- Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) / Compiler tree API
- Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT) / Caciocavallo
- access-control boundary violations
- about / Access-control boundary violations
- runtime / Runtime
- Access Management Console
- reference / Creating a role
- Acorn RISC Machine (ARM) / The Linux/AArch64 port
- actions
- performing / Performing Actions
- additional concurrency updates
- about / Additional Concurrency Updates
- Java concurrency / Java concurrency
- CompletableFuture API enhancements / CompletableFuture API enhancements
- ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) / TLS application-layer protocol negotiation extension
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Getting started
- Android
- data access / Android data access
- tabs and fragments / Android tabs and fragments
- Android developer
- documentation link / Getting started
- Android development environment
- setting up / Getting started
- Android project
- starting with / Getting started
- creating / Creating the Android project
- permissions, requesting / Requesting permissions
- service, creating / Creating the service
- Android services
- interacting with / Android services
- Android Studio
- reference / Getting started
- Android user interfaces
- building / Building the user interface
- AnnotatedConstruct interface / The AnnotatedConstruct interface
- ANTLR parser / Compiler Grammar
- application module path / Module paths
- assets
- listing / Listing your assets
- Atomic Toolkit
- working with / Working with the AtoMiC Toolkit
- Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) / DTLS support in Java 9
- Authority Info Access (AIA) / Changes for the Java 9 platform
- authorization requests
- authorization request, handling / Handling authorization requests
- client, authorizing / Authorizing the client
- BeanInfo annotations [JEP-256]
- about / BeanInfo annotations [JEP-256]
- JavaBean / JavaBean
- BeanProperty / BeanProperty
- SwingContainer / SwingContainer
- BeanInfo classes
- about / BeanInfo classes
- benefits / BeanInfo classes
- BeanProperty
- about / BeanProperty
- optional elements / BeanProperty
- benchmarking options
- about / Benchmarking options
- modes / Modes
- time units / Time units
- Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF) / Provide stable USDT probe points on JVM compiled methods
- best practices, Java 9
- support for UTF-8 / Support for UTF-8
- Unicode 7.0.0 / Unicode 7.0.0
- Linux/AArch64 port / The Linux/AArch64 port
- multi-resolution images / Multi-resolution Images
- Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) / Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR)
- camel case search / Introducing camel case search
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253]
- dependency injection, using / Dependency injection with CDI
- CDS archives [JEP 250]
- interned strings, storing / Storing interned strings in CDS archives [JEP 250]
- Ceylon
- about / Ceylon
- URL / Ceylon
- C header files / C header files
- Class Data Sharing (CDS) / Storing interned strings in CDS archives [JEP 250]
- classes
- updated, in Java 9 / Updated Classes in Java 9
- accessing / Accessing classes
- building / Building the CLI
- clock
- about / Clock
- Instant / Instant
- LocalDate / LocalDate
- LocalTime / LocalTime
- LocalDateTime / LocalDateTime
- ZonedDateTime / ZonedDateTime
- cloud notification / Planning the application
- CMS garbage collection / Default garbage collection
- collection literals
- reference link / Convenience factory methods for collections [JEP-269]
- benefits / Convenience factory methods for collections [JEP-269]
- collections [JEP-269]
- factory methods, used for / Convenience factory methods for collections [JEP-269]
- using, before Java 9 / Using collections before Java 9
- new collection literals, using / Using new collection literals
- command-line interface
- building / Building the command-line interface, Building the command-line interface
- command line flags
- unified JVM logging [JEP 158] / Unified JVM Logging [JEP 158]
- compiler control [JEP 165] / Compiler control [JEP 165]
- diagnostic commands [JEP 228] / Diagnostic commands [JEP 228]
- heap profiling agent [JEP 240] / Heap profiling agent [JEP 240]
- JHAT [JEP 241], removing / Removing your JHAT [JEP 241]
- JVM command-line flag argument validation [JEP 245] / JVM command-line flag argument validation [JEP 245]
- older platform versions [JEP 247], compiling for / Compile for older platform versions [JEP 247]
- Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) / Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR)
- communication protocol / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- compact strings [JEP 254]
- about / Compact strings [JEP 254]
- pre-Java 9 status / Pre-Java 9 status
- Java 9, updates / New with Java 9
- compare-and-swap (CAS) / Concurrent monitor deflation
- compilation module path / Module paths
- compiler control [JEP 165]
- about / Compiler control [JEP 165]
- compilation modes / Compilation modes
- C1 compilation mode / C1 compilation mode
- C2 compilation mode / C2 compilation mode
- tiered compilation / Tiered compilation
- compiler control, in Java 9 / Compiler control in Java 9
- compiler tree API
- enums / Compiler tree API
- interfaces / Compiler tree API
- compile time / Ceylon
- CompletableFuture API enhancements / CompletableFuture API enhancements
- CompleteableFuture*T* class
- about / Class details
- enhancements / Enhancements
- concurrent Java
- using, with Future interface / Concurrent Java with a Future interface
- concurrent mark sweep (CMS) / Concurrent mark sweep (CMS) garbage collection, Garbage collection options, Parallelize the Full GC Phase in CMS
- constant folding
- eliminating / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- about / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- contended locking [JEP 143]
- about / Improved Contended Locking [JEP 143]
- goals, improving / Improvement goals
- ControlDaemon class / The ControlDaemon class
- CPU instructions
- leveraging, for RSA / Leveraging CPU instructions for GHASH and RSA
- leveraging, for GHASH / Leveraging CPU instructions for GHASH and RSA
- critical sections [JEP 270]
- stack areas, reserved / Reserved stack areas for critical sections [JEP 270]
- preparing, for modularization [JEP 253] / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253]
- current process
- PID, obtaining / Getting the PID of the current process
- @Deprecated annotation / What the @Deprecated annotation really means
- Database as a Service (DBaaS) / Getting started
- datagram / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
- about / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- supporting, in Java 9 / DTLS support in Java 9
- security, considerations / DTLS support in Java 9
- data streams / Reactive Programming
- date calculator
- creating / Getting started
- dead-code
- eliminating / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- about / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- decoupled functionality
- exposing / Services - exposing decoupled functionality
- PhotoViewerTopComponent / PhotoViewerTopComponent
- NetBeans preferences / NetBeans preferences and the Options panel
- Options panel / NetBeans preferences and the Options panel
- default methods / Back to our code
- dependency injection (DI)
- about / Adding MongoDB
- with CDI / Dependency injection with CDI
- depreciation warnings
- suppressing, on import statements [JEP 211] / Eliding depreciation warnings on import statements [JEP 211]
