Creating a gritty inking brush
Some styles require a line that isn't smooth and even. We're going to make a gritty and uneven-textured inking brush to add some flair to our lines.
Getting ready
One of the materials used for this pen is from a free brush available from Smith Micro. At the time of writing this book, the brush is available at, as Dry Bleeding Flat Watercolor. This brush will need to be installed in order to get access to the material. Download the brush from the Smith Micro website. Then, click on the icon circled in the following screenshot (found in the Sub Tool palette) and click on Import sub tool…:

Navigate to the location of the downloaded brush file and click on Open. The Dry Bleeding Flat Watercolor brush will be installed and the material will be added to the Material library.
How to do it…
These steps will walk us through the process of creating a new inking brush with a gritty look:
Under the Pen tools, select...