Sharing in Windows 8
Social networks are incredibly popular, and sharing details about gameplay and high scores with friends is becoming a big feature of games, whether they're played on the web, on a tablet, or even on a console. More and more games have social integration of some sort and some console games allow you to tweet your game progress or status to friends, adding an extra level of immersion and integration with the real world. Windows 8 allows you to add that sharing easily, and gives the power to the players to decide when they want to share and how they want to share, using any of their favorite applications. This is called the Share Charm, and it is accessed via the charms bar on the right-hand side of the screen.

The Share Charm
There are two ways in which applications can interact with this system: as a share source, or as a share target. A share source just provides information to be shared on request to the operating system, while the share target receives the shared...