In this chapter, we covered a variety of topics that are essential for orienting ourselves in a VR developer’s mindset. We covered the basics of what an immersive experience is, what the different types of immersive experiences are, and what elements distinguish each of them. We then explored the various components and technical skills required to build VR experiences.
VR is a medium that incorporates various hardware such as HMDs and motion controllers with software to create experiences that go beyond games. VR has applications in the healthcare, entertainment, and education industries too.
At the end of this chapter, we explored how to set up expectations for ourselves and our projects. We went through all the necessary steps required to complete a full project and developed a checklist we can use in future chapters to improve our creative process and VR development workflow.
In the next chapter, we will dive deep into the Unity game engine. We will learn the basics of what it is and how to use it to build VR experiences.