Real-Time Rendering, 4th Edition by T. Akenine-Möller et al. CRC Press (2018) is a very comprehensive, 1,000 page long treatment of the subject of 3D graphics and rendering. It starts with the basics and discusses every facet of graphics programming, ending with a discussion of graphics hardware. It also boasts quite an extensive list of online resources including additional downloadable chapters.
Game Engine Architecture, 3rd Edition by J. Gregory, CRC Press (2018), has a chapter on rendering that includes a discussion of the rendering pipeline, so to say condensing the 1,000 pages of the previous book to about 100. It is also a classic introduction to game programming in general.
There's also NVIDIA's book series: GPU Gems 1, GPU Gems 2, and GPU Gems 3 that are laudably and freely accessible online at