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How-To Tutorials - Web Development

1802 Articles
Pravin Dhandre
07 Jun 2018
5 min read
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Working with the Vue-router plugin for SPAs

Pravin Dhandre
07 Jun 2018
5 min read
Single-Page Applications (SPAs) are web applications that load a single HTML page and updates that page dynamically based on the user interaction with the app. These SPAs use AJAX and HTML5 for creating fluid and responsive web applications without any requirement of constant page reloads. In this tutorial, we will show a step-by-step approach of how to install an extremely powerful plugin Vue-router to build Single Page Applications. This article is an excerpt from a book written by Mike Street, titled Vue.js 2.x by Example. Similar to how you add Vue and Vuex to your applications, you can either directly include the library from unpkg, or head to the following URL and download a local copy for yourself: Add the JavaScript to a new HTML document, along with Vue, and your application's JavaScript. Create an application container element, your view, as well. In the following example, I have saved the Vue-router JavaScript file as router.js: Initialize VueRouter in your JavaScript application We are now ready to add VueRouter and utilize its power. Before we do that, however, we need to create some very simple components which we can load and display based on the URL. As we are going to be loading the components with the router, we don't need to register them with Vue.component, but instead create JavaScript objects with the same properties as we would a Vue component. For this first exercise, we are going to create two pages—Home and About pages. Found on most websites, these should help give you context as to what is loading where and when. Create two templates in your HTML page for us to use: Don't forget to encapsulate all your content in one "root" element (represented here by the wrapping div tags). You also need to ensure you declare the templates before your application JavaScript is loaded. We've created a Home page template, with the id of homepage, and an About page, containing some placeholder text from lorem ipsum, with the id of about. Create two components in your JavaScript which reference these two templates: The next step is to give the router a placeholder to render the components in the view. This is done by using a custom <router-view> HTML element. Using this element gives you control over where your content will render. It allows us to have a header and footer right in the app view, without needing to deal with messy templates or include the components themselves. Add a header, main, and footer element to your app. Give yourself a logo in the header and credits in the footer; in the main HTML element, place the router-view placeholder: Everything in the app view is optional, except the router-view, but it gives you an idea of how the router HTML element can be implemented into a site structure. The next stage is to initialize the Vue-router and instruct Vue to use it. Create a new instance of VueRouter and add it to the Vue instance—similar to how we added Vuex in the previous section: We now need to tell the router about our routes (or paths), and what component it should load when it encounters each one. Create an object inside the Vue-router instance with a key of routes and an array as the value. This array needs to include an object for each route: Each route object contains a path and component key. The path is a string of the URL that you want to load the component on. Vue-router serves up components based on a first-come-first-served basis. For example, if there are several routes with the same path, the first one encountered is used. Ensure each route has the beginning slash—this tells the router it is a root page and not a sub-page. Press save and view your app in the browser. You should be presented with the content of the Home template component. If you observe the URL, you will notice that on page load a hash and forward slash (#/) are appended to the path. This is the router creating a method for browsing the components and utilizing the address bar. If you change this to the path of your second route, #/about, you will see the contents of the About component. Vue-router is also able to use the JavaScript history API to create prettier URLs. For example, would become This is activated by adding mode: 'history' to your VueRouter instance: With this, you should now be familiar with Vue-router and how to initialize it for creating new routes and paths for different web pages on your website. Do check out the book Vue.js 2.x by Example to start developing building blocks for a successful e-commerce website. What is React.js and how does it work? Why has Vue.js become so popular? Building a real-time dashboard with Meteor and Vue.js
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Aarthi Kumaraswamy
05 Jun 2018
13 min read
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Asking if good developers can be great entrepreneurs is like asking if moms can excel at work and motherhood

Aarthi Kumaraswamy
05 Jun 2018
13 min read
You heard me right. Asking, ‘can developers succeed at entrepreneurship?’ is like asking ‘if women should choose between work and having children’. ‘Can you have a successful career and be a good mom?’ is a question that many well-meaning acquaintances still ask me. You see I am a new mom, (not a very new one, my son is 2.5 years old now). I’m also the managing editor of this site since its inception last year when I rejoined work after a maternity break. In some ways, the Packt Hub feels like running a startup too. :) Now how did we even get to this question? It all started with the results of this year's skill up survey. Every year we conduct a survey amongst developers to know the pulse of the industry and to understand their needs, aspirations, and apprehensions better so that we can help them better to skill up. One of the questions we asked them this year was: ‘Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?’ To this, an overwhelming one third responded stating they want to start a business. Surveys conducted by leading consultancies, time and again, show that only 2 or 3 in 10 startups survive. Naturally, a question that kept cropping up in our editorial discussions after going through the above response was: Can developers also succeed as entrepreneurs? To answer this, first let’s go back to the question: Can you have a successful career and be a good mom? The short answer is, Yes, it is possible to be both, but it will be hard work. The long answer is, This path is not for everyone. As a working mom, you need to work twice as hard, befriend uncertainty and nurture a steady support system that you trust both at work and home to truly flourish. At times, when you see your peers move ahead in their careers or watch stay-at-home moms with their kids, you might feel envy, inadequacy or other unsavory emotions in between. You need superhuman levels of mental, emotional and physical stamina to be the best version of yourself to move past such times with grace, and to truly appreciate the big picture: you have a job you love and a kid who loves you. But what has my experience as a working mom got to do anything with developers who want to start their own business? You’d be surprised to see the similarities. Starting a business is, in many ways, like having a baby. There is a long incubation period, then the painful launch into the world followed by sleepless nights of watching over the business so it doesn’t choke on itself while you were catching a nap. And you are doing this for the first time too, even if you have people giving you advice. Then there are those sustenance issues to look at and getting the right people in place to help the startup learn to turn over, sit up, stand up, crawl and then finally run and jump around till it makes you go mad with joy and apprehension at the same time thinking about what’s next in store now. How do I scale my business? Does my business even need me? To me, being a successful developer, writer, editor or any other profession, for that matter, is about being good at what you do (write code, write stories, spot raw talent, and bring out the best in others etc) and enjoying doing it immensely. It requires discipline, skill, expertise, and will. To see if the similarities continue, let’s try rewriting my statement for a developer turned entrepreneur. Can you be a good developer and a great entrepreneur? This path is not for everyone. As a developer-turned-entrepreneur, you need to work twice as hard as your friends who have a full-time job, to make it through the day wearing many hats and putting out workplace fires that have got nothing to do with your product development. You need a steady support system both at work and home to truly flourish. At times, when you see others move ahead in their careers or listen to entrepreneurs who have sold their business to larger companies or just got VC funded, you might feel envy, selfishness, inadequacy or any other emotion in between. You need superhuman levels of maturity to move past such times, and to truly appreciate the big picture: you built something incredible and now you are changing the world, even if it is just one customer at a time with your business. Now that we sail on the same boat, here are the 5 things I learned over the last year as a working mom that I hope you as a developer-entrepreneur will find useful. I’d love to hear your take on them in the comments below. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] #1. Become a productivity master. Compartmentalize your roles and responsibilities into chunks spread across the day. Ruthlessly edit out clutter from your life. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] Your life changed forever when your child (business) was born. What worked for you as a developer may not work as an entrepreneur. The sooner you accept this, the faster you will see the differences and adapt accordingly. For example, I used to work quite late into the night and wake up late in the morning before my son was born. I also used to binge watch TV shows during weekends. Now I wake up as early as 4.30 AM so that I can finish off the household chores for the day and get my son ready for play school by 9 AM. I don’t think about work at all at this time. I must accommodate my son during lunch break and have a super short lunch myself. But apart from that I am solely focused on the work at hand during office hours and don’t think about anything else. My day ends at 11 PM. Now I am more choosy about what I watch as I have very less time for leisure. I instead prefer to ‘do’ things like learning something new, spending time bonding with my son, or even catching up on sleep, on weekends. This spring-cleaning and compartmentalization took a while to get into habit, but it is worth the effort. Truth be told, I still occasionally fallback to binging, like I am doing right now with this article, writing it at 12 AM on a Saturday morning because I’m in a flow. As a developer-entrepreneur, you might be tempted to spend most of your day doing what you love, i.e., developing/creating something because it is a familiar territory and you excel at that. But doing so at the cost of your business will cost you your business, sooner than you think. Resist the urge and instead, organize your day and week such that you spend adequate time on key aspects of your business including product development. Make a note of everything you do for a few days and then decide what’s not worth doing and what else can you do instead in its place. Have room only for things that matter to you which enrich your business goals and quality of life. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] #2. Don’t aim to create the best, aim for good enough. Ship the minimum viable product (MVP). [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] All new parents want the best for their kids from the diaper they use to the food they eat and the toys they play with. They can get carried away buying stuff that they think their child needs only to have a storeroom full of unused baby items. What I’ve realized is that babies actually need very less stuff. They just need basic food, regular baths, clean diapers (you could even get away without those if you are up for the challenge!), sleep, play and lots of love (read mommy and daddy time, not gifts). This is also true for developers who’ve just started up. They want to build a unique product that the world has never seen before and they want to ship the perfect version with great features and excellent customer reviews. But the truth is, your first product is, in fact, a prototype built on your assumption of what your customer wants. For all you know, you may be wrong about not just your customer’s needs but even who your customer is. This is why a proper market study is key to product development. Even then, the goal should be to identify the key features that will make your product viable. Ship your MVP, seek quick feedback, iterate and build a better product in the next version. This way you haven’t unnecessarily sunk upfront costs, you’re ahead of your competitors and are better at estimating customer needs as well. Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication. You need to find just the right elements to keep in your product and your business model. As Michelangelo would put it, “chip away the rest”. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] #3. There is no shortcut to success. Don’t compromise on quality or your values. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] The advice to ship a good enough product is not a permission to cut corners. Since their very first day, babies watch and learn from us. They are keen observers and great mimics. They will feel, talk and do what we feel, say and do, even if they don’t understand any of the words or gestures. I think they do understand emotions. One more reason for us to be better role models for our children. The same is true in a startup. The culture mimics the leader and it quickly sets in across the organization. As a developer, you may have worked long hours, even into the night to get that piece of code working and felt a huge rush from the accomplishment. But as an entrepreneur remember that you are being watched and emulated by those who work for you. You are what they want to be when they ‘grow up’. Do you want a crash and burn culture at your startup? This is why it is crucial that you clarify your business’s goals, purpose, and values to everyone in your company, even if it just has one other person working there. It is even more important that you practice what you preach. Success is an outcome of right actions taken via the right habits cultivated. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] #4. You can’t do everything yourself and you can’t be everywhere. You need to trust others to do their job and appreciate them for a job well done. This also means you hire the right people first. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] It takes a village to raise a child, they say. And it is very true, especially in families where both parents work. It would’ve been impossible for me to give my 100% at work, if I had to keep checking in on how my son is doing with his grandparents or if I refused the support my husband offers sharing household chores. Just because you are an exceptional developer, you can’t keep micromanaging product development at your startup. As a founder, you have a larger duty towards your entire business and customers. While it is good to check how your product is developing, your pure developer days are behind. Find people better than you at this job and surround yourself with people who are good at what they do, and share your values for key functions of your startup. Products succeed because of developers, businesses succeed because their leader knew when to get out of the way and when to step in. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] #5. Customer first, product next, ego last. [divider style="normal" top="20" bottom="20"] This has been the toughest lesson so far. It looks deceptively simple in theory but hard to practice in everyday life. As developers and engineers, we are primed to find solutions. We also see things in binaries: success and failure, right and wrong, good and bad. This is a great quality to possess to build original products. However, it is also the Achilles heel for the developer turned entrepreneur. In business, things are seldom in black and white. Putting product first can be detrimental to knowing your customers. For example, you build a great product, but the customer is not using it as you intended it to be used. Do you train your customers to correct their ways or do you unearth the underlying triggers that contribute to that customer behavior and alter your product’s vision? The answer is, ‘it depends’. And your job as an entrepreneur is to enable your team to find the factors that influence your decision on the subject; it is not to find the answer yourself or make a decision based on your experience. You need to listen more than you talk to truly put your customer first. To do that you need to acknowledge that you don’t know everything. Put your ego last. Make it easy for customers to share their views with you directly. Acknowledge that your product/service exists to serve your customers’ needs. It needs to evolve with your customer. Find yourself a good mentor or two who you respect and want to emulate. They will be your sounding board and the light at the end of the tunnel during your darkest hours (you will have many of those, I guarantee). Be grateful for your support network of family, friends, and colleagues and make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them for playing their part in your success. If you have the right partner to start the business, jump in with both feet. Most tech startups have a higher likelihood of succeeding when they have more than one founder. Probably because the demands of tech and business are better balanced on more than one pair of shoulders. [dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow we frame our questions is a big part of the problem. Reframing them makes us see different perspectives thereby changing our mindsets. Instead of asking ‘can working moms have it all?’, what if we asked ‘what can organizations do to help working moms achieve work-life balance?’, ‘how do women cope with competing demands at work and home?’ Instead of asking ‘can developers be great entrepreneurs?’ better questions to ask are ‘what can developers do to start a successful business?’, ‘what can we learn from those who have built successful companies?’ Keep an open mind; the best ideas may come from the unlikeliest sources! 1 in 3 developers wants to be an entrepreneur. What does it take to make a successful transition? Developers think managers don’t know enough about technology. And that’s hurting business. 96% of developers believe developing soft skills is important  
