Data visualization with Java JFreeChart
JFreeChart is a popular open source chart library built in Java. It's used in various other open source projects as well such as JasperReports (open source reporting framework). You can build a number of popular charts such as pie charts, time series charts, and bar charts to visualize your data with this library.
JFreeChart builds the axis and legends in the charts and provides automatic features such as zooming into the charts with your mouse. For simple chart visualizations that the developer can use to build the models (using lesser data) JFreeChart is good but for extensive data visualization that you need to ship to your customers or end users you are better off with an elaborate data visualization product such as Tableau or QlikView over big data. Although we will cover some of the charts from JFreeChart, this chapter is by no means an extensive take on JFreeChart.
For this book and its examples, we use these charts extensively for visualizing...