Setting up the server
Use the default user name and password (ADMIN/ADMIN) for the initial login to the application. For security, it is recommended you create your own admin user during the initial setup and delete the default ADMIN user (or at least change its password). If you choose to use the LDAP directory, use the User ID and Password defined in LDAP directory, as shown in the following screenshot:

Once logged in, the "startup" steps appear. The first step asks you to decide whether you need a Fast Path Setup or Custom Setup. If you want to quickly launch the application with default values, then Fast Path is preferred; otherwise use Custom Setup to change e-mail and database configurations. Click Custom Setup as shown next:

Rational Team Concert has the Derby database and JDBC driver set up for you by default. In this step you can configure the database vendor and the connection properties. You can change the settings if you like and test them right away for the connection, as shown...