- desktop application
- creating / Creating the desktop application
- user interface, defining / Defining the user interface
- user interface behavior, defining / Defining user interface behavior
- messages, sending / Sending messages
- updates, obtaining / Getting updates
- security / Security
- Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG)
- about / DRBG-based SecureRandom implementations
- reference link / DRBG-based SecureRandom implementations
- development tools
- about / Development tools
- deployment tool / Deployment
- internationalization tool / Internationalization
- monitoring tool / Monitoring
- RMI tools / RMI
- security tool / Security
- troubleshooting tool / Troubleshooting
- web services tool / Web services
- diagnostic commands [JEP 228] / Diagnostic commands [JEP 228]
- diamond operator
- using / Using the diamond operator
- about / Using the diamond operator
- Disk And Execution Monitor (daemons) / Building the service
- Distributed Services level / REST APIs for JMX
- Doclet API
- pre-existing, issues / Problems with the pre-existing Doclet API
- Doclet API, Java 9
- about / Java 9's Doclet API
- compiler tree API / Compiler tree API
- language model API / Language model API
- Doclet API [JEP-221]
- simplifying / Simplified Doclet API [JEP-221]
- pre-Java 9 Doclet API / The pre-Java 9 Doclet API
- Doclint warning [JEP 212]
- resolving / Resolving Lint and Doclint warnings [JEP 212]
- reference link / Resolving Lint and Doclint warnings [JEP 212]
- documented set / The pre-Java 9 Doclet API
- Document Object Model (DOM) / Merging selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates into JAXP [JEP 255]
- Dolphin Platform
- reference / Getting started
- DPI-aware application / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- DPI-unaware application / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations / DRBG-based SecureRandom implementations
- DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) / Getting started
- DTLS protocol version 1.0 / DTLS protocol version 1.0
- DTLS protocol version 1.2 / DTLS protocol version 1.2
- dynamic linking
- of language-defined object models [JEP 276] / Dynamic linking of language-defined object models [JEP 276]
- dynamic randomly accessed memory (DRAM) / Cache capacity
- DynamoDB / DynamoDB
- eavesdropping / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- Eclipse
- reference link / Updating third-party libraries and tools
- URL, for downloading / Installing Java 9 and Eclipse with Java 9 support
- electronic mail / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) / DTLS support in Java 9
- email and spam management
- starting with / Getting started
- email protocols
- history / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- EMCAScript / EMCAScript
- endpoints, adding to server
- conversations, obtaining / Getting conversations
- SMS message, sending / Sending an SMS message
- enhanced deprecation [JEP-277]
- about / Enhanced deprecation [JEP-277]
- @Deprecated annotation / What the @Deprecated annotation really means
- enhanced enums / Enhanced enums
- enhanced method handles [JEP-274]
- about / Enhanced method handles [JEP-274]
- need for / Reason for the enhancement
- lookup functions / Lookup functions
- MethodHandle argument, handling / Argument handling
- additional combinations / Additional combinations
- Executable Linkable Files (ELFs) / Provide stable USDT probe points on JVM compiled methods
- external processes
- controlling / Taking control of external processes
- factory methods
- used, for collections [JEP-269] / Convenience factory methods for collections [JEP-269]
- features, Java 8
- about / New features in Java 8
- lambdas / Lambdas
- java.time package / The new java.time package
- default methods / Default methods
- features, Java 9
- about / New features in Java 9
- Java Platform Module System/Project Jigsaw / Java Platform Module System/Project Jigsaw
- process handling API / Process handling API
- concurrency changes / Concurrency changes
- REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) / REPL
- feedback modes
- about / Feedback modes
- custom feedback mode, creating / Creating a custom feedback mode
- finalize() method / The finalize() method
- flow-sensitive typing / Ceylon
- Flow API
- about / The New Flow API
- Flow.Publisher interface / The Flow.Publisher interface
- Flow.Subscriber interface / The Flow.Subscriber interface
- Flow.Subscription interface / The Flow.Subscription interface
- Flow.Processor interface / The Flow.Processor interface
- sample implementation / Sample implementation
- Foreign Function Interfaces (FFI) / Foreign Function Interfaces
- forgery / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- Forward Secrecy (FS) / DTLS support in Java 9
- Function as a Service (FaaS) / Getting started
- function deployment
- about / Deploying the function
- role, creating / Creating a role
- topic, creating / Creating a topic
- future changes, Java Compiler
- policy for retiring javac -source and -target options / Policy for retiring javac -source and -target options
- pluggable static analyzers / Pluggable static analyzers
- future changes, JavaX
- about / Future Changes to JavaX
- JMX specific annotations, for registration of managed resources / JMX specific annotations for registration of managed resources
- GTK3 Look and Feel Implementation, modernizing / Modernize the GTK3 Look and Feel Implementation
- future changes, JDK
- JDK changes targeted for Java 10 / JDK changes targeted for Java 10
- JDK-related submitted proposals / JDK-related submitted proposals
- JDK-related drafted proposals / JDK-related drafted proposals
- future changes, JVM
- JVM-related submitted proposals / JVM-related submitted proposals
- JVM-related drafted proposals / JVM-related drafted proposals
- future developments, Java platform
- JDK / Future Changes to the JDK
- Java Compiler / Future changes to the Java Compiler
- JavaX / Future Changes to JavaX
- G1 garbage collection
- about / G1 garbage collection
- options / Garbage collection options
- G1 [JEP 278]
- humongous objects, tests / Additional tests for humongous objects in G1 [JEP 278]
- Galois HASH (GHASH)
- CPU instructions, leveraging / Leveraging CPU instructions for GHASH and RSA
- about / Hashing
- Garbage-first (G1)
- about / Java 9 at 20,000 feet, Updated garbage collection
- performance, enhancing / Boosting performance with G1
- garbage collection
- about / Overview of garbage collection
- object, life cycle / Object life cycle
- options / Garbage collection options
- Java methods / Java methods relevant to garbage collection
- System.gc() method / The System.gc() method
- finalize() method / The finalize() method
- visualizing / Visualizing garbage collection
- upgrading, in Java 8 / Garbage collection upgrades in Java 8
- with new Java platform / Collecting garbage with the new Java platform
- default garbage collection / Default garbage collection
- combinations, depreciating / Depreciated garbage collection combinations
- configuration Flag / Depreciated garbage collection combinations
- combination Flag / Depreciated garbage collection combinations
- garbage collection, issues
- about / Persistent issues
- object eligibility / Making objects eligible for garbage collection
- garbage collection algorithms
- about / Garbage collection algorithms
- mark and sweep / Mark and sweep
- concurrent mark sweep (CMS) algorithm / Concurrent mark sweep (CMS) garbage collection
- serial garbage collection / Serial garbage collection
- parallel garbage collection / Parallel garbage collection