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Pravin Dhandre
05 Jun 2018
13 min read
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How to navigate files in a Vue app using the Dropbox API

Pravin Dhandre
05 Jun 2018
13 min read
Dropbox API is a set of HTTP endpoints that help apps to integrate with Dropbox easily. It allows developers to work with files present in Dropbox and provides access to advanced functionality like full-text search, thumbnails, and sharing. In this article we will discuss Dropbox API functionalities listed below to navigate and query your files and folders: Loading and querying the Dropbox API Listing the directories and files from your Dropbox account Adding a loading state to your app Using Vue animations To get started you will need a Dropbox account and follow the steps detailed in this article. If you don't have one, sign up and add a few dummy files and folders. The content of Dropbox doesn't matter, but having folders to navigate through will help with understanding the code. This article is an excerpt from a book written by Mike Street titled Vue.js 2.x by Example.  This book puts Vue.js into a real-world context, guiding you through example projects to help you build Vue.js applications from scratch. Getting started—loading the libraries Create a new HTML page for your app to run in. Create the HTML structure required for a web page and include your app view wrapper: It's called #app here, but call it whatever you want - just remember to update the JavaScript. As our app code is going to get quite chunky, make a separate JavaScript file and include it at the bottom of the document. You will also need to include Vue and the Dropbox API SDK. As with before, you can either reference the remote files or download a local copy of the library files. Download a local copy for both speed and compatibility reasons. Include your three JavaScript files at the bottom of your HTML file: Create your app.js and initialize a new Vue instance, using the el tag to mount the instance onto the ID in your view. Creating a Dropbox app and initializing the SDK Before we interact with the Vue instance, we need to connect to the Dropbox API through the SDK. This is done via an API key that is generated by Dropbox itself to keep track of what is connecting to your account and where Dropbox requires you to make a custom Dropbox app. Head to the Dropbox developers area and select Create your app. Choose Dropbox API and select either a restricted folder or full access. This depends on your needs, but for testing, choose Full Dropbox. Give your app a name and click the button Create app. Generate an access token to your app. To do so, when viewing the app details page, click the Generate button under the Generated access token. This will give you a long string of numbers and letters - copy and paste that into your editor and store it as a variable at the top of your JavaScript. In this the API key will be referred to as XXXX: Now that we have our API key, we can access the files and folders from our Dropbox. Initialize the API and pass in your accessToken variable to the accessToken property of the Dropbox API: We now have access to Dropbox via the dbx variable. We can verify our connection to Dropbox is working by connecting and outputting the contents of the root path: This code uses JavaScript promises, which are a way of adding actions to code without requiring callback functions. Take a note of the first line, particularly the path variable. This lets us pass in a folder path to list the files and folders within that directory. For example, if you had a folder called images in your Dropbox, you could change the parameter value to /images and the file list returned would be the files and folders within that directory. Open your JavaScript console and check the output; you should get an array containing several objects - one for each file or folder in the root of your Dropbox. Displaying your data and using Vue to get it Now that we can retrieve our data using the Dropbox API, it's time to retrieve it within our Vue instance and display in our view. This app is going to be entirely built using components so we can take advantage of the compartmentalized data and methods. It will also mean the code is modular and shareable, should you want to integrate into other apps. We are also going to take advantage of the native Vue created() function - we'll cover it when it gets triggered in a bit. Create the component First off, create your custom HTML element, <dropbox-viewer>, in your View. Create a <script> template block at the bottom of the page for our HTML layout: Initialize your component in your app.js file, pointing it to the template ID: Viewing the app in the browser should show the heading from the template. The next step is to integrate the Dropbox API into the component. Retrieve the Dropbox data Create a new method called dropbox. In there, move the code that calls the Dropbox class and returns the instance. This will now give us access to the Dropbox API through the component by calling this.dropbox(): We are also going to integrate our API key into the component. Create a data function that returns an object containing your access token. Update the Dropbox method to use the local version of the key: We now need to add the ability for the component to get the directory list. For this, we are going to create another method that takes a single parameter—the path. This will give us the ability later to request the structure of a different path or folder if required. Use the code provided earlier - changing the dbx variable to this.dropbox(): Update the Dropbox filesListFolder function to accept the path parameter passed in, rather than a fixed value. Running this app in the browser will show the Dropbox heading, but won't retrieve any folders because the methods have not been called yet. The Vue life cycle hooks This is where the created() function comes in. The created() function gets called once the Vue instance has initialized the data and methods, but has yet to mount the instance on the HTML component. There are several other functions available at various points in the life cycle; more about these can be read at The life cycle is as follows: Using the created() function gives us access to the methods and data while being able to start our retrieval process as Vue is mounting the app. The time between these various stages is split-second, but every moment counts when it comes to performance and creating a quick app. There is no point waiting for the app to be fully mounted before processing data if we can start the task early. Create the created() function on your component and call the getFolderStructure method, passing in an empty string for the path to get the root of your Dropbox: Running the app now in your browser will output the folder list to your console, which should give the same result as before. We now need to display our list of files in the view. To do this, we are going to create an empty array in our component and populate it with the result of our Dropbox query. This has the advantage of giving Vue a variable to loop through in the view, even before it has any content. Displaying the Dropbox data Create a new property in your data object titled structure, and assign this to an empty array. In the response function of the folder retrieval, assign response.entries to this.structure. Leave console.log as we will need to inspect the entries to work out what to output in our template: We can now update our view to display the folders and files from your Dropbox. As the structure array is available in our view, create a <ul> with a repeatable <li> looping through the structure. As we are now adding a second element, Vue requires templates to have one containing the element, wrap your heading and list in a <div>: Viewing the app in the browser will show a number of empty bullet points when the array appears in the JavaScript console. To work out what fields and properties you can display, expand the array in the JavaScript console and then further for each object. You should notice that each object has a collection of similar properties and a few that vary between folders and files. The first property, .tag, helps us identify whether the item is a file or a folder. Both types then have the following properties in common: id: A unique identifier to Dropbox name: The name of the file or folder, irrespective of where the item is path_display: The full path of the item with the case matching that of the files and folders path_lower: Same as path_display but all lowercase Items with a .tag of a file also contain several more fields for us to display: client_modified: This is the date when the file was added to Dropbox. content_hash: A hash of the file, used for identifying whether it is different from a local or remote copy. More can be read about this on the Dropbox website. rev: A unique identifier of the version of the file. server_modified: The last time the file was modified on Dropbox. size: The size of the file in bytes. To begin with, we are going to display the name of the item and the size, if present. Update the list item to show these properties: More file meta information To make our file and folder view a bit more useful, we can add more rich content and metadata to files such as images. These details are available by enabling the include_media_info option in the Dropbox API. Head back to your getFolderStructure method and add the parameter after path. Here are some new lines of readability: Inspecting the results from this new API call will reveal the media_info key for videos and images. Expanding this will reveal several more pieces of information about the file, for example, dimensions. If you want to add these, you will need to check that the media_info object exists before displaying the information: Try updating the path when retrieving the data from Dropbox. For example, if you have a folder called images, change the this.getFolderStructure parameter to /images. If you're not sure what the path is, analyze the data in the JavaScript console and copy the value of the path_lower attribute of a folder, for example: Formatting the file sizes With the file size being output in plain bytes it can be quite hard for a user to dechiper. To combat this, we can add a formatting method to output a file size which is more user-friendly, for example displaying 1kb instead of 1024. First, create a new key on the data object that contains an array of units called byteSizes: This is what will get appended to the figure, so feel free to make these properties either lowercase or full words, for example, megabyte. Next, add a new method, bytesToSize, to your component. This will take one parameter of bytes and output a formatted string with the unit at the end: We can now utilize this method in our view: Add loading screen The last step of this tutorial is to make a loading screen for our app. This will tell the user the app is loading, should the Dropbox API be running slowly (or you have a lot of data to show!). The theory behind this loading screen is fairly basic. We will set a loading variable to true by default that then gets set to false once the data has loaded. Based on the result of this variable, we will utilize view attributes to show, and then hide, an element with the loading text or animation in and also reveal the loaded data list. Create a new key in the data object titled isLoading. Set this variable to true by default: Within the getFolderStructure method on your component, set the isLoading variable to false. This should happen within the promise after you have set the structure: We can now utilize this variable in our view to show and hide a loading container. Create a new <div> before the unordered list containing some loading text. Feel free to add a CSS animation or an animated gif—anything to let the user know the app is retrieving data: We now need to only show the loading div if the app is loading and the list once the data has loaded. As this is just one change to the DOM, we can use the v-if directive. To give you the freedom of rearranging the HTML, add the attribute to both instead of using v-else. To show or hide, we just need to check the status of the isLoading variable. We can prepend an exclamation mark to the list to only show if the app is not loading: Our app should now show the loading container once mounted, and then it should show the list once the app data has been gathered. To recap, our complete component code now looks like this: Animating between states As a nice enhancement for the user, we can add some transitions between components and states. Helpfully, Vue includes some built-in transition effects. Working with CSS, these transitions allow you to add fades, swipes, and other CSS animations easily when DOM elements are being inserted. More information about transitions can be found in the Vue documentation. The first step is to add the Vue custom HTML <transition> element. Wrap both your loading and list with separate transition elements and give it an attribute of name and a value of fade: Now add the following CSS to either the head of your document or a separate style sheet if you already have one: With the transition element, Vue adds and removes various CSS classes based on the state and time of the transition. All of these begin with the name passed in via the attribute and are appended with the current stage of transition: Try the app in your browser, you should notice the loading container fading out and the file list fading in. Although in this basic example, the list jumps up once the fading has completed, it's an example to help you understand using transitions in Vue. We learned to make Dropbox viewer to list out files and folders from the Dropbox account and also used Vue animations for navigation. Do check out the book Vue.js 2.x by Example to start integrating remote data into your web applications swiftly. Building a real-time dashboard with Meteor and Vue.js Building your first Vue.js 2 Web application Installing and Using Vue.js
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Fatema Patrawala
04 Jun 2018
9 min read
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1 in 3 developers want to be entrepreneurs. What does it take to make a successful transition?

