Expanded/advanced reporting features
While you can find the vast majority of your bread-and-butter report-related data points on the Overview page, as you start to get more sophisticated with how you think about your audience as a whole, you may want to start leveraging some of the advanced features available within the platform. The first I want to go back to is Content Optimizer.
Note about access to Content Optimizer
Due to this being a more advanced reporting feature, to access this, you will need to be on a Standard Marketing plan or higher. It is not available through Mailchimp’s Free plan.
As I noted earlier in this chapter, this is a relatively new feature to the reporting section of the platform but, particularly as you grow your experimentation muscle, it can be a really handy tool. In Figure 10.8, we can see an example of the initial analysis of the content of a campaign on the Overview page of the report. But as I alluded to earlier, we can see a slightly...