Setting up the round system
The main part of creating this game is setting up the game loop or round system. This backend code will allow you to have an intermission period before each game, add players to the battleground, show everyone who the victor is, and repeat the process.
Before creating this loop, we need to create a lobby for players to be in during the intermission period or after they die in an ongoing game. This lobby can be designed however you want and can include pads that prompt purchases when touched, like those you created in the previous chapter. Regardless, players will likely spend several minutes in here during their play session, so you want to keep them engaged. To keep dead players more entertained, you will be instructed on how to make a graphical UI (GUI) that allows you to spectate other players in the Working with the UI section of this chapter. Additionally, you could make a simple Obby with no checkpoints that players can try to complete to gain extra...