Fatema Patrawala
04 Jun 2018
9 min read
Much of the change we have seen over the last decade has been driven by a certain type of person: part developer, part entrepreneur. From Steve Jobs, to Bill Gates, Larry Page to Sergey Bin, Mark Zuckerberg to Elon Musk - the list is long. These people have built their entrepreneurial success on software. In doing so, they’ve changed the way we live, and changed the way we look at the global tech landscape. Part of the reason software is eating the world is because of the entrepreneurial spirit of people like these.Silicon Valley is a testament to this! That is why a combination of tech and leadership skills in developers is the holy grail even today. From this perspective, we weren’t surprised to find that a significant number of developers working today have entrepreneurial ambitions. In this year’s Skill Up survey we asked respondents what they hope to be doing in the next 5 years. A little more than one third of the respondents said they would like to be working as a founder of their own company. Source: Packt Skill Up Survey But being a successful entrepreneur requires a completely new set of skills from those that make one a successful developer. It requires a different mindset. True, certain skills you might already possess. Others, though you’re going to have to acquire. With skills realizing the power of purpose and values will be the key factor to building a successful venture. You will need to clearly articulate why you’re doing something and what you’re doing. In this way you will attract and keep customers who will clearly know the purpose of your business. Let us see what it takes to transition from a developer to a successful entrepreneur. Think customer first, then product: Source: Gifer Whatever you are thinking right now, think Bigger! Developers love making things. And that’s a good place to begin. In tech, ideas often originate from technical conversations and problem solving. “Let’s do X on Z  platform because the Y APIs make it possible”. This approach works sometimes, but it isn’t a sustainable business model. That’s because customers don’t think like that. Their thought process is more like this: “Is X for me?”, “Will X solve my problem?”, “Will X save me time or money?”. Think about the customer first and then begin developing your product. You can’t create a product and then check if there is it is in demand - that sounds obvious, but it does happen. Do your research, think about the market and get to know your customer first. In other words, to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to go one step further - yes, care about your products, but think about it from the long term perspective. Think big picture: what’s going to bring in real value to the lives of other people. Search for opportunities to solve problems in other people’s lives adopting a larger and more market oriented approach. Adding a bit of domain knowledge like market research, product-market fit, market positioning etc to your to-do list should be a vital first step in your journey. Remember, being a good technician is not enough Source: Tenor Most developers are comfortable and probably excel at being good technicians. This means you’re good at writing those beautiful codes, produce something tangible, and cranking away on each task, moving one step closer to the project launch date. Great. But it takes more than a technician to run a successful business. It’s critical to look ahead into both the near and the long term. What’s going to provide the best ROI next year? Where do I want to be in 5 years time? To do this you need to be organized and focused. It’s of critical importance to determine your goals and objectives. Simply put you need to evolve from being a problem solver/great executioner to a visionary/strategic thinker. The developer-entrepreneur is a rare breed of doer-thinker. Be passionate and focussed Source: Bustle Perseverance is the single most important trait found in successful entrepreneurs. As a developer you are primed to think logically and come to conclusions, which is a great trait to possess in most cases. However, in entrepreneurship there will be times when you will do all the right things, meet the right people and yet meet with failures. To get your company off the ground, you need to be passionate and excited about what you’re working on. This enthusiasm will often be the only thing to carry you through late nights, countless setbacks and tough situations. You must stay open, even if logic dictates otherwise. Most startups fail either because they read the market wrong or they didn’t stay long enough in the race. You need to also know how to focus closely on the very next step to get closer to your ultimate goal. There will be many distracting forces when trying to build a business that focusing on one particular task will not be easy and you will need to religiously master this skill. Become amazing at networking Source: Gfycat It truly isn't about what you know or what you have developed. Sure, what you know is important. But what's far more important is who you know. There's a reason why certain people can make so much progress in such a brief period. These business networking power players command the room by bringing the right people together.  As an entrepreneur, if there's one thing that you should focus on, it's becoming a truly skilled business networker. Imagine having an idea for a business that's so wonderful, that you can pick up the phone and call four or five people who can help you turn that idea into a reality. Sharpen your strategic and critical thinking skills Source: Tenor As entrepreneurs it’s essential to possess sharp critical thinking skills. When you think critically,t you ask the hard, tactical questions while expanding the lens to see the wider picture. Without thinking critically, it’s hard to assess whether the most creative application that you have developed really has a life out in the world. You are always going to love what you have created but it is important to wear multiple hats to think from the users’ perspective. Get it reviewed by the industry stalwarts in your community to catch that silly but important area that you could have missed while planning. With critical thinking it is also important you strategize and plan out things for smooth functioning of your business. Find and manage the right people Source: Gfycat In reality businesses are like living creatures, who’s organs all need to work in harmony. There is no major organ more critical than another, and a failure to one system can bring down all the others. Developers build things, marketers get customers and salespersons sell products. The trick is, to find and employ the right people for your business if you are to create a sustainable business. Your ideas and thinking will need to align with the ideas of people that you are working with. Only by learning to leverage employees, vendors and other resources can you build a scalable and sustainable company. Learn the art of selling an idea Source: Patent an idea Every entrepreneur needs to play the role of a sales person whether they like it or not. To build a successful business venture you will need to sell your ideas, products or services to customers, investors or employees. You should be ready to work and be there when customers are ready to buy. Alternatively, you should also know how to let go and move on when they are not. The ability to convince others that you are going to provide them the maximum product value will help you crack that mission critical deal. Be flexible. Create contingency plans Source: Gifer Things rarely go as per plan in software development. Project scope creeps, clients expectations rise, or bugs always seem to mysteriously appear. Even the most seasoned developers can’t predict all possible scenarios so they have to be ready with contingencies. This is also true in the world of business start-ups. Despite the best-laid business plans, entrepreneurs need to be prepared for the unexpected and be able to roll with the punches. You need to very well be prepared with an option A, B or C. Running a business is like sea surfing. You’ve got to be nimble enough both in your thinking and operations to ride the waves, high and low. Always measure performance Source: Tenor "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." Peter Drucker’s point feels obvious but is one worth bearing in mind always. If you can't measure something, you’ll never improve. Measuring key functions of your business will help you scale it faster. Otherwise you risk running your firm blindly, without any navigational path to guide it. Closing Comments Becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business is one of life’s most challenging and rewarding journeys. Having said that, for all of the perks that the entrepreneurial path offers, it’s far from being all roses. Being an entrepreneur means being a warrior. It means being clever, hungry and often a ruthless competitor. If you are a developer turned entrepreneur, we’d love to hear your take on the topic and your own personal journey. Share your comments below or write to us at Developers think managers don’t know enough about technology. And that’s hurting business. 96% of developers believe developing soft skills is important Don’t call us ninjas or rockstars, say developers        
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Fatema Patrawala
01 Jun 2018
7 min read
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Developers think managers don’t know enough about technology. And that’s hurting business.

