Components of Cypher
Cypher is a declarative query language that makes it easy to write expressive and efficient queries to traverse, update, and administer a graph database. It provides a powerful way to express even complex graph traversals more simply so that you can concentrate on the domain aspects of your query instead of worrying about syntax.
Cypher expands upon a variety of established practices for querying. For example, the WHERE, ORDER BY, and CASE keywords are inspired by SQL syntax. Some of the list semantics are borrowed from Haskell and Python.
This chapter introduces the Cypher syntax with some examples. We will review the important aspects of the Cypher syntax and semantics in building graph traversal queries. We will discuss important keywords and the role they play in building the queries. We will take a look at the graph data model and how Cypher queries follow the data connections.
In this chapter, we will cover these aspects:
- Graph storage in...