Formatting Date and Time
The data that appears in your Zaps may not always be presented in the format that you need it in. You may often find that you need to change the format of that data so that it can be viewed in a certain way or it is compatible with the data formats required by your other apps. For example, say a new subscriber joins your newsletter but they have entered their name in lowercase; perhaps you may want to capitalize the first letter. Alternatively, a date might be shown in an American format but you might want to change it to an internationally recognized format instead. You may also want to strip out text that is presented in HTML format or use a spreadsheet-type formula to calculate something. All of this and more is possible to achieve without using code, by using Zapier’s extremely versatile Formatter by Zapier built-in app to manipulate a huge array of values into formats you prefer or need for a specific purpose.
In this chapter, we will first introduce...