Finding the root of a mathematical function
In this short recipe, we will see how to use SciPy to find the root of a simple mathematical function of a single real variable.
How to do it...
Let's import NumPy, SciPy,
, and matplotlib:>>> import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.optimize as opt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline
We define the mathematical function
in Python. We will try to find a root of this function numerically. Here, a root corresponds to a fixed point of the cosine function:
>>> def f(x): return np.cos(x) - x
Let's plot this function on the interval
(using 1000 samples):
>>> x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000) y = f(x) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 3)) ax.axhline(0, color='k') ax.plot(x, y) ax.set_xlim(-5, 5)
We see that this function has a unique root on this interval (this is because the function's sign changes on this interval). The