Creating a database from an existing backup
Let's suppose you want to copy a production database into a QA server. You can prepare a script using the GUI. It will walk you through the process, and will allow you to save the script. With the GUI, you can also schedule this script as a regular task so you can refresh your QA environment on a weekly basis or at any frequency you wish.
Getting ready
Identify the backup you want to recover, and do a verification to make sure it's valid. In our example, we'll start here from a cold (offline) backup stored on disk, so there is no tape command or rollforward
to do.
How to do it...
Make sure the backup is valid.
Log in as instance owner. Go to the backup location and, from the operating system command line (Linux in this example), type
:[db2inst1@nodedb21 ~]$ cd /maint/backups [db2inst1@nodedb21 backups]$ db2ckbkp NAV.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20101114190028.001 [1] Buffers processed: ####### Image Verification Complete – successful...