Putting the footer content in place
Roots comes with a built-in footer widget area, which we can use to place the markup for our social icons:
In your WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance | Widgets.
On the far right, beneath the Primary widget area, you'll see a widget area for the Footer.
Click on it to expand it.
Drag a Text widget into it.
Now, copy the markup for our social icons from the original
file as shown in the following code snippet:<ul class="social"> <li><a href="#" title="Twitter Profile"><span class="icon fa fa-twitter"></span></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Facebook Page"><span class="icon fa fa-facebook"></span></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="LinkedIn Profile"><span class="icon fa fa-linkedin"></span></a></li> <li><a href="#" title="Google+ Profile"><span class="icon fa fa-google-plus"></span></a></li> ...