Reservation details, renewal, savings, and chargeback report
After you have purchased the reservation, you want to see all the reservation details, its renewal settings, and utilization reports. In this section, we will learn how to accomplish these tasks.
Reservation details
To view the reservation details, take these steps:
- Go to Reservations in the Azure portal.
- The Reservations screen will list all the reservations that you have purchased.

Figure 6.17 – List of reservations
This list shows important information about your reservations. The Status column provides the status of the reservation. In the preceding example, it says it expires on November 3, 2022. We can also see that the automatic Renewal status is Off. This means once this reservation expires, the VM it covers will be charged at the on-demand price.
- Click on the 7 Day Utilization percent link. It provides the following details about the usage of the...