Creating a simple newsletter signup
Our newsletter signup form has text inputs for name and e-mail, and a checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions. All three fields are required, and the e-mail is validated as an e-mail address.
On submission, a confirmation e-mail is sent to the person signing up; the data is saved in a database table and a simple thank you message is shown to the user.
Getting ready
We're starting from scratch, so no preparation is required.
How to do it...
1. Creating the form:
Open the ChronoForms Forms Manager and click the Form Wizard link.
Drag in a TextBox, change the Label to Your name and the Field Name to "name", click the Required Validation, and Apply the Properties.
Drag in a second TextBox, change the Label to Your email and the Field Name to "email", click the Required and Email Validations, and Apply the Properties.
Drag in a CheckBox; change the Label to Terms and conditions; change the first Option to I agree and delete the other two; click the One Required...