Creating automation rules
There are a couple of ways to navigate to the list of rules for automation. As a Jira administrator, you have access to all rules within your Jira instance through the system settings screen. Start by clicking the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the top navigation bar and selecting System, as shown in Figure 10.1:
Figure 10.1 – System settings
Then scroll to the bottom of page and click Automation rules on the left. Clicking this will take you to the Automation window, where examples of rules are available organized by subject in the Library tab. Figure 10.2 shows the initial Automation window Library tab, as well as the other options available for the automation tool:
Figure 10.2 – The Automation window Library tab
The automation library can be a good starting place to see a handful of available rules and become familiar with the automation rule syntax and style. You are encouraged...