Common use cases for a service mesh
A service mesh is useful for any type of microservices architecture from an operations standpoint. This is because it allows you to control traffic, security, permissions, and observability. Here are some of the most common, standardized, and widely accepted use cases for service meshes today:
- Improving the observability: Through service-level visibility, tracing, and monitoring, we may improve the observability of distributed services. Some of the service mesh’s primary features boost visibility and your ability to troubleshoot and manage situations dramatically. For example, if one of the architecture’s services becomes a bottleneck, retrying is a frequent option, although this may exacerbate the bottleneck due to timeouts. With a service mesh, you can quickly break the circuit to failing services, disable non-functioning replicas, and maintain the API’s responsiveness.
- Blue/Green deployments: A service mesh allows...