Working with RAD
So far, we discussed how DevOps breaks down silos between developers and operations and how it helps in speeding up the development of products, services, and systems. Implementing DevOps will increase the velocity of development, but DevOps in itself is merely a way of structuring planning of development. It helps in planning in iterations: starting with a minimal viable product (MVP) and then iterating improvements in next versions. DevOps is not about the development of code itself. We need a development methodology for writing the code, but that methodology should fit with DevOps. In this section, we will look at RAD.
Why does RAD fit to DevOps and the agile way of working? The main reason is that RAD is agile in itself. RAD starts with prototyping (the MVP) and then focuses on iterations. The emphasis is on the fulfillment of requirements, rather than on planning. It allows developers to realize quick improvements and adjustments during the development cycle...