Fatema Patrawala
01 Jun 2018
7 min read
It's not hard to find jokes online about management not getting software. There has long been a perception that those making key business decisions don't actually understand the technology and software that is at the foundation of just about every organization's operations. Now, research has confirmed that the management and engineering divide is real. In this year's Skill Up survey that we ran among 8000 developers, we found that more than 60% of developers believe they know more about technology than their manager. Source: Packtpub Skill Up Survey 2018 Developer perceptions on the topic aren't simply a question of ego; they're symptomatic of some a barriers to business success. 42% of the respondents listed management's lack of technical knowledge as a barrier to success. It also appears as one of the top 3 organizational barriers to achieving business goals. Source: Packtpub Skill Up Survey 2018 To dissect the technical challenges faced by organizations, we also asked respondents to pick the top technical barriers to success. As can be seen from the below graph, a lot of the barriers directly or indirectly relate to management’s understanding of technology. Take for example management’s decisions to continue with legacy systems, or investment or divestment from certain projects, choice of training programs and vendors etc. Source: Packtpub Skill Up Survey 2018 Management tends to weigh decisions based on the magnitude of investment against returns in immediate or medium term. Also, unless there is hard evidence of performance benefits or cost savings, management is generally wary of approving new projects or spending more on existing ones. This approach is generally robust and has saved business precious dollars by curbing pet projects and unruly experiments and research. However, with technology, things are always so straightforward. One day some tool is the talk of the town (think Adobe Flash) and everyone seems to be learning it or buying it and then in a few months or a couple of years down the line, it has gone completely off radar. Conversely, something that didn’t exist yesterday or was present in some obscure research lab (think self-driving tech, gene-editing, robotics etc), is now changing the rules of the game and businesses whose leadership teams have had their ears on the ground topple everyone else, including time tested veterans. Early adopters and early jumpers make the most of tech trends. This requires one (in the position to make decisions within organizations) to be aware of the changing tech landscape to the extent that one can predict what’s going to replace the current reigning tech and in what timeframe. It requires that management is aware of what’s happening in adjacent industries or even in seemingly unrelated ones. Who knew Unity (game platform), Nvidia (chipmaker), Google (search engine), would enter the auto industry, (all thanks to self driving tech)? While these are some over the top factors, let us look at each one of them in detail. Why do developers believe there is a management knowledge gap? Few reasons listed to justify the response: Rapid pace of technology change: The rapid rate of technology change is significantly impacting IT strategy. Not only are there plenty of emerging technology trends, from AI to cloud, they’re all coming at the same time, and even affecting each other. It’s clear that keeping up with the rate of digital advancement - for example automation, harnessing big data, emerging technologies and cyber security - will pose significant challenge for leaders and senior management. Adding a whole new layer of complexity as they try to stay ahead of competition and innovate. Balancing strategic priorities while complying to changing regulations: Another major challenge for senior management is to balance strategic priorities with the regulatory demands of the industry. In 2018, GDPR has been setting a new benchmark for the protection of consumer data rights by making organisations more accountable. Governed by GDPR, organisations and senior management will now be responsible for guarding every piece of information connected to an individual. In order to be GDPR compliant, management will begin introducing the correct security protocols in their business processes. This will include encryption, two-factor authentication and key management strategies to avoid severe legal, financial and reputational consequences.To make the right decisions, they will need to be technically competent enough to understand the strengths and limitations of the tools and techniques involved in the compliance process Finding right IT talent: Identifying the right talent with the skill sets that you need is a big challenge for senior management. They are constantly trying to find and hire IT talent, such as skilled data scientists and app developers, to accommodate and capitalize on emerging trends in cloud and the API economy. The team has to take care to bring in the right people and let them create magic with their development skills. Alongside this they also need to reinvent how they manage, retract, retain, motivate, and compensate these folks. Responses to this quora question highlight that it can be a difficult process for managers to go through a lengthy recruitment cycle. And the worst feeling is when after all the effort the candidate declines the offer for another lucrative one. So much promising technology, so little time: Time is tight in business and tech. Keeping pace with how quickly innovative and promising technologies crop up is easier said than done. There are so many interesting technologies out there, and there's so little time to implement them fast enough. Before anyone can choose a technology that might work for the company, a new product appears to be on the horizon. Once you see something you like, there's always something else popping up. While managers are working on a particular project to make all the parts work together for an outstanding customer experience, it requires time to do so and implement these technologies. When juggling with all of these moving parts, managers are always looking for technologies and ways to implement great things faster. That's the major reason behind companies having a CTO, VP of engineering and CEO separately to function at their own levels and departments. Murphy’s law of unforeseen IT problems: One of the biggest problems when you’re working in tech is Murphy's Law. This is the law that states  "Anything that can go wrong, will -- at the worst possible moment." It doesn't matter how hard we have worked, how strong the plan is, or how many times things are tested. You get to doing the project and if something has to go wrong, it will. There are times we face IT problems that we don't see coming. It doesn't matter how much you try to plan -- stuff happens. When management doesn’t properly understand technology it’s often hard for them to appreciate how problems arise and how long it can take to solve them. That puts pressure on engineers and developers which can make managing projects even harder. Overcoming perfectionism with an agile mindset: Senior management often wants things done yesterday, and they want it done perfectly. Of course, this is impossible. While Agile can help improve efficiency in the development process, perfectionism is anathema to Agile. It’s about delivering quickly and consistently, not building something perfect and then deploying it. Getting management to understand this is a challenge for engineers - good management teams will understand Agile and what the trade offs are. At the forefront of everyone’s mind should be what the customer needs and what is going to benefit the business. Concluding with Dilbert comic for a lighter note. Source With purpose, process, and changing technologies, managers need to change in the way they function and manage. People don't leave companies, they leave bad managers and the same could be said true for technical workers. They don't leave bad companies they leave non-technical managers who make bad technical decisions. Don’t call us ninjas or rockstars, say developers 96% of developers believe developing soft skills is important  
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Sugandha Lahoti
31 May 2018
11 min read
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Tips and tricks to optimize your responsive web design

Sugandha Lahoti
31 May 2018
11 min read
Loosely put, website optimization refers to the activities and processes that improve your website's user experience and visibility while reducing the costs associated with hosting your website. In this article, we will learn tips and techniques for client-side optimization. This article is an excerpt from Mastering Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition by Benjamin Jakobus, and Jason Marah. In this book, you will learn to build a customized Bootstrap website from scratch, optimize your website and integrate it with third-party frameworks. CSS optimization Before we even consider compression, minification, and file concatenation, we should think about the ways in which we can simplify and optimize our existing style sheet without using third-party tools. Of course, we should have striven for an optimal style sheet, to begin with, and in many aspects we did. However, our style sheet still leaves room for improvement. Inline styles are bad After reading this article, if you only remember one thing, then let it be that inline styles are bad. Period. Avoid using them whenever possible. Why? That's because not only will they make your website impossible to maintain as the website grows, they also take up precious bytes as they force you to repeat the same rules over and over. Consider the following code piece: <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item active"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/brazil.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Brazil </div> </div> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/datsun.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Datsun 260Z </div> </div> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/skydive.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Skydive </div> </div> </div> Note how the rule for defining an item's height, style="height: 400px", is repeated three times, once for each of the three items. That's an additional 21 characters (or 21 bytes, assuming that our document is UTF-8) for each additional image. Multiplying 3*21 gives us 63 bytes, and 21 more bytes for every new image that you want to add. Not to mention that if you ever want to update the height of the images, you will need to manually update the style attribute for every single image. The solution is, of course, to replace the inline styles with an appropriate class. Let's go ahead and define an img class that can be applied to any carousel image: .carousel-item { height: 400px; } Now let's go ahead and remove the style rules: <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item active"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/brazil.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Brazil </div> </div> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/datsun.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Datsun 260Z </div> </div> <div style="height: 400px" class="carousel-item"> <img class="d-block img-fluid" src="images/skydive.png" data-modal-picture="#carousel-modal"> <div class="carousel-caption"> Skydive </div> </div> </div> That's great! Not only is our CSS now easier to maintain, but we also shaved 29 bytes off our website (the original inline styles required 63 bytes; our new class definition, however, requires only 34 bytes). Yes, this does not seem like much, especially in the world of high-speed broadband, but remember that your website will grow and every byte adds up. Avoid Long identifiers and class names The longer your strings, the larger your files. It's a no-brainer. As such, long identifier and class names naturally increase the size of your web page. Of course, extremely short class or identifier names tend to lack meaning and therefore will make it more difficult (if not impossible) to maintain your page. As such, one should strive for an ideal balance between length and expressiveness. Of course, even better than shortening identifiers is removing them altogether. One handy technique of removing these is to use hierarchical selection. Have a look at an events pagination code piece. For example, we are using the services-events-content identifier within our pagination logic, as follows: $('#services-events-pagination').bootpag({ total: 10 }).on("page", function(event, num){ $('#services-events-content div').hide(); var current_page = '#page-' + num; $(current_page).show(); }); To denote the services content, we broke the name of our identifier into three parts, namely, services, events, and content. Our markup is as follows: <div id="services-events-content"> <div id="page-1"> <h3>My Sample Event #1</h3> ... </div> </div> Let's try and get rid of this identifier altogether by observing two characteristics of our Events section: The services-events-content is an indirect descendent of a div with the id services-events. We cannot remove this id as it is required for the menu to work. The element with the id services-events-content is itself a div. If we were to remove its id, we could also remove the entire div. As such, we do not need a second identifier to select the pages that we wish to hide. Instead, all that we need to do is select the div within the div that is within the div that is assigned the id services-events. How do we express this as a CSS selector? It's easy—use #services-events div div div. Also, as such, our pagination logic is updated as follows: $('#services-events-pagination').bootpag({ total: 10 }).on("page", function(event, num){ $('#services-events div div div').hide(); var current_page = '#page-' + num; $(current_page).show(); }); Now, save and refresh. What's that? As you clicked on a page, the pagination control disappeared; that's because we are now hiding all div elements that are two div elements down from the element with the id services-events. Move the pagination control div outside its parent element. Our markup should now look as follows: <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active" id="services-events"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div id="page-1"> <h3>My Sample Event #1</h3> <h3>My Sample Event #2</h3> </div> <div id="page-2"> <h3>My Sample Event #3</h3> </div> </div> <div id="services-events-pagination"></div> </div> </div> Now save and refresh. That's better! Last but not least, let's update the css. Take the following code into consideration: #services-events-content div { display: none; } #services-events-content div img { margin-top: 0.5em; margin-right: 1em; } #services-events-content { height: 15em; overflow-y: scroll; } Replace this code with the following: #services-events div div div { display: none; } #services-events div div div img { margin-top: 0.5em; margin-right: 1em; } #services-events div div div { height: 15em; overflow-y: scroll; } That's it, we have simplified our style sheet and saved some bytes in the process! However, we have not really improved the performance of our selector. jQuery executes selectors from right to left, hence executing the last selector first. In this example, jQuery will first scan the complete DOM to discover all div elements (last selector executed first) and then apply a filter to return only those elements that are div, with a div parent, and then select only the ones with ID services-events as parent. While we can't really improve the performance of the selector in this case, we can still simplify our code further by adding a class to each page: <div id="page-1" class="page">...</div> <div id="page-2" class="page">...</div> <div id="page-3" class="page">...</div> Then, all we need to do is select by the given class: $('#services-events').hide();. Alternatively, knowing that this is equal to the DOM element within the .on callback, we can do the following in order to prevent us from iterating through the whole DOM: $(this).parents('#services-vents').find('.page').hide(); The final code will look as follows: $('#services-events-pagination').bootpag({ total: 10 }).on("page", function(event, num) { $(this).parents('#services-events').find('.page').hide(); $('#page-' + num).show(); }); Note a micro-optimization in the preceding code—there was no need for us to create that var in memory. Hence, the last line changes to $('#page-' + num).show();. Use Shorthand rules when possible According to the Mozilla Developer Network (shorthand properties, Mozilla Developer Network,, accessed November 2015), shorthand properties are: "CSS properties that let you set the values of several other CSS properties simultaneously. Using a shorthand property, a Web developer can write more concise and often more readable style sheets, saving time and energy."                                                                                    – Mozilla Developer Network, 2015 Unless strictly necessary, we should never be using longhand rules. When possible, shorthand rules are always the preferred option. Besides the obvious advantage of saving precious bytes, shorthand rules also help increase your style sheet's maintainability. For example, border: 20px dotted #FFF is equivalent to three separate rules: border-style: dotted; border-width: 20px; border-color: #FFF; Group selectors Organizing selectors into groups will arguably also save some bytes. .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > a:hover { color: gray; background-color: #504747; } .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > a:focus { color: gray; background-color: #504747; } .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { color: gray; background-color: #504747; } Note how each of the three selectors contains the same declarations, that is, the color and background-color properties are set to the exact same values for each selector. To prevent us from repeating these declarations, we should simply group them (reducing the code from 274 characters to 181 characters): .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > a:hover, .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > a:focus, .navbar-myphoto .dropdown-menu > .active > a:focus { color: gray; background-color: #504747; } Voilà! We just saved 93 bytes! (assuming UTF-8 encoding). Rendering times When optimizing your style rules, the number of bytes should not be your only concern. In fact, it comes secondary to the rendering time of your web page. CSS rules affect the amount of work that is required by the browser to render your page. As such, some rules are more expensive than others. For example, changing the color of an element is cheaper than changing its margin. The reason for this is that a change in color only requires your browser to draw the new pixels. While drawing itself is by no means a cheap operation, changing the margin of an element requires much more effort. Your browser needs to both recalculate the page layout and also draw the changes. Optimizing your page's rendering times is a complex topic, and as such is beyond the scope of this post. However, we recommend that you take a look at This site provides a concise overview of the costs involved when updating a given CSS property. Minifying CSS and JavaScript Now it is time to look into minification. Minification is the process of removing redundant characters from a file without altering the actual information contained within it. In other words, minifying the css file will reduce its overall size, while leaving the actual CSS style rules intact. This is achieved by stripping out any whitespace characters within our file. Stripping out whitespace characters has the obvious result that our CSS is now practically unreadable and impossible to maintain. As such, minified style sheets should only be used when serving a page (that is, during production), and not during development. Clearly, minifying your style sheet manually would be an incredibly time-consuming (and hence pointless) task. Therefore, there exist many tools that will do the job for us. One such tool is npm minifier. Visit for more. Let's go ahead and install it: sudo npm install -g minifier Once installed, we can minify our style sheet by typing the following command: minify path-to-myphoto.css Here, path-to-myphoto.css represents the path to the MyPhoto style sheet. Go ahead and execute the command. Once minification is complete, you should see the Minification complete message. A new CSS file (myphoto.min.css) will have been created inside the directory containing the myphoto.css file. The new file should be 2,465 bytes. Our original myphoto.css file is 3,073 bytes. Minifying our style sheet just reduced the number of bytes to send by roughly 19%! We touched upon the basics of website optimization and testing. In the follow-up article, we will see how to use the build tool Grunt to automate the more common and mundane optimization tasks. To build responsive, dynamic, and mobile-first applications on the web with Bootstrap 4, check out this book  Mastering Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition. Get ready for Bootstrap v4.1; Web developers to strap up their boots How to use Bootstrap grid system for responsive website design? Bootstrap 4 Objects, Components, Flexbox, and Layout
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Pravin Dhandre
25 May 2018
8 min read
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Testing Single Page Applications (SPAs) using Vue.js developer tools

Pravin Dhandre
25 May 2018
8 min read
Testing, especially for big applications, is paramount – especially when deploying your application to a development environment. Whether you choose unit testing or browser automation, there are a host of articles and books available on the subject. In this tutorial, we have covered the usage of Vue developer tools to test Single Page Applications. We will also touch upon other alternative tools like Nightwatch.js, Selenium, and TestCafe for testing. This article is an excerpt from a book written by Mike Street, titled Vue.js 2.x by Example.  Using the Vue.js developer tools The Vue developer tools are available for Chrome and Firefox and can be downloaded from GitHub. Once installed, they become an extension of the browser developer tools. For example, in Chrome, they appear after the Audits tab. The Vue developer tools will only work when you are using Vue in development mode. By default, the un-minified version of Vue has the development mode enabled. However, if you are using the production version of the code, the development tools can be enabled by setting the devtools variable to true in your code: Vue.config.devtools = true We've been using the development version of Vue, so the dev tools should work with all three of the SPAs we have developed. Open the Dropbox example and open the Vue developer tools. Inspecting Vue components data and computed values The Vue developer tools give a great overview of the components in use on the page. You can also drill down into the components and preview the data in use on that particular instance. This is perfect for inspecting the properties of each component on the page at any given time. For example, if we inspect the Dropbox app and navigate to the Components tab, we can see the <Root> Vue instance and we can see the <DropboxViewer> component. Clicking this will reveal all of the data properties of the component – along with any computed properties. This lets us validate whether the structure is constructed correctly, along with the computed path property: Drilling down into each component, we can access individual data objects and computed properties. Using the Vue developer tools for inspecting your application is a much more efficient way of validating data while creating your app, as it saves having to place several console.log() statements. Viewing Vuex mutations and time-travel Navigating to the next tab, Vuex, allows us to watch store mutations taking place in real time. Every time a mutation is fired, a new line is created in the left-hand panel. This element allows us to view what data is being sent, and what the Vuex store looked like before and after the data had been committed. It also gives you several options to revert, commit, and time-travel to any point. Loading the Dropbox app, several structure mutations immediately populate within the left-hand panel, listing the mutation name and the time they occurred. This is the code pre-caching the folders in action. Clicking on each one will reveal the Vuex store state – along with a mutation containing the payload sent. The state display is after the payload has been sent and the mutation committed. To preview what the state looked like before that mutation, select the preceding option: On each entry, next to the mutation name, you will notice three symbols that allow you to carry out several actions and directly mutate the store in your browser: Commit this mutation: This allows you to commit all the data up to that point. This will remove all of the mutations from the dev tools and update the Base State to this point. This is handy if there are several mutations occurring that you wish to keep track of. Revert this mutation: This will undo the mutation and all mutations after this point. This allows you to carry out the same actions again and again without pressing refresh or losing your current place. For example, when adding a product to the basket in our shop app, a mutation occurs. Using this would allow you to remove the product from the basket and undo any following mutations without navigating away from the product page. Time-travel to this state: This allows you to preview the app and state at that particular mutation, without reverting any mutations that occur after the selected point. The mutations tab also allows you to commit or revert all mutations at the top of the left-hand panel. Within the right-hand panel, you can also import and export a JSON encoded version of the store's state. This is particularly handy when you want to re-test several circumstances and instances without having to reproduce several steps. Previewing event data The Events tab of the Vue developer tools works in a similar way to the Vuex tab, allowing you to inspect any events emitted throughout your app. Changing the filters in this app emits an event each time the filter type is updated, along with the filter query: The left-hand panel again lists the name of the event and the time it occurred. The right panel contains information about the event, including its component origin and payload. This data allows you to ensure the event data is as you expected it to be and, if not, helps you locate where the event is being triggered. The Vue dev tools are invaluable, especially as your JavaScript application gets bigger and more complex. Open the shop SPA we developed and inspect the various components and Vuex data to get an idea of how this tool can help you create applications that only commit mutations they need to and emit the events they have to. Testing your Single Page Application The majority of Vue testing suites revolve around having command-line knowledge and creating a Vue application using the CLI (command-line interface). Along with creating applications in frontend-compatible JavaScript, Vue also has a CLI that allows you to create applications using component-based files. These are files with a .vue extension and contain the template HTML along with the JavaScript required for the component. They also allow you to create scoped CSS – styles that only apply to that component. If you chose to create your app using the CLI, all of the theory and a lot of the practical knowledge you have learned in this book can easily be ported across. Command-line unit testing Along with component files, the Vue CLI allows you to integrate with command-line unit tests easier, such as Jest, Mocha, Chai, and TestCafe ( For example, TestCafe allows you to specify several different tests, including checking whether content exists, to clicking buttons to test functionality. An example of a TestCafe test checking to see if our filtering component in our first app contains the work Field would be: test('The filtering contains the word "filter"', async testController => { const filterSelector = await new Selector('body > #app > form > label:nth-child(1)'); await testController.expect(paragraphSelector.innerText).eql('Filter'); }); This test would then equate to true or false. Unit tests are generally written in conjunction with components themselves, allowing components to be reused and tested in isolation. This allows you to check that external factors have no bearing on the output of your tests. Most command-line JavaScript testing libraries will integrate with Vue.js; there is a great list available in the awesome Vue GitHub repository ( Browser automation The alternative to using command-line unit testing is to automate your browser with a testing suite. This kind of testing is still triggered via the command line, but rather than integrating directly with your Vue application, it opens the page in the browser and interacts with it like a user would. A popular tool for doing this is Nightwatch.js ( You may use this suite for opening your shop and interacting with the filtering component or product list ordering and comparing the result. The tests are written in very colloquial English and are not restricted to being on the same domain name or file network as the site to be tested. The library is also language agnostic – working for any website regardless of what it is built with. The example Nightwatch.js gives on their website is for opening Google and ensuring the first result of a Google search for rembrandt van rijn is the Wikipedia entry: module.exports = { 'Demo test Google' : function (client) { client .url('') .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000) .assert.title('Google') .assert.visible('input[type=text]') .setValue('input[type=text]', 'rembrandt van rijn') .waitForElementVisible('button[name=btnG]', 1000) .click('button[name=btnG]') .pause(1000) .assert.containsText('ol#rso li:first-child', 'Rembrandt - Wikipedia') .end(); } }; An alternative to Nightwatch is Selenium ( Selenium has the advantage of having a Firefox extension that allows you to visually create tests and commands. We covered usage of Vue.js dev tools and learned to build automated tests for your web applications. If you found this tutorial useful, do check out the book Vue.js 2.x by Example and get complete knowledge resource on the process of building single-page applications with Vue.js. Building your first Vue.js 2 Web application 5 web development tools will matter in 2018
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Richard Gall
24 May 2018
6 min read
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What matters on an engineering resume? Hacker Rank report says skills, not certifications

Richard Gall
24 May 2018
6 min read
Putting together an engineering resume can be a real headache. What should you include? How can you best communicate your experience and skills? Software engineers are constantly under pressure to deliver new projects and fix problems while learning new skills. Documenting the complexity of developer life in a straightforward and marketable manner is a challenge to say the least. Luckily, hiring managers and tech recruiters today recognize just how difficult communicating skill and competency in an engineering resume can be. A report by Hacker Rank revealed that the things that feature on a resume aren't that highly valued by recruiters and hiring managers. However, skills does remain top of the agenda: the question, really, is about how we demonstrate and communicate those skills. The quality of your previous experience matters on an engineering resume Hacker Rank found that hiring managers and tech recruiters value previous experience over everything else. 77% of survey respondents said previous experience was one of the 3 most important qualifications before a formal interview. In second place was years of experience with 46%. The difference between the two is subtle but important; it's offers a useful takeaway for engineers creating an engineering resume. Essentially, the quality of your experience is more important than the quantity of your experience. You need to make sure you communicate the details of your employment experiences. It sounds obvious but it's worth stating: applying for an engineering job isn't just a competition based on who has the most experience. You should explain the nature of the projects you are working on. The skills you used are essential, but being clear about how the project supported wider strategic or tactical goals is also important. This demonstrates not only your skills, but also your contextual awareness. It suggests to a hiring manager or recruiter you not only have the competence, but that you are also a team player with commercial awareness. Certifications aren't that important on your resume One of the most interesting insights from the Hacker Rank report was that both hiring managers and recruiters don't really care about certifications any more. Less than 16% listed it as one of the 3 most important things they look at during the recruitment process. Does this mean, then, that the certification is well and truly over? At this stage, it's hard to tell. But it does point to a wider cultural change that probably has a lot to do with open source. Because change is built into the reality of open source software, certifications are never going to be able to keep up with what's new and important. The things you learned to pass one year will likely be out of date the next. It probably also says something about the nature of technical roles today. Years ago, engineers would start a