In this chapter, we explored the SysTick timer, a core peripheral of all Arm Cortex microcontrollers. We began with an introduction to the SysTick timer, discussing its significance and common applications, such as generating OS ticks in real-time operating systems, executing periodic tasks, and providing precise time delays.
We then examined the SysTick timer’s registers in detail. These included the Control and Status Register (SYST_CSR
), which manages the timer’s operation and status; the Reload Value Register (SYST_RVR
), which sets the timer’s countdown period; the Current Value Register (SYST_CVR
), which holds the current value of the countdown; and the Calibration Value Register (SYST_CALIB
), which provides essential calibration properties for accurate timing. We also provided a comparison between the register names used in the Arm Generic User Guide and those in the STM32 header files to ensure clear correspondence for accurate coding.