Accordion interoperability
Does the accordion widget play nicely with other widgets in the library? Let's take a look and see whether the accordion can be combined with the widget from the previous chapter, the tabs widget.
Change the underlying markup for the accordion so that the third content panel now contains the markup for a set of tabs, and the third heading no longer points to the remote text file:
<div id="myAccordion"> <h2><a href="#">Header 1</a></h2> <div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin. Sed interdum pulvinar justo.Nam iaculis volutpat ligula. Integer vitae felis quis diam laoreet ullamcorper.</div> <h2><a href="#">Header 2</a></h2> <div>Etiam tincidunt est vitae est. Ut posuere, mauris at sodales rutrum, turpis tellus fermentum metus, ut bibendum velit enim eu lectus. Suspendisse potenti.</div> <h2><a href="#">Header 3</a><...