Setting up a line chart to display data retrieved from the server
This recipe explains how to set up a line chart to display remote data. As with the previous recipe, the information displayed will be income-by-month figures for a fictitious movie rental company. In this case, a server page will retrieve this information from a database and make it available to the chart, as seen in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Set the URL to load the chart from:
Ext.chart.Chart.CHART_URL = '../ext3/charts.swf';
2. Define the data store:
Ext.onReady(function() { var rentalsStore = new{ url: 'chart-line-remote.php', root: 'rentals', fields: ['month', 'payments'], autoLoad: true });
3. Create a panel that will contain your chart and define it within the panel:
var pnl = new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Movie Rentals', renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 500, height: 300, layout: 'fit', items: { xtype: 'linechart', store: rentalsStore, xField: 'month', yField: 'payments', yAxis: new Ext...