Implementing BIND as a DNS server
BIND is the most widely used open source name server application. It helps implement the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols for the Internet. It provides a robust and stable platform on which to build a distributed computing system, with knowledge that those systems are fully compliant with published DNS standards. It helps resolve queries about names by sending those questions to the appropriate servers and responding appropriately to the servers' replies.
As an example of the implementation of BIND, we will set up an internal DNS server to resolve some public IP addresses inside the network to simplify the mapping inside a large environment.
We need the following prerequisites to implement BIND:
One server to have BIND installed and configured on it
Two machines, either servers or simple workstations, to test the DNS service
Root privilege to be able to set up BIND and configure the network to resolve from our internal DNS server
First, we will start by installing...