- G1 garbage collection / G1 garbage collection
- garbage collection logging
- options / Garbage collection logging options
- gc tag / The gc tag
- macros / Macros
- considerations / Additional considerations
- generic specialization
- references / Generic specialization
- about / Generic specialization
- GIMP toolbox / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- Graal VM / Expanding the wish list
- graphical user interface (GUI)
- building / Building the graphical user interface, Building the GUI
- Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- GStreamer / Updating JavaFX/Media to newer version of GStreamer [JEP 257]
- GStreamer [JEP 257]
- JavaFX/Media, updating to new version of / Updating JavaFX/Media to newer version of GStreamer [JEP 257]
- GTK 3
- enabling, on Linux [JEP 283] / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- JavaFX / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- AWT / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- Swing / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- HarfBuzz font-layout engine [JEP 258] / HarfBuzz Font-Layout Engine [JEP 258]
- HartBuzz / HarfBuzz Font-Layout Engine [JEP 258]
- hashing / Hashing
- Heap Profiling (HPROF) / Heap profiling agent [JEP 240]
- heap profiling agent [JEP 240] / Heap profiling agent [JEP 240]
- HiDPI graphics
- for Linux [JEP 263] / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- for Windows [JEP 263] / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- about / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- HotSpot / HotSpot C++ unit-test framework [JEP 281]
- HotSpot build system [JEP 284] / New HotSpot build system [JEP 284]
- HotSpot C++ unit-test framework [JEP 281] / HotSpot C++ unit-test framework [JEP 281]
- enhancement, goals / HotSpot C++ unit-test framework [JEP 281]
- HTML5 Javadoc [JEP-224] / HTML5 Javadoc [JEP-224]
- HTTP 2.0
- starting with / Getting started with HTTP 2.0
- HTTP client [JEP-110]
- about / The new HTTP client [JEP-110]
- Java 9 / The HTTP client before Java 9
- creating, for Java 9 / Java 9's new HTTP client
- benefits / Java 9's new HTTP client
- new API, limitations / New API limitations
- humongous objects
- tests, in G1 [JEP 278] / Additional tests for humongous objects in G1 [JEP 278]
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) / The new HTTP client [JEP-110]
- identity-less value types / Value types
- Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- reference / Configuring your AWS credentials
- import statements [JEP 211]
- depreciation warnings, suppressing / Eliding depreciation warnings on import statements [JEP 211]
- import statements [JEP 216]
- processing, correctly / Processing import statements correctly [JEP 216]
- information
- obtaining, about process / Getting information about a process
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) / Getting started
- infrastructure framework, Oracle
- reference link / New HotSpot build system [JEP 284]
- initialize on demand holder (IODH) pattern / A brief look at internationalization and localization
- Instagram
- adding, to Sunago / Adding another network - Instagram
- reference / Registering as an Instagram developer
- Instagram client
- implementing / Implementing the Instagram client
- Instagram developer
- registering as / Registering as an Instagram developer
- instance, StackWalker
- obtaining / Getting an instance of StackWalker
- enum constants / Final thoughts on enum constants
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) / JavaFX overview, Updating third-party libraries and tools, Approach to using JMH
- IntelliJ
- URL / Updating third-party libraries and tools
- internal APIs [JEP-260]
- encapsulating / Encapsulating most internal APIs [JEP-260]
- internal catalog resolver / XML Catalogs prior to Java 9
- internationalization / A brief look at internationalization and localization
- interned strings
- storing, in CDS archives [JEP 250] / Storing interned strings in CDS archives [JEP 250]
- issues / The problem
- solutions / The solution
- Internet Access Message Protocol (IMAP) / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / DTLS protocol version 1.2
- Internet of Things (IoT) / Kona
- Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) / Improving IPv6 support
- inversion of control (IoC) / Adding MongoDB
- J-link tool / Bootstrapping the application
- JAR file
- size, increasing / Making our JAR file fat
- Java
- modules / How modules fit into the Java landscape
- base module / Base module
- reliable configuration / Reliable configuration
- encapsulation / Strong encapsulation
- Java-level JVM compiler interface [JEP-243] / Java-level JVM compiler interface [JEP-243]
- package extension / The package extension
- java.Security.CodeSource package / The java.Security.CodeSource package
- java.util.logging package
- about / The java.util.logging package
- ErrorManager class / The java.util.logging package
- ConsoleHandler class / The java.util.logging package
- FileHandler class / The java.util.logging package
- Formatter class / The java.util.logging package
- Handler class / The java.util.logging package
- Level class / The java.util.logging package
- LogManager class / The java.util.logging package
- LogRecord class / The java.util.logging package
- MemoryHandler class / The java.util.logging package
- SimpleFormatter class / The java.util.logging package
- SocketHandler class / The java.util.logging package
- StreamHandler class / The java.util.logging package
- XMLFormatter class / The java.util.logging package
- Java 8
- garbage collection, upgrading / Garbage collection upgrades in Java 8
- Java 9
- about / Java 9 at 20,000 feet
- implications / Implications for Java 9
- updates / New with Java 9, New in Java 9
- URL / Useful tools
- HTTP client [JEP-110] / The HTTP client before Java 9
- HTTP client [JEP-110], creating / Java 9's new HTTP client
- DTLS, supporting / DTLS support in Java 9
- changes / Changes in Java 9
- Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP) / Merging selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates into JAXP [JEP 255]
- Java Archive (JAR) / A modular primer
- JavaBean / JavaBean
- javac / Smart Java compilation, phase two [JEP 199]
- Java Community Process (JCP)
- about / Java 9 at 20,000 feet, Reviewing Java's platform module system [JEP-200]
- URL / Reviewing Java's platform module system [JEP-200]
- Java Compiler
- future changes / Future changes to the Java Compiler
- Java Virtual Machine / Future Changes to the Java Virtual Machine
- Java concurrency
- about / Java concurrency
- concurrency / Concurrency explained
- system configurations / System configurations
- Java threads / Java threads
- concurrency improvements / Concurrency improvements
- javac wrapper tool
- reference link / Smart Java compilation, phase two [JEP 199]
- javac [JEP 215]
- tiered attribution / Tiered attribution for javac [JEP 215]
- javac [JEP 235]
- test class-file attributes, generated / Testing class-file attributes generated by Javac [JEP 235]
- Java DB
- references / Database
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- about / A modular primer
- future changes / Future Changes to the JDK
- Javadoc search [JEP-225]
- about / Javadoc search [JEP-225]
- camel case search / Introducing camel case search
- Javadoc tool
- reference link / HTML5 Javadoc [JEP-224]
- Java ecosystem / Getting started
- Java Enhancement Plan (JEP) / Collecting garbage with the new Java platform
- Java Enhancement Program #271 (JEP-271) / Unified garbage collection logging
- Java Enhancement Program (JEP) / What is JShell?
