Newly added QR codes and their usages
QR codes can be used over conventional bar codes to get more benefits that are not provided by bar codes .It can be used in many places, such as to allow the users to browse through websites, initiate phone calls, send e-mails and messages, connect Wi-Fi networks, have access to instant chats, purchase items, process orders, and advertise products.
The Extensions team introduced the QR code component to generate the client-side dynamic QR codes with lots of options such as rendering method, rendering mode, color and size, and so on. This component uses jQuery.qrcode behind the scenes.
Create the XHTML code that contains the QR codes with lots of configurable options as follows:
<h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputText value="Render method: " /> <p:selectOneButton value="#{qrCodeController.renderMethod}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="canvas" itemValue="canvas" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="image" itemValue...