Loading a table
You can improve performance on large table loads by using parallelism. In one case, we had an existing script trying to load 130 million rows into a table without using parallelism. The load was taking forever, so here is what we did to improve this load:
Considered dropping indexes before the load
Ensured we could use intra-partition parallelism
Assigned memory parameters to be automatic
Checked table space assignment
We made sure, in this case, that we had separate table spaces for the data and index (and LOBs when present)
Assigned buffer pools to the data, index, and temp table spaces
Added parallelism to the load command
nohup db2 "load from tab415.ixf of ixf messages tab415.msg replace into DTA.FLRG_TBL nonrecoverable cpu_parallelism 8 allow no access" &
See also
The I/O Tuning recipe, in this chapter