The iOS simple example we see in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Mobile TensorFlow, uses the Inception v1 model. To make the app use our retrained Inception v3 model and MobileNet model to do better dog breed recognition, we need to make a few changes to the app. Let's first see what it takes to use the retrained quantized_stripped_dogs_retrained.pb in the iOS simple app:
- Double-click the tf_simple_example.xcworkspace file in tensorflow/examples/ios/simple to open the app in Xcode
- Drag the quantized_stripped_dogs_retrained.pb model file, the dog_retrained_labels.txt label file, and the lab1.jpg image file we used to test the label_image script, and drop to the project's data folder, making sure both Copy items if needed and Add to targets are checked, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 2.5 Adding the retrained...