- Java Enhancement Program 214 (JEP 214) / Depreciated garbage collection combinations
- Java Enhancement Proposal 237 (JEP 237) / The Linux/AArch64 port
- Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) / Loading our plugins in Sunago, JavaMail, the Standard Java API for Email
- Java environment (jEnv)
- URL / Java environment - jEnv
- about / Java environment - jEnv
- JavaFX / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253], JavaFX overview
- JavaFX-based application
- bootstrapping / Bootstrapping the application
- JavaFX/Media
- about / Updating JavaFX/Media to newer version of GStreamer [JEP 257]
- updating, to GStreamer [JEP 257] new version / Updating JavaFX/Media to newer version of GStreamer [JEP 257]
- JavaFX tools / JavaFX tools
- JavaFX UI controls
- preparing, for modularization [JEP 253] / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253]
- Java Heap Analysis Tool (JHAT) / Removing your JHAT [JEP 241]
- Java Keystore (JKS)
- about / Java Keystore (JKS), PKCS12 default in Java 9
- builder class / Builder
- CallbackHandlerProtection class / The CallbackHandlerProtection class
- PasswordProtection class / The PasswordProtection class
- PrivateKeyEntry class / The PrivateKeyEntry class
- SecretKeyEntry class / The SecretKeyEntry class
- TrustedCertificateEntry class / The TrustedCertificateEntry class
- Java Linker (JLink) / Modular Java application packaging [JEP-275], Advanced look at the Java Linker, JLink - The Java Linker [JEP-282]
- Java Linker [JEP-282] / JLink - The Java Linker [JEP-282]
- JavaMail / JavaMail, the Standard Java API for Email
- Java Management Extension (JMX) / REST APIs for JMX, Diagnostic Command Framework
- Java memory model / Java memory model
- Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH)
- about / Java 9 at 20,000 feet
- performance, measuring / Measuring performance with JMH
- using / Approach to using JMH
- Java 9, installing / Installing Java 9 and Eclipse with Java 9 support
- Eclipse, installing / Installing Java 9 and Eclipse with Java 9 support
- experiments / Hands-on experiment
- Java module systems
- about / Breaking the monolith
- benefits / Breaking the monolith
- Java Native Access (JNA) / Foreign Function Interfaces
- Java Native Interface (JNI) / C header files, Foreign Function Interfaces, Project Panama
- Java Native Runtime (JNR) / Foreign Function Interfaces
- Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP)
- about / The JDK's modularization, JRE version selection
- reference link / FX XML extension
- Java Packager
- about / Modular Java application packaging [JEP-275]
- options / Java Packager options
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- about / Concurrent Java with a Future interface
- used, for accessing modern database / Modern database access with JPA
- Java Platform Module System (JPMS)
- about / Reviewing Java's platform module system [JEP-200]
- reviewing / Reviewing Java's platform module system [JEP-200]
- Java runtime environment (JRE) / A modular primer, Java runtime environment
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) / Compiler control in Java 9
- JavaScript VM language / Building the user interface
- Java Shell (JShell)
- about / Java 9 at 20,000 feet, Playing around with the Java Shell, What is JShell?
- starting / Getting Started with JShell
- command functionality / Getting Started with JShell
- practical uses / Practical uses of JShell
- feedback modes / Feedback modes
- assets, listing / Listing your assets
- editing in / Editing in the JShell
- text, modifying / Modifying text
- basic navigation / Basic navigation
- historical navigation / Historical navigation
- advanced editing commands / Advanced editing commands
- advanced scripting / Advanced scripting with JShell
- Java Stack
- overview / Overview of the Java Stack
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- about / Java runtime environment
- sizing options / Garbage collection options
- future changes / Future Changes to the Java Virtual Machine
- Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface (JVMDI) / Diagnostic commands [JEP 228]
- Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMPI) / Diagnostic commands [JEP 228]
- Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVMTI) / C header files, Diagnostic commands [JEP 228], Provide stable USDT probe points on JVM compiled methods, Provide a low-overhead way of sampling Java heap allocations
- Java Web Start / Web services, JRE version selection
- JavaX
- future changes / Future Changes to JavaX
- package / The package
- JAXP processors
- about / JAXP processors
- interfaces / JAXP processors
- JAXP [JEP 255]
- selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates, merging into / Merging selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates into JAXP [JEP 255]
- JDK-related drafted proposals
- about / JDK-related drafted proposals
- finalization promptness / Finalization promptness
- Java memory model / Java memory model
- Foreign Function Interfaces (FFI) / Foreign Function Interfaces
- isolated methods / Isolated methods
- metaspace waste, reducing / Reducing metaspace waste
- IPv6 support, improving / Improving IPv6 support
- unboxed argument lists, for method handles / Unboxed argument lists for method handles
- enhanced MandelblotSet demo, value types used / Enhanced MandelblotSet demo using value types
- efficient array comparison intrinsics / Efficient array comparison intrinsics
- JDK-related submitted proposals
- about / JDK-related submitted proposals
- Full GC Phase, parallelizing in CMS / Parallelize the Full GC Phase in CMS
- REST APIs, for JMX / REST APIs for JMX
- support heap allocation / Support heap allocation
- JDK 9
- URL, for downloading / Java 9 at 20,000 feet
- features / Expanding the wish list
- generics, over primitive types / Expanding the wish list
- reified generics / Expanding the wish list
- URL / Installing Java 9 and Eclipse with Java 9 support
- JDK Bug System
- reference link / Resolving Lint and Doclint warnings [JEP 212]
- JDK changes, targeted for Java 10
- about / JDK changes targeted for Java 10
- repository consolidation / Repository consolidation
- Native-header tool removal / Native-header tool removal
- JDK classes
- de-privileging / De-privileging JDK classes
- JDK Enhancement Proposal 199
- code compilation, improving / Smart Java compilation, phase two [JEP 199]
- JDK source code [JEP-201]
- modularizing / Modularizing JDK source code [JEP-201]
- pre-Java 9 JDK source code organization / Pre-Java 9 JDK source code organization
- deployment tools / Development tools
- JavaFX tools / JavaFX tools
- JRE / Java runtime environment
- about / Source code
- libraries / Libraries
