Recognizing holding and swiping gestures
We are going to implement two of the gestures from the previous table in this section: holding and swiping. They are actually not "multi" gestures because they can be finished with only one finger on the surface, or one hand cursor from Kinect, but both are very useful for developing Kinect-based applications. The holding gesture can be used to trigger a button on the screen, and the swiping gesture can be used to select the menu item, by scrolling the item list and finding the required one.
Drawing cursors using two hands
Let's start now.
Declare variables for gesture recognizing. We can increase the related counters when prerequisites of a specific gesture are fitted. And when the counter reaches a certain value, we will mark the gesture as "recognized".
GLfloat cursors[6]; // Left hand: 0, 1, 2; Right: 3, 4, 5 GLfloat lastCursors[6]; GLfloat cursorColors[8]; // Left hand: 0-3; Right: 4-7 unsigned int holdGestureCount[2] = {0}; unsigned int swipeGestureCount...