Did We Learn Enough?
We have a very important decision to make at this point of the Mobius Loop. As we come out of the Delivery Loop, we can decide to go around the Delivery Loop again or we can return to the Options Pivot to revisit and reprioritize our options based on the metrics and learning captured during the Delivery Loop iteration. Otherwise, we could proceed back around the Discovery Loop.
Questions we like to ask based on our learning include the following:
- As a result of what we have delivered, have we reached an outcome? Or do we need to pull some more items from the Options list or Product Backlog and do some more delivery? If so, turn right and go around the Delivery Loop again.
- Do the metrics captured from the most recent Delivery Loop suggest we've reached one or more measurable outcomes? If so, return to Discovery to validate this and work toward the next set of outcomes.
- Does the learning from our Delivery validate, invalidate, or improve understanding...