job knowing what they were going to be using. The toolchains and tech stacks would be relatively stable and consistent. In this context, certification was like a license, proving you understood the various components of a given tool or suite of tools. But today, it's more important for engineers to prove that they are both adaptable and capable of solving a range of different problems. With that in mind, it's essential to demonstrate your flexibility on your engineering resume. Make it clear that you're able to learn new things quickly, and that you can adapt your skill set to the problems you need to solve. You don't need to look good on paper to get the job... but it's going to help Hacker Rank's research also revealed that 75% of recruiters and hiring managers have hired people they initially thought didn't look good on paper. But that doesn't necessarily mean you should stop working on your resume. If anything, what this shows is that if you get your resume right, you could really catch someone's attention. You need to consider everything in your resume. Traditional resumes have a pretty clear structure, whatever job you're applying for, but if Hacker Rank's research tells us anything, it's that a an engineering resume requires a slightly different approach. Personal projects are more important than your portfolio on an engineering resume A further insight from Hacker Rank's report suggests one way you might adopt a different approach to your resume. Responding to the same question as the one we looked at above, 37% said personal projects were one of the 3 most important factors in determining whether to invite a candidate to interview. By contrast, only 22% said portfolio. This seems strange - surely a portfolio offers a deeper insight into someone's professional experience. Personal projects are more like hobbies, right? Personal projects actually tell you so much more about a candidate than a portfolio. A portfolio is largely determined by the work you have been doing. What's more, it's not always that easy to communicate value in a portfolio. Equally, if you've been badly managed, or faced a lack of support, your portfolio might not actually be a good reflection of how good you really are. Personal projects give you an insight into how a person thinks. It shows recruiters what makes an engineer tick. In the workplace your scope for creativity and problem solving might well be limited. With personal projects you're free to test out ideas try new tools. You're able to experiment. So, when you're putting together an engineering resume, make sure you dedicate some time outlining your personal projects. Consider these sorts of questions: Why did you start a project? What did you find interesting? What did you learn? Engineering skills still matter Just because the traditional resume appears to have fallen out of favor, it doesn't mean your skills don't matter. In fact, skill matters more than ever. For a third of hiring managers, skill assessments are the area they want to invest in. This would allow them to judge a candidate's competencies and skills much more effectively than simply looking at a resume. As we've seen, things like personal projects are valuable because they demonstrate skills in a way that is often difficult. They not only prove you have the technical skills you say you have, they also provide a good indication of how you think and how you might approach solving problems. They can help illustrate how you deploy those skills. And when its so easy to learn how to write lines of code (no bad thing, true), showing how you think and apply your skills is a sure fire way to make sure you stand out from the crowd. Read next: How to assess your tech team's skills Are technical skills overrated when hiring tech pros?  ‘Soft’ Skills Every Data Pro Needs
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Savia Lobo
24 May 2018
19 min read
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Build powerful progressive web apps with Firebase

Savia Lobo
24 May 2018
19 min read
Progressive Web Apps describe a collection of technologies, design concepts, and Web APIs. They work in tandem to provide an app-like experience on the mobile web. In this tutorial, we'll discuss diverse recipes and show what it takes to turn any application into a powerful, fully-optimized progressive web application using Firebase magic. This article is an excerpt taken from the book,' Firebase Cookbook', written by Houssem Yahiaoui. In this book, you will learn how to create cross-platform mobile apps, integrate Firebase in native platforms, and learn how to monetize your mobile applications using Admob for Android and iOS. Integrating Node-FCM in NodeJS server We'll see how we can fully integrate the FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) with any Nodejs application. This process is relatively easy and straightforward, and we will see how it can be done in a matter of minutes. How to do it... Let's ensure that our working environment is ready for our project, so let's install a couple of dependencies in order to ensure that everything will run smoothly: Open your terminal--in case you are using macOS/Linux--or your cmd--if you're using Windows--and write down the following command: ~> npm install fcm-push --save By using this command, we are downloading and installing the fcm-push library locally. If this is executed, it will help with managing the process of sending web push notification to our users. The NodeJS ecosystem has npm as part of it. So in order to have it on your working machine, you will have to download NodeJS and configure your system within. Here's the official NodeJS link; download and install the suitable version to your system: Now that we have successfully installed the library locally, in order to integrate it with our applications and start using it, we will just need another line of code. Within your local development project, create a new file that will host the functionality and simply implement the following code: const FCM = require('fcm-push'); Congratulations! We're typically done. In subsequent recipes, we'll see how to manage our way through the sending process and how we can successfully send our user's web push notification. Implementing service workers Service workers were, in fact, the missing piece in the web scenes of the past. They are what give us the feel of reactivity to any state that a web application, after integrating, can have from, for example, a notification message, an offline-state (no internet connection) and more. In this recipe, we'll see how we can integrate service worker into our application. Service workers files are event-driven, so everything that will happen inside them will be event based. Since it's JavaScript, we can always hook up listeners to any event. To do that, we will want to give a special logic knowing that if you will use this logic, the event will behave in its default way. You can read more about service workers and know how you can incorporate them--to achieve numerous awesome features to your application that our book won't cover--from How to do it... Services workers will live in the browser, so including them within your frontend bundle is the most suitable place for them. Keeping that in mind, let's create a file called firebase-messaging-sw.js and manifest.json file. The JavaScript file will be our service worker file and will host all major workload, and the JSON file will simply be a metadata config file. After that, ensure that you also create app.js file, where this file will be the starting point for our Authorization and custom UX.  We will look into the importance of each file individually later on, but for now, go back to the firebase-messaging-sw.js file and write the following: //[*] Importing Firebase Needed Dependencies importScripts(' 3.5.2/firebase-app.js'); importScripts(' 3.5.2/firebase-messaging.js'); // [*] Firebase Configurations var config = { apiKey: "", authDomain: "", databaseURL: "", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "" }; //[*] Initializing our Firebase Application. firebase.initializeApp(config); // [*] Initializing the Firebase Messaging Object. const messaging = firebase.messaging(); // [*] SW Install State Event. self.addEventListener('install', function(event) { console.log("Install Step, let's cache some files =D"); }); // [*] SW Activate State Event. self.addEventListener('activate', function(event) { console.log('Activated!', event);}); Within any service worker file, the install event is always fired first. Within this event, we can handle and add custom logic to any event we want. This can range from saving a local copy of our application in the browser cache to practically anything we want. Inside your metadata file, which will be the manifest.json files, write the following line: { "name": "Firebase Cookbook", "gcm_sender_id": "103953800507" } How it works... For this to work, we're doing the following: Importing using importScripts while considering this as the script tag with the src attribute in HTML, the firebase app, and the messaging libraries. Then, we're introducing our Firebase config object; we've already discussed where you can grab that object content in the past chapters. Initializing our Firebase app with our config file. Creating a new reference from the firebase.messaging library--always remember that everything in Firebase starts with a reference. We're listening to the install and activate events and printing some stdout friendly message to the browser debugger. Also, within our manifest.json file, we're adding the following metadata: The application name (optional). The gcm_sender_id with the given value. Keep in mind that this value will not change for any new project you have or will create in the future. The gcm_sender_id added line might get deprecated in the future, so keep an eye on that. Implementing sending/receiving registration using Socket.IO By now, we've integrated our FCM server and made our service worker ready to host our awesome custom logic. Like we mentioned, we're about to send web push notifications to our users to expand and enlarge their experience without application. Lately, web push notification is being considered as an engagement feature that any cool application nowadays, ranging from Facebook and Twitter to numerous e-commerce sites, is making good use of. So in the first approach, let's see how we can make it happen with Socket.IO. In order to make the FCM server aware of any client--basically, a browser--Browser OEM has what we call a registration_id. This token is a unique token for every browser that will represent our clients by their browsers and needs to be sent to the FCM server. Each browser generates its own registration_id token. So if your user uses, for instance, chrome for their first interaction with the server and they used firefox for their second experience, the web push notification message won't be sent, and they need to send another token so that they can be notified. How to do it... Now, go back to your NodeJS project that was created in the first recipe. Let's download the node.js dependency: ~> npm install express --save is also event-based and lets us create our custom event for everything we have, plus some native one for connections. Also, we've installed ExpressJS for configuration sake in order to create a server. Now after doing that, we need to configure our server using express. In this case, do as shown in the following code: const express = require('express'); const app = express(); = require('')(); // [*] Configuring our static files. app.use(express.static('public/')); // [*] Configuring Routes. app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/index.html'); }); // [*] Configuring our Socket Connection.'connection', socket => { console.log('Huston ! we have a new connection ...'); }) So let's discuss the preceding code, where we are simply doing the following: Importing express and creating a new express app. Using the power of object on the fly, we've included the package over a new sub-object over the express application. This integration makes our express application now support the usage of over the Application. We're indicating that we want to use the public folder as our static files folder, which will host our HTML/CSS/Javascript/IMG resources. We're listening to the connection, which will be fired once we have a new upcoming client. Once a new connection is up, we're printing a friendly message over our console. Let's configure our frontend. Head directly to your index.html files located in the public folder, and add the following line at the head of your page: <script src="/"></script> The file will be served in application launch time, so don't worry much if you don't have one locally. Then, at the bottom of our index.html file before the closing of our <body> tag, add the following: <script> var socket = io.connect('localhost:3000'); </script> In the preceding script, we're connecting our frontend to our backend. Supposedly, our server is in port 3000; this way, we ensured that our two applications are running in sync. Head to your app.js files--created in the earlier recipes; create and import it if you didn't do so already--and introduce the following: //[*] Importing Firebase Needed Dependencies importScripts(' 3.5.2/firebase-app.js'); importScripts(' 3.5.2/firebase-messaging.js'); // [*] Firebase Configurations var config = { apiKey: "", authDomain: "", databaseURL: "", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "" }; //[*] Initializing our Firebase Application. firebase.initializeApp(config); // [*] Initializing the Firebase Messaging Object. const messaging = firebase.messaging(); Everything is great; don't forget to import the app.js file within your index.html file. We will now see how we can grab our registration_id token next: As I explained earlier, the registration token is unique per browser. However, in order to get it, you should know that this token is considered a privacy issue. To ensure that they do not fall into the wrong hands, it's not available everywhere and to get it, you need to ask for the Browser User Permission. Since you can use it in any particular application, let's see how we can do that. The registration_id token will be considered as security and privacy threat to the user in case this token has been compromised, because once the attacker or the hacker gets the tokens, they can send or spam users with push messages that might have a malicious intent within, so safely keeping and saving those tokens is a priority. Now, within your app.js files that we created early on, let's add the following lines of code underneath the Firebase messaging reference: messaging.requestPermission() .then(() => { console.log("We have permission !"); return messaging.getToken(); }) .then((token) => { console.log(token); socket.emit("new_user", token); }) .catch(function(err) { console.log("Huston we have a problem !",err); }); We've sent out token using the awesome feature of In order to get it now, let's simply listen to the same event and hope that we will get some data over our NodeJS backend. We will now proceed to learn about receiving registration token: Back to the app.js file, inside our connection event, let's add the following code: socket.on('new_user', (endpoint) => { console.log(endpoint); //TODO : Add endpoint aka.registration_token, to secure place. }); Our logic will look pretty much as shown in the following code block: // [*] Configuring our Socket Connection.'connection', socket => { console.log('Huston ! we have a new connection ...'); socket.on('new_user', (endpoint) => { console.log(endpoint); //TODO : Add endpoint aka.registration_token, to secure place. }); }); Now, we have our bidirectional connection set. Let's grab that regitration_token and save it somewhere safe for further use. How it works... In the first part of the recipe, we did the following: Importing using importScripts considering it a script tag with src attribute in HTML, the firebase app, and messaging libraries. Then, we're introducing our Firebase Config object. We've already discussed where you can grab that object content in the previous chapters. Initializing our Firebase app with our config file. Creating a new reference from firebase.messaging library--always remember that everything in Firebase starts with a reference. Let's discuss what we did previously in the section where we talked about getting the registration_token value: We're using the Firebase messaging reference that we created earlier and executing the requestPermission() function, which returns a promise. Next--assuming that you're following along with this recipe--you will do the following over your page. After launching the development server, you will get a request from your page (Figure 1): Now, let's get back to the code. If we allow the notification, the promise resolver will be executed and then we will return the registration_token value from themessaging.getToken(). Then, we're sending that token over a socket and emitting that with an even name of new_user. uses web sockets and like we explained before, sockets are event based. So in order to have a two-way connection between nodes, we need to emit, that is, send an event after giving it a name and listening to the same event with that name. Remember the event's name because we'll incorporate that into our further recipes. Implementing sending/receiving registration using post requests In a different approach from the one used in, let's explore the other way around using post requests. This means that we'll use a REST API that will handle all that for us. At the same time, it will handle saving the registration_token value in a secure place as well. So let's see how we can configure that. How to do it... First, let's start writing our REST API. We will do that by creating an express post endpoint. This endpoint will be porting our data to the server, but before that, let's install some dependencies using the following line: ~> npm install express body-parser --save Let's discuss what we just did: We're using npm to download ExpressJS locally to our development directory. Also, we're downloading body-parser. This is an ExpressJS middleware that will host all post requests data underneath the body subobject. This module is quite a common package in the NodeJS community, and you will find it pretty much everywhere. Now, let's configure our application. Head to the app.js file and add the following code lines there: const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // [*] Configuring Body Parser. app.use(bodyParser.json()); // [*] Configuring Routes.'