Using Prometheus and Grafana to visualize the monitoring process
With the metrics enabled, we now have a big list of lines that tell us how the system is behaving and what resources the application is using. While this gives you a window into the application tracker, the data is not very clear. You can’t see at a glance if the system is healthy or if some metrics are entering the red zone and are (almost) at their maximum.
To make these metrics more readable so that you can see what is happening inside the system, we are going to set up a dashboard. To create a dashboard, we need two components: Prometheus and Grafana. We will use Prometheus to pull the metrics from the application, store them, and make the data queryable. We will use Grafana to create the actual dashboard that is going to show the metrics.
By doing this, the metrics will be pulled from the application by Prometheus, and Grafana will query Prometheus for the metric data and show it in a dashboard.