As of now, we have built the project using Truffle and a local instance of Ganache for local blockchain. However, Ethereum does provide public test networks (also known as testnets) for developers to test their contract for a production-like environment. To use these testnets, you need to connect your Truffle project to one of these testnets. The names of these testnets are Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, and Goerli.
There are two ways to use one of these testnets:
- You can download and configure your local Ethereum wallet client software and connect to one of the testnets. After configuring the client software, it will download the whole blockchain ledger and keep syncing the blockchain on your machine.
- Another way is to use the Infura account and connect to one of these testnets. When you use Infura links, you do not need to download the blockchain ledger...