/regtoken', (req, res) => { let reg_token =req.body.regtoken; console.log(reg_token); //TODO : Create magic while saving this token in secure place. }); In the preceding code, we're doing the following: Importing our dependencies including ExpressJS and BodyParser. In the second step, we're registering the body parser middleware. You can read more about body parser and how to properly configure it to suit your needs from Next, we're creating an express endpoint or a route. This route will host our custom logic to manage the retrieval of the registration token sent from our users. Now, let's see how we can send the registration token to form our user's side. In this step, you're free to use any HTTP client you seek. However, in order to keep things stable, we'll use the browser native fetch APIs. Since we've managed to fully configure our routes, it can host the functionality we want. Let's see how we can get the registration_token value and send it to our server using post request and the native browser HTTP client named fetch: messaging.requestPermission() .then(() => { console.log("We have permission !"); return messaging.getToken(); }) .then((token) => { console.log(token); //[*] Sending the token fetch("http://localhost:3000/regtoken", { method: "POST" }).then((resp) => { //[*] Handle Server Response. }) .catch(function(err) { //[*] Handle Server Error. }) }) .catch(function(err) { console.log("Huston we have a problem !", err); }); How it works... Let's discuss what we just wrote in the preceding code: We're using the Firebase messaging reference that we created earlier and executing the requestPermission() function that returns a promise. Next, supposing that you're following along with this recipe, after launching the development server you will get the following authorization request from your page: Moving back to the code, if we allow the notification, the promise resolver will be executed and then we will return the registration_token value from the messaging.getToken(). Next, we're using the Fetch API given it a URL as a first parameter and a method name that is post and handling the response and error. Since we saw the different approaches to exchange data between the client and the server, in the next recipe, we will see how we can receive web push notification messages from the server. Receiving web push notification messages We can definitely say that things are on a good path. We managed to configure our message to the server in the past recipes. Now, let's work on getting the message back from the server in a web push message. This is a proven way to gain more leads and regain old users. It is a sure way to re-engage your users, and success stories do not lie. Facebook, Twitter, and e-commerce websites are the living truth on how a web push message can make a difference in your ecosystem and your application in general. How to do it... Let's see how we can unleash the power of push messages. The API is simple and the way to do has never been easier, so let's how we can do that! Let's write down the following code over our firebase-messaging-sw.js file: // [*] Special object let us handle our Background Push Notifications messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(function(payload) { return self.registration.showNotification(, body:; }); Let's explain the preceding code: We're using the already created messaging object created using the Firebase messaging library, and we're calling. the setBackgroundMessageHandler() function. This will mean that we will catch all the messages that we will keep receiving in the background. We're using the service worker object represented in the self-object, and we're calling the showNotification() function and passing it some parameters. The first parameter is the title, and we're grabbing it from the server; we'll see how we can get it in just a second. The second parameter is the body of the message. Now, we've prepared our frontend to received messages. Let's send them from the server, and we will see how we can do that using the following code: var fcm = new FCM('<FCM_CODE>'); var message = { to: data.endpoint, // required fill with device token or topics notification: { title: data.payload.title, body: data.payload.body } }; fcm.send(message) .then(function(response) { console.log("Successfully sent with response: ", response); }) .catch(function(err) { console.log("Something has gone wrong!"); console.error(err); }) }); The most important part is FCM_CODE. You can grab it in the Firebase console by going to the Firebase Project Console and clicking on the Overview tab (Figure 3): Then, go to the CLOUD MESSAGING tab and copy and paste the Server Key in the section (Figure 4): How it works... Now, let's discuss the code that what we just wrote: The preceding code can be put everywhere, which means that you can send push notifications in every part of your application. We're composing our notification message by putting the registration token and the information we want to send. We're using the fcm.send() method in order to send our notification to the wanted users. Congratulations! We're done; now go and test your awesome new functionality! Implementing custom notification messages In the previous recipes, we saw how we can send a normal notification. Let's add some controllers and also learn how to add some pictures to it so that we can prettify it a bit. How to do it... Now write the following code and add it to our earlier code over the messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler() function. So, the end result will look something like this: // [*] Special object let us handle our Background Push Notifications messaging.setBackgroundMessageHandler(function(payload) { const notificationOptions = { body:, icon: "images/icon.jpg", actions: [ { action : 'like', title: 'Like', image: '<link-to-like-img>' }, { action : 'dislike', title: 'Dislike', image: '<link-to-like-img>' } ] } self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) { var messageId =; event.notification.close(); if (event.action === 'like') { console.log("Going to like something !"); } else if (event.action === 'dislike') { console.log("Going to dislike something !"); } else { console.log("wh00t !"); } }, false); return self.registration.showNotification(,notificationOptions); }); How it works... Let's discuss what we've done so far: We added the notificationOptions object that hosts some of the required metadata, such as the body of the message and the image. Also, in this case, we're adding actions, which means we'll add custom buttons to our notification message. These will range from title to image, the most important part is the action name. Next, we listened on notificationclick, which will be fired each time one of the actions will be selected. Remember the action field we added early on; it'll be the differentiation point between all actions we might add. Then, we returned the notification and showed it using the showNotification() function. We saw how to build powerful progressive applications using Firebase. If you've enjoyed reading this tutorial, do check out, 'Firebase Cookbook', for creating serverless applications with Firebase Cloud Functions or turning your traditional applications into progressive apps with Service workers. What is a progressive web app? Windows launches progressive web apps… that don’t yet work on mobile Hybrid Mobile apps: What you need to know
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Richard Gall
23 May 2018
7 min read
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Is web development dying?

Richard Gall
23 May 2018
7 min read
It's not hard to find people asking whether web development is dying. A quick search throws up questions on Quora, Reddit, and other forums. "Is web development a dying profession or does it just smell funny?" asks one Reddit user. The usual suspects in the world of content (Forbes et al) have responded with their own takes and think pieces on whether web development is dead. And why wouldn't they? I, for one, would never miss out on an opportunity to write something with an outlandish and provocative headline for clicks. So, is web development dying or simply very unwell? Why do people think web development is dying? The question might seem a bit overwrought, but there are good reasons for people to ask the question. One reason is that getting a website has never been easier or cheaper. Think about it: if you want to create a content site, it doesn't take much to set one up with WordPress. You barely need to be technically literate, let alone a developer. Similarly, if you want an eCommerce store there are plenty of off-the-shelf solutions that allow people to start running an online business with very little work at all. Even if you do want a custom solution, you can now do that pretty cheaply. On the Treehouse forums, one user comments that thanks to sites like SquareSpace, businesses can now purchase a website for less than £100 (about $135). The commenter remarks that whereas he'd typically charge around £3000 for a complete website build, potential clients are coming back puzzled as to why he would think they'd spend so much when they could get the same result for a fraction of the price. From a professional perspective, this sort of anecdotal evidence indicates that it's becoming more and more difficult to be successful in web development. For all the talk around 'learning to code' and the digital economy, maybe building websites isn't the best area to get into. Web development is getting easier When people say web development is dying, they might actually be saying that there isn't as much money in it any more. If freelancers are struggling to charge the rates that they used to, that's because there is someone out there who is going to do it for a lot less money. The reason for this isn't that there's a new generation of web developers able to subsist on a paltry sum of money. It's actually getting a lot easier. Aside from solutions like WordPress and Shopify, the task of building websites from scratch (sort of scratch) is now easier than it has ever been. Are templates killing web development? Templates make everything easy for web developers and designers. Why would you want to do much more than drag and drop templates if you could? If the result looks good and does the job, then why spend time doing more? The more you do yourself, the more you're likely to break things. And the more you break things the more you've got to fix. Of course, templates are lowering the barrier to entry into web development and design. And while we shouldn't be precious about new web developers entering the industry, it is understandable that many experienced web developers are anxious about what the future might hold. From this perspective, templates aren't killing web development, but they are changing what the profession looks like. And without wishing to sound euphemistic, this is both a challenge and an opportunity for everyone in web development. Whether you're experienced or new to the industry, these changes mean people are going to have to adapt. Web development isn't dying, it's fragmenting The way web developers are going to have to adapt is by choosing what path they want to take in their career. Web development as we've always known it is, perhaps well and truly dead. Instead, it's fragmenting into specialized areas; design on the one hand, and full-stack on the other. This means your skill set needs to be unique. In a world where building websites takes very little skill or technical knowledge, specific expertise is vital. This is something journalist Andrew Pierno noted in a blog post on Medium. Pierno writes:  ...we are in a scenario where the web developer no longer has the skill set to build that interesting differentiator anymore, particularly if the main value prop is around A.I, computer vision, machine learning, AR, VR, blockchain, etc. Building websites is no longer remarkable - as we've seen, people that can do it are ubiquitous. But building a native application; that's not quite so easy. Building a mobile app that uses computer vision to compare you to Renaissance paintings - that's even harder to do. These are the sorts of things that are going to be valuable - and these are the sorts of things that web developers are going to need to learn how to do. Full-stack development and the expansion of the developer skill set In his piece, Pierno argues that the scope of the web developers role is shrinking. However, I don't think that's quite right. Yes, it might be fragmenting, but the scope of, say, full-stack development, is huge. In fact, full-stack developers need to know a huge range of technologies and tools. If they're to differentiate themselves in the job market, as Pierno suggests they should, they need to know machine learning, they need to know mobile, databases, and maybe even Blockchain. From this perspective, it's not hard to see how the 'web' part of web development might be dying. To some extent, as the web becomes more ubiquitous and less of a rarefied 'space' in people's lives, the more we have to get into the detail of how we utilize the technologies around it. Web development's decline is design's gain If web development as a discipline is dying, that's only going to make design more important. If, as we saw earlier, building websites is going to become a free for all for just about anyone with an internet connection and enough confidence, standards and quality might start to slip. That means the value of someone who understands good design will be higher than ever. As a web developer you might disappear into the ether of everyone else out there. But if you market yourself as a designer, someone who understands the intricacies of UI and UX implicitly, you immediately start to look a little different. Think of it like a sandwich shop - anyone can start making sandwiches. But to make a great sandwich shop, the type that wins awards and the type that people want to Instagram, requires extra attention to detail. It demands more skill and more culinary awareness. Maybe web development is dying, but maybe it just needs to change Clearly, what we call web development is very different in 2018 than what it was 5 years ago. There are a huge number of reasons for this, but perhaps the most important is that it doesn't really make sense to talk about 'the web' any more. Because 'the web' is now an outdated concept, perhaps web development needs to die. Maybe we're holding on to something which is only going to play into the hands of poor design and poor quality software. It's might even damage the careers of talented engineers and designers. You could make a pretty good comparison between 'the web' and 'big data'. Even reading those words feels oddly outdated today, but they're still at the center of the tech landscape. Big data, for example, is everywhere - it's hard to imagine our lives outside of it, but it doesn't make sense to talk about it in the abstract. Instead, what's interesting is how it's applied, how engineers make data accessible, usable and secure. The same is true of the web. It's not dead, but it has certainly assumed a slightly different form. And web development might well be dying, but the world will always need developers and designers. It's simply time to adapt. Read next Why is everyone talking about JavaScript fatigue? Is novelty ruining web development?
