositories
- binary files
- identifying / Identifying binary files and end-of-line conversions
- blame command
- about / Blame – the line-wise history of a file
- Blob object
- about / Git objects
- branch
- about / Branches and tags
- rewinding / Discarding changes and rewinding branch
- branch, rebasing
- about / Rebasing a branch
- merge, versus rebase / Merge versus rebase
- types of rebase / Types of rebase
- advanced rebasing techniques / Advanced...