- C header files / C header files
- database / Database
- JDK source code reorganized / JDK source code reorganized
- JEP 223
- versioning schema / New version-string scheme [JEP 223]
- JHAT [JEP 241]
- removing / Removing your JHAT [JEP 241]
- JPAQL (Java Persistence API Query Language) / Modern database access with JPA
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) / Securing the endpoints
- jstat / Monitoring
- microservice framework / Microservice frameworks on the JVM
- Eclipse Vert.x / Microservice frameworks on the JVM
- Spring Boot / Microservice frameworks on the JVM
- Java EE MicroProfile / Microservice frameworks on the JVM
- JVM-related drafted proposals
- about / JVM-related drafted proposals
- USDT probe points, providing on JVM compiled methods / Provide stable USDT probe points on JVM compiled methods
- Concurrent Monitor Deflation / Concurrent monitor deflation
- Low-Overhead way of sampling Java Heap Allocations, providing / Provide a low-overhead way of sampling Java heap allocations
- Diagnostic Command Framework / Diagnostic Command Framework
- Enhanced Class Redefinition / Enhanced Class Redefinition
- NUMA mode, enabling by default / Enable NUMA mode by default when appropriate
- Value objects / Value objects
- JVM Access Checks, aligning / Align JVM Access Checks
- JVM-related submitted proposals
- about / JVM-related submitted proposals
- Container aware Java / Container aware Java
- Java methods execution, enabling on GPU / Enable execution of Java methods on GPU
- Epsilon GC / Epsilon GC - The arbitrarily low overhead garbage (non-) collector
- JVM command-line flag argument validation [JEP 245] / JVM command-line flag argument validation [JEP 245]
- JVM Compiler Interface (JVMCI) / Java-level JVM compiler interface [JEP-243]
- JVM process status tool (jps) / Monitoring
- keystore primer / Keystore primer
- keystores
- benefits / Keystore primer
- Kotlin
- about / Kotlin
- URL / Kotlin
- LALR parser / Compiler Grammar
- Lambda console
- function, deploying / Deploying the function
- function, testing / Testing the function
- AWS credentials, configuring / Configuring your AWS credentials
- language-defined object models [JEP 276]
- dynamic linking / Dynamic linking of language-defined object models [JEP 276]
- language model API
- about / Language model API
- AnnotatedConstruct interface / The AnnotatedConstruct interface
- SourceVersion enum / The SourceVersion enum
- UnknownEntityException exception / The UnknownEntityException exception
- last-in-first-out (LIFO) / Overview of the Java Stack
- launch-time JRE version selection [JEP-231]
- selecting / Remove launch-time JRE version selection [JEP-231]
- library
- building / Building the library, Building the library
- timely interlude / A timely interlude
- Lint warning
- about / Resolving Lint and Doclint warnings [JEP 212]
- reference link / Resolving Lint and Doclint warnings [JEP 212]
- Linux/AArch64 port / The Linux/AArch64 port
- Linux [JEP 263]
- HiDPI graphics / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- Linux [JEP 283]
- GTK 3, enabling / Enabling GTK 3 on Linux [JEP 283]
- Local-Variable Type Inference / Local-Variable Type Inference
- localization / A brief look at internationalization and localization
- logging API [JEP-264]
- about / Platform logging API and service [JEP-264]
- java.util.logging package / The java.util.logging package
- in Java 9 / Logging in Java 9
- logging service [JEP-264]
- about / Platform logging API and service [JEP-264]
- java.util.logging package / The java.util.logging package
- in java 9 / Logging in Java 9
- Lookup / Lookup, a NetBeans fundamental
- lookup functions / Lookup functions
- Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs) / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- main class / Main class
- marker annotation / Annotations pipeline 2.0 [JEP 217]
- Marlin graphics renderer [JEP 265] / Marlin graphics renderer [JEP 265]
- Maven
- about / Maven
- references / Maven, Obtaining the M2Eclipse IDE, Microbenchmarking with Maven
- M2Eclipse IDE, obtaining / Obtaining the M2Eclipse IDE
- microbenchmarking / Microbenchmarking with Maven
- reference / Getting started
- MavMaven Shade plugin / Deploying the function
- MBean / REST APIs for JMX, JMX specific annotations for registration of managed resources
- Mebibyte (MiB) / Garbage collection options
- memory leak / Object destruction
- menus
- adding / Adding menus
- MethodHandle agrument
- handling / Argument handling
- microbenchmarking
- about / Microbenchmarking overview
- Implement phase / Microbenchmarking overview
- Design phase / Microbenchmarking overview
- Execution phase / Microbenchmarking overview
- Enhancement phase / Microbenchmarking overview
- Analysis phase / Microbenchmarking overview
- JMH, using / Approach to using JMH
- with Maven / Microbenchmarking with Maven
- avoiding, techniques / Techniques for avoiding microbenchmarking pitfalls
- power management / Power management
- OS schedulers / OS schedulers
- time-sharing / Time sharing
- dead-code, eliminating / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- constant folding, eliminating / Eliminating dead-code and constant folding
- run-to-run variance / Run-to-run variance
- cache capacity / Cache capacity
- migration
- planning / Migration planning
- Java application, testing / Testing a simple Java application
- potential issues / Potential migration issues
- migration, issues
- JRE / The JRE
- internal APIs, accessing / Access to internal APIs
- internal JARs, accessing / Accessing internal JARs
- JAR URL, depreciation / JAR URL depreciation
- extension mechanism / Extension mechanism
- JSK modularization / The JDK's modularization
- mJRE (Multiple JRE) / Remove launch-time JRE version selection [JEP-231]
- Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaas) / Getting started
- modes / Modes
- modular / A modular primer
- modularization [JEP 253]
- JavaFX UI controls, preparing / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253]
- CSS APIs, preparing / Preparing JavaFX UI controls and CSS APIs for modularization [JEP 253]
- Java 9, implications / Implications for Java 9
- modularizing
- JDK source code [JEP-201] / Modularizing JDK source code [JEP-201]
- Modular Java application [JEP-275]
- packaging / Modular Java application packaging [JEP-275]
- Java Linker / Advanced look at the Java Linker
- modular primer / A modular primer
- modular runtime images [JEP-220]
- about / Understanding modular run-time images [JEP-220]
- runtime format, adopting / Runtime format adoption
- restructuring / Runtime image restructure
- common operations, supporting / Supporting common operations
- JDK classes, de-privileging / De-privileging JDK classes