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Savia Lobo
18 May 2018
12 min read
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How to use Bootstrap grid system for responsive website design?

Savia Lobo
18 May 2018
12 min read
Bootstrap Origins In 2011, Bootstrap was created by two Twitter employees (Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton) to address the issue of fragmentation of internal tools/platforms. Bootstrap aimed to provide consistency among different web applications that were internally developed at Twitter to reduce redundancy and increase adaptability and reusability. As digital creators, we should always aim to make our applications adaptable and reusable. This will help keep coherency between applications and speed up processes, as we won't need to create basic foundations over and over again. In today's tutorial, you will learn what a Bootstrap is, how it relates to Responsive Web Design and its importance to the web industry. When Twitter Blueprint was born, it provided a way to document and share common design patterns/assets within Twitter. This alone is an amazing feature that would make Bootstrap an extremely useful framework. With this more internal developers began contributing towards the Bootstrap project as part of Hackathon week, and the project just exploded. Not long after, it was renamed "Bootstrap" as we know and love it today, and was released as an open source project to the community. A core team led by Mark and Jacob along with a passionate and growing community of developers helped to accelerate the growth of Bootstrap. In early 2012 after a lot of contributions from the core team and the community, Bootstrap 2 was born. It had come a long way from being a framework for providing internal consistency among Twitter tools. It was now a responsive framework using a 12-column grid system. It also provided inbuilt support for Glyphicons and a plethora of other new components. In 2013, Bootstrap 3 was released with a mobile-first approach to design and a fully redesigned set of components using the immensely popular flat design. This is the version many websites use today and it is very suitable for most developers. Bootstrap 4 is the latest stable  release. This article is an excerpt taken from the book,' Responsive Web Design by Example', written by Frahaan Hussain. Why use Bootstrap? You probably have a reasonable idea of why you would use Bootstrap for developing websites after reading its history, but there is more to it. Simply put, it provides the following: A responsive grid, using the design philosophies. Cross browser compatibility, using Normalize.css to ensure elements render consistently across all browsers (which isn't a very easy task). You might be wondering why it's difficult. Simply put, there are several different browsers, each with a plethora of versions, which all render content differently. I've seen some browsers put a border around an image by default, whereas some browsers don't. This type of inconsistency will prove to be very bad for user experience. A plethora of UI components, by providing polished UI components as developers, we are going to bring our creativity to life in a much easier way. These components usually allow a team to increase their development velocity since they start from a solid tried and tested foundation. They not only provide good design, but they are usually implemented using best practices in terms of performance and accessibility. A very compact size with only a small footprint. Really fast to develop with, it doesn't get in the way like many other frameworks, but allows your creativity to shine through. Extremely easy to start using Bootstrap in your website. Bundles common JavaScript plugins such as jQuery. Excellent documentation. Customizable, allowing you to remove any unnecessary features. An amazing community that is always ready, 24/7, to help. It's pretty clear now that Bootstrap is an amazing framework and that it will help provide consistency among our projects and aid cross browser responsive design. But why use Bootstrap over other frameworks? There are endless responsive frameworks like Bootstrap out there, such as Foundation, W3.CSS, and Skeleton, to mention a few. Bootstrap, however, was one of the first responsive frameworks and is by far the most developed with an ever-growing community. It has documentation online, both official and unofficial, and other frameworks aren't able to boast about their resources as much as Bootstrap can. Constantly being updated, it makes it the right choice for any website developer. Also, most JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular and React, have bindings to Bootstrap components that will reduce the amount of code and time spent binding it with another framework. It can also be used with tools such as SASS to customize  the components provided further. Bootstrap's grid system First, let's cover what a grid system is in general, regardless of the framework you choose to develop your amazing website on top of. Without using a framework, CSS would be used to implement the grid. However, a framework like Bootstrap handles all of the CSS side and provides us with easy-to-use classes. A responsive grid system is composed of two main elements: Columns: These are the horizontal containers for storing content on a single row Rows: These are top level containers for storing columns Your website will have at least one row, but it can have more. Each row can contain containers that span a set number of columns. For example, if the grid system had 100 columns, then a container that spans 50 would be half the width of the browser and/or parent element. Basics of Bootstrap Bootstrap's grid system consists of 12 columns that can be used to display content. Bootstrap also uses containers (methods for storing the website's content), rows, and columns to aid in the layout and alignment of the web page's content. All of these employ HTML classes for usage and will be explained very shortly. The purpose of these are as follows: Columns are used to group snippets of the website's content, and they, in turn, allow manipulation without disrupting the internal content's flow. There are two different types of columns: .container: Used for a fixed width, which is set by Bootstrap .container fluid: Used for full width to span the entire browser Rows are used to horizontally group columns, which aids in lining up the site's content properly: .row: There is only one type of row Columns mentioned previously are a way of setting how wide content should be. The following are the classes used for columns: .col-xs: Designed to display the content only on extra-small screens Max container width—none Triggered when the browser width is below 576px .col-sm: Designed to display the content only on small screens Max container width—540px Triggered when the browser width is above or equal to 576px and below 768px .col-md: Designed to display the content only on medium screens Max container width—720px Triggered when the browser width is above or equal to 768 and below 992px .col-lg: Designed to display the content only on large screens Max container width—960px Triggered when the browser width is above or equal to 992px and below 1200px .col-xl: Designed to display the content only on extra-large screens Max container width—1140px Triggered when the browser width is above or equal to 1200px .col: Designed to be triggered on all screen sizes To set a column's width, we simply append an integer ranging from 1 to 12 at the end of the class, like so: .col-6: Spans six columns on all screen sizes .col-md-6: Spans six columns only on extra-small screen sizes Later in this chapter, we will run through some examples of how to use these features and how they work together. Usage and examples To use the aforementioned features, the structure is as follows: div with container class div with row class div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content div with row class div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content div with column class Content The following examples may have some CSS styling applied; this does not affect their usage. Equal width columns example We will start off with a simple example that consists of one row and three equal columns on all screen sizes. The following code produces the aforementioned result: You may be scratching your head in regards to the column classes, as they have no numbers appended. This is an amazing feature that will come in useful very often. It allows us, as web developers, to add columns easily, without having to update the numbers, if the width of the columns is equal. In this example, there are three columns, which means the three divs equally span their thirds of the row. Multi-row, equal-width columns example Now let's extend the previous example to multiple rows: The following code produces the aforementioned result: As you can see, by adding a new row, the columns automatically go to the next row. This is extremely useful for grouping content together. Multi-row, equal-width columns without multiple rows example The title of this example may seem confusing, but you need to read it correctly. We will now cover creating multiple rows using only a single row class. This can be achieved with the help of a display utility class called w-100. The following code produces the aforementioned result: The example shows multiple row divs are not required for multiple rows. But the result isn't exactly identical, as there is no gap between the rows. This is useful for separating content that is still similar. For example, on a social network, it is common to have posts, and each post will contain information such as its date, title, description, and so on. Each post could be its own row, but within the post, the individual pieces of information could be separated using this class. Differently sized columns Up until now, we have only created rows with equal-width columns. These are useful, but not as useful as being able to set individual sizes. As mentioned in the Bootstrap grid system section, we can easily change the column width by appending a number ranging from 1-12 at the end of the col class. The following code produces the aforementioned result: As you can see, setting the explicit width of a column is very easy, but this applies the width to all screen sizes. You may want it only to be applied on certain screen sizes. The next section will cover this. Differently sized columns with screen size restrictions Let's use the previous example and expand it to change size responsively on differently sized screens. On extra-large screens, the grid will look like the following: On all other screen sizes it will appear with equal-width columns: The following code produces the aforementioned result: Now we are beginning to use breakpoints that provide a way of creating multiple layouts with minimal extra code to make use of the available real estate fully. Mixing and matching We aren't restricted to choosing only one break-point, we are able to set breakpoints for all the available screen sizes. The following figures illustrate all screen sizes, from extra-small to extra-large: Extra-small: Small: Medium: Large: Extra-large: The following code produces the aforementioned results: It isn't necessary for all divs to have the same breakpoints or to have breakpoints at all. Vertical alignment The previous examples provide functionality for use cases, but sometimes the need may arise to align objects vertically. This could technically be done with empty divs, but this wouldn't be a very elegant solution. Instead, there are alignment classes to help with this as can be seen here: As we can see, you can align rows vertically in one of three positions. The following code produces the aforementioned result: We aren't restricted to only aligning rows, we can easily align columns relative to each other, as is demonstrated here: The following code produces the aforementioned result: Horizontal alignment As we vertically aligned content in the previous section, we will now cover how easy it is to align content horizontally. The following figures show the results of horizontal alignment:   The following code produces the aforementioned result: Column offsetting The need may arise to position content with a slight offset. If the content isn't centered or at the start or end, this can become problematic, but using column offsetting, we can overