Exporting to Multiple Platforms
After making a game, we should get it into the hands of players. Games are meant to be played, after all! In the old days, this meant burning thousands to millions of CDs and distributing them all over the world to physical game stores, in the hope people would buy them. This cost tremendous amounts of money and manpower. Big studios would often only see 10% of the profits because the rest dissipated in buying physical CDs and paying distribution and store cuts. Even if you developed a successful hit game, the upfront investment to distribute it could stop it in its tracks.
With the rise of the internet and gaming platforms such as Steam and Itch.io, distribution has become way cheaper, sometimes even free, and easier, with nearly no upfront investment.
Over the course of this chapter, we’ll learn everything about exporting production builds for our game and even upload it to Itch.io (if you want to).
In this chapter, we will cover the...