- existing behaviors, preserving / Preserving existing behaviors
- module paths
- about / Module paths
- compilation module path / Module paths
- upgrade module path / Module paths
- system modules / Module paths
- application module path / Module paths
- modules
- in Java / How modules fit into the Java landscape
- module system [JEP-261]
- about / Getting to know the module system [JEP-261]
- module paths / Module paths
- access-control boundary violations / Access-control boundary violations
- MongoDB
- reference / Adding MongoDB
- Monumentum
- creating / Getting started, Creating the application
- REST Services, creating / Creating REST Services
- MongoDB, adding / Adding MongoDB
- notes resources, finishing / Finish the notes resource
- authentication, adding / Adding authentication
- user interface, building / Building the user interface
- multi-release JAR files [JEP-238]
- about / Multi-release JAR files [JEP-238]
- identifying / Identifying multi-release JAR files
- JDK changes / Related JDK changes
- multi-resolution images / Multi-resolution Images
- mutations / Building the user interface
- Nashorn
- about / Proof of concept, Nashorn
- using, as command-line tool / Using Nashorn as a command-line tool
- using, as embedded interpreter / Using Nashorn as an embedded interpreter
- nashorn identifier / Using Nashorn as an embedded interpreter
- Nashorn [JEP-236]
- parser API / Parser API for Nashorn [JEP-236], Parser API
- EMCAScript / EMCAScript
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / DTLS support in Java 9
- NetBeans
- URL / Updating third-party libraries and tools
- reference / Getting started, TopComponent - the class for tabs and windows
- modules / NetBeans modules
- NetBeans Javadoc
- reference / TopComponent - the class for tabs and windows
- NetBeans RCP project
- bootstrapping / Bootstrapping the project
- application, branding / Branding your application
- JavaFX, integrating with / Integrating JavaFX with the NetBeans RCP
- network packet / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- new API
- limitations / New API limitations
- new collection literals
- using / Using new collection literals
- Nodes
- about / Getting started, Nodes, a NetBeans presentation object
- writing / Writing our own nodes
- Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) / Enable NUMA mode by default when appropriate
- notification system
- building / Getting started
- planning / Planning the application
- first function, building / Building your first function
- OASIS XML Catalog standard
- about / The OASIS XML Catalog standard
- reference link / The OASIS XML Catalog standard
- object
- life cycle / Object life cycle
- creating / Object creation
- storing / Object mid-life
- destruction / Object destruction
- object-relational mapping (ORM) / Modern database access with JPA
- Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) stapling
- for TLS / OCSP stapling for TLS
- process / OCSP stapling primer
- Java 9 platform, changes / Changes for the Java 9 platform
- Operand Stack / Overview of the Java Stack
- Options panel
- about / NetBeans preferences and the Options panel
- primary panel, adding / Adding a primary panel
- secondary panel, adding / Adding a secondary panel
- preferences, loading / Loading and saving preferences
- preferences, saving / Loading and saving preferences
- preferences changes, reacting to / Reacting to changes in preferences
- Oracle
- about / Advice from Oracle
- preparatory steps / Preparatory steps
- JDK 9 early access build, obtaining / Getting the JDK 9 early access build
- program, executing / Running your program before recompiling
- third-party libraries and tools, updating / Updating third-party libraries and tools
- application, compiling / Compiling your application
- pre-Java 9 -source / Pre-Java 9 -source and -target options
- -target options / Pre-Java 9 -source and -target options, Java 9 -source and -target options
- Java 9 -source / Java 9 -source and -target options
- jdeps, executing / Running jdeps on your code
- encapsulation, breaking / Breaking encapsulation
- --add-opens option / The --add-opens option
- --add-exports option / The --add-exports option
- --permit-illegal-access option / The --permit-illegal-access option
- runtime image, modifications / Runtime image changes
- Java version schema / Java version schema
- JDK layout / JDK and JRE layout
- JRE layout / JDK and JRE layout
- excluded features / What has been removed
- garbage collection, updating / Updated garbage collection
- deployment / Deployment
- JRE version selection / JRE version selection
- serialized applets / Serialized applets
- JNLP, updating / JNLP update
- nested resources / Nested resources
- FX XML extension / FX XML extension
- JNLP file syntax / JNLP file syntax
- numeric version, comparison / Numeric version comparison
- OS schedulers / OS schedulers
- package checking algorithm / Package checking algorithm
- parallel garbage collection / Parallel garbage collection, Default garbage collection
- parameters class / Parameters class
- ParamsAndHandle class / The ParamsAndHandle class
- parser API / Parser API
- Path Maximum Transition Unit (PMTU) / DTLS protocol version 1.0
- Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) / DTLS support in Java 9
- Pipeline 2.0 [JEP 217]
- annotations / Annotations pipeline 2.0 [JEP 217]
- PKCS12 keystores
- creating / Creating PKCS12 keystores
- keystore primer / Keystore primer
- Java Keystore (JKS) / Java Keystore (JKS)
- default keystore / PKCS12 default in Java 9
- plain JavaFX / Getting started
- Plain Old Java Object (POJO) / Modern database access with JPA, Building the CLI
- platform-specific desktop features [JEP-272] / Platform-specific desktop features [JEP-272]
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) / Getting started
- plugin jars / Loading our plugins in Sunago
- power management / Power management
- pre-Java 9 Doclet API
- about / The pre-Java 9 Doclet API
- enums / API enums
- classes / API classes
- interfaces / API interfaces
- pre-Java 9 garbage collection
- about / Pre-Java 9 garbage collection
- games, written with Java case study / Case study - Games written with Java
- private interface methods
- using / Making use of private interface methods
- process controller application
- about / A small process controller application
- main class / A small process controller application, Main class
- parameters class / A small process controller application, Parameters class
- ParamsAndHandle class / A small process controller application, The ParamsAndHandle class
- ControlDaemon class / A small process controller application, The ControlDaemon class
- processes
- about / What are processes?
- information, obtaining / Getting information about a process
- listing / Listing processes, Listing all processes
- children, listing / Listing children
- descendants, listing / Listing descendants
- allProcess() / Listing all processes
- waiting for / Waiting for processes
- terminating / Terminating processes
- ProcessHandle interface
- about / The new ProcessHandle interface
- references / Terminating processes
- process identifier (PID)
- obtaining, of current process / Getting the PID of the current process
- process list
- updating / Updating the process list
- Project Amber
- about / Project Amber
- Local-Variable Type Inference / Local-Variable Type Inference
- enhanced enums / Enhanced enums
- Lambda leftovers / Lambda leftovers
- Project Coin [JEP 213]
- changes / Milling Project Coin [JEP 213]
- about / Milling Project Coin [JEP 213]
- reference link / Milling Project Coin [JEP 213]
- @SafeVarargs annotation, using / Using the @SafeVarargs annotation
- try-with-resource statement / The try-with-resource statement
- diamond operator, using / Using the diamond operator
- underscore, discontinuing / Discontinuing use of the underscore
- private interface methods, using / Making use of private interface methods
- Project Jigsaw
- about / Breaking the monolith
- reviewing / Quick review of Project Jigsaw
- classpath / Classpath
- monolithic nature / The monolithic nature of the JDK
- Project Panama
- about / Project Panama
- URL / Project Panama
- projects
- about / Projects
- Process Viewer/Manager / Process Viewer/Manager
- Duplicate File Finder / Duplicate File Finder
- Date Calculator / Date Calculator
- Social Media Aggregator / Social Media Aggregator
- email filter / Email filter
- JavaFX photo management / JavaFX photo management
- client/server note application / A client/server note application
- serverless Java / Serverless Java
- Android desktop synchronization client / Android desktop synchronization client
- starting with / Getting started
- creating / Creating a project
- Project Valhalla
- about / Project Valhalla
- value types / Value types
- generic specialization / Generic specialization
- reified generics / Reified generics
- public javafx.css package
- classes / Implications for Java 9
- public package
- classes, moved from internal packages / Implications for Java 9
- Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) / PKCS12 default in Java 9
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) / Changes for the Java 9 platform
- reactive programming
- about / Encompassing reactive programming, Reactive Programming
- standardization / Reactive programming standardization
- Reactive Streams / Reactive programming standardization
- refresh button
- adding / Adding a refresh button
- reified generics / Reified generics
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI) / RMI
- Representational State Transfer (REST) / REST APIs for JMX
- ResourceBundle class
- about / The ResourceBundle class
- nested class / The nested class
- fields and constructors / Fields and constructors
- methods / Methods
- retina display / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) / JNLP update
- RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) / The Linux/AArch64 port
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
- about / DTLS support in Java 9, Hashing
- CPU instructions, leveraging / Leveraging CPU instructions for GHASH and RSA
- run-time compiler tests [JEP 233]
- generating, automatically / Generating run-time compiler tests automatically [JEP 233]
- run-to-run variance / Run-to-run variance
- runtime format
- adopting / Runtime format adoption
- @SafeVarargs annotation
- using / Using the @SafeVarargs annotation
- Scene Builder / JavaFX overview
- reference / Defining the user interface
- scripts
- working with / Working with scripts
- startup scripts / Start up scripts
- loading / Loading scripts
- saving / Saving scripts
- security, desktop application
- endpoints, securing / Securing the endpoints
- authorization requests, handling / Handling authorization requests
- security application
- performance, improving / Improving security application performance
- security policy, enforcing / Security policy enforcement
- permission, evaluating / Permission evaluation
- java.Security.CodeSource package / The java.Security.CodeSource package
- package checking algorithm / Package checking algorithm
- security policy
- enforcing / Security policy enforcement
- classes, used / Security policy enforcement
- segmented code cache JEP (197)
- about / Segmented code cache [JEP 197]
- memory allocation / Memory allocation
- selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates
- merging, into JAXP [JEP 255] / Merging selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates into JAXP [JEP 255]
- semantic versioning / New version-string scheme [JEP 223]
- serial garbage collection / Serial garbage collection, Default garbage collection
- server-sent events (SSE)
- about / Server-sent events
- service state, controlling / Controlling the service state
- endpoints, adding to server / Adding endpoints to the server
- serverless computing / Getting started
- server stalls / Case study - Games written with Java
- service
- building / Building the service
- Service Provider Interface (SPI) / Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR)
- Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs) / Looking back
- siblings / Loading our plugins in Sunago
- Simple Email Service (SES) / Simple Email Service
- Simple Notification Service (SNS) / Simple Notification Service
- smart Java compilation (sjavac) / Smart Java compilation, phase two [JEP 199]
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- reference / A brief look at the history of email protocols
- Software as a Service (SaaS) / Getting started
- SourceVersion enum
- about / The SourceVersion enum
- methods / The SourceVersion enum
- method / The SourceVersion enum
- special projects
- about / Ongoing Special Projects
- Annotations pipeline 2.0 / Annotations pipeline 2.0
- Audio Synthesis Engine / Audio Synthesis Engine
- Caciocavallo / Caciocavallo
- Common VM Interface / Common VM Interface
- Compiler Grammar / Compiler Grammar
- Da Vinci Machine / Da Vinci Machine
- Device I/O / Device I/O
- Graal / Graal
- HarfBuzz Integration / HarfBuzz Integration
- Kona / Kona
- OpenJFX / OpenJFX
- Panama / Panama
- Shenandoah / Shenandoah
- speculative attribution / Tiered attribution for javac [JEP 215]
- spin-wait
- about / Spin-Wait Hints
- hint / Spin-Wait Hints
- SSL / TLS protocol / DTLS protocol version 1.0
- stack areas
- reserved, for critical sections [JEP 270] / Reserved stack areas for critical sections [JEP 270]
- in pre-Java 9 situation / The pre-Java 9 situation
- Java 9, updates / New in Java 9
- StackFrame
- about / StackFrame
- getClassName() / StackFrame
- getMethodName() / StackFrame
- getDeclaringClass() / StackFrame
- getByteCodeIndex() / StackFrame
- getFileName() / StackFrame
- getLineNumber() / StackFrame
- isNativeMethod() / StackFrame
- stack information
- importance / The importance of stack information
- about / The importance of stack information
- callers, restricting example / Example - Restricting callers
- logger, obtaining for caller example / Example - Getting logger for caller
- StackWalker
- working with / Working with StackWalker
- instance, obtaining / Getting an instance of StackWalker
- classes, accessing / Accessing classes
- walking methods / Walking methods
- performance / Performance
- Standard Edition (SE) / Concurrent Java with a Future interface
- startup scripts / Start up scripts
- string concatenation [JEP 280] / Optimizing string concatenation [JEP 280]
- string space / The solution
- sun.misc.Unsafe class
- using / Using the sun.misc.Unsafe class
- Sunago
- starting with / Getting started
- user interface, setting up / Setting up the user interface
- setting up / Setting up the user interface
- controller, setting up / Setting up the controller
- model class, writing / Writing the model class
- controller, finishing up / Finishing up the controller
- image, adding for item / Adding an image for the item
- preferences user interface, building / Building the preferences user interface
- user preferences, saving / Saving user preferences
- plugins and extensions, using with Service Provider Interface / Plugins and extensions with the Service Provider Interface
- resource, handling with try-with-resources / Resource handling with try-with-resources
- network, adding / Adding a network - Twitter
- Twitter preferences, adding / Adding Twitter preferences to Sunago
- Instagram, adding / Adding another network - Instagram
- plugins, loading / Loading our plugins in Sunago
- SwingContainer
- about / SwingContainer
- optional elements / SwingContainer
- System.gc() method / The System.gc() method
- system modules / Module paths
- tampering / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- tenuring threshold / Garbage collection options
- Test-Driven Development (TDD) / A brief interlude on testing
- test-failure troubleshooting [JEP 279]
- improving / Improving test-failure troubleshooting [JEP 279]
- environmental information / Environmental information
- Java process, information / Java process information
- test class-file attributes
- generated, by javac [JEP 235] / Testing class-file attributes generated by Javac [JEP 235]
- unused, by JVM / Storing interned strings in CDS archives [JEP 250]
- testing interlude / A brief interlude on testing
- throughput (thrpt) / Modes
- tiered attribution
- for javac [JEP 215] / Tiered attribution for javac [JEP 215]
- TIFF image input/output [JEP-262]
- about / TIFF image input/output [JEP-262]
- static methods / TIFF image input/output [JEP-262]
- static methods, returning Booleans / TIFF image input/output [JEP-262]
- time-based unit of time / Duration
- time-sharing / Time sharing
- timely interlude
- duration / Duration
- period / Period
- clock / Clock
- code / Back to our code
- time units / Time units
- TLAB (Thread Local Allocation Blocks) / Garbage collection options
- TLS ALPN extension / TLS ALPN extension
- TLS protocol / Datagram Transport Layer Security
- Tool Interface (TI) / Heap profiling agent [JEP 240]
- tools
- about / Useful tools
- jEnv / Java environment - jEnv
- Maven / Maven
- TopComponent / TopComponent - the class for tabs and windows
- Transport Layer / DTLS protocol version 1.0
- Transport Layer Security (TLS)
- about / Datagram Transport Layer Security, TLS application-layer protocol negotiation extension, OCSP stapling for TLS
- OCSP stapling / OCSP stapling for TLS
- try-with-resource statement / The try-with-resource statement
- Twitter
- adding, to Sunago / Adding a network - Twitter
- logging on / OAuth and logging on to Twitter
- OAuth authorization / OAuth and logging on to Twitter
- model, adding / Adding a model for Twitter
- Twitter client
- implementing / Implementing a Twitter client
- Twitter developer
- registering as / Registering as a Twitter developer
- underscore character
- discontinuing / Discontinuing use of the underscore
- Unicode 7.0.0
- about / Unicode 7.0.0
- java.lang package / The java.lang package
- java.text package / The java.text package
- additional significance / Additional significance
- Unicode 8.0 [JEP 267]
- about / Unicode 8.0.0 [JEP 267]
- new features / New in Unicode 8.0.0
- Java 9, updated classes / Updated Classes in Java 9
- Unicode Transformation Format-8 (UTF-8)
- about / Support for UTF-8
- ResourceBundle class / The ResourceBundle class
- unified garbage collection logging
- about / Unified garbage collection logging
- unified JVM logging (JEP-158) / Unified JVM logging (JEP-158)
- JEP-271 / Unified GC logging (JEP-271)
- unified JVM logging [JEP 158]
- about / Unified JVM logging (JEP-158), Unified JVM Logging [JEP 158]
- tags / Tags, Tags
- levels / Levels, Levels
- decorations / Decorations, Decorations
- output / Output, Output
- command-line options / Command-line options, Command-line options
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) / Understanding modular run-time images [JEP-220]
- UnknownEntityException exception / The UnknownEntityException exception
- upgrade module path / Module paths
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) / Understanding modular run-time images [JEP-220]
- User-level Statistically Defined Tracing (USDT) / Provide stable USDT probe points on JVM compiled methods
- user interface
- defining / Defining the user interface
- initializing / Initializing the user interface
- UTF-8 property resource bundle / Support for UTF-8
- value types
- about / Value types
- references / Value types
- variable / Value types
- variable handlers [JEP 193]
- working with / Working with variable handlers [JEP 193]
- components / Working with variable handlers [JEP 193]
- Atomic Toolkit, working / Working with the AtoMiC Toolkit
- sun.misc.Unsafe class, using / Using the sun.misc.Unsafe class
- walking methods / Walking methods
- Windows [JEP 263]
- HiDPI graphics / HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux [JEP 263]
- work stealing / Concurrent Java with a Future interface
- Wrapper library
- reference / Building the service
- wrapper types / Kotlin
- WYSIWYG / TopComponent - the class for tabs and windows
- Xerces / Merging selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates into JAXP [JEP 255]
- XML (eXtensible Markup Language) / The OASIS XML Catalog standard
- XML Catalogs [JEP-268]
- about / XML Catalogs [JEP-268]
- OASIS XML Catalog standard / The OASIS XML Catalog standard
- JAXP processors / JAXP processors
- prior to Java 9 / XML Catalogs prior to Java 9
- Java 9 platform, updates / Java 9 platform changes
- young garbage collection
- options / Garbage collection options