Adding hierarchies to your semantic data model
During your requirement gathering, you have collected your hierarchies, groups, and drill paths. This needs to be added to your semantic data model.
Getting ready
Review your requirements and find all the columns which are included in groupings, drill paths, or hierarchies.
How to do it...
Hierarchies, drills, and groupings are ways in which people consolidate information. The examples can include the following:
Hierarchy: As a user, I expand country to see invoices by city
Groupings: Show me all the invoice dollars by product
Drill: From product category, I want to drill down to and see all the dollars via SKU
These are different ways in which business can articulate the need to group attributes at higher levels, and then navigate to lower levels to see the detail. From a technical perspective, there are different ways to solve these problems. From a semantic model, we are interested in the perceived relationship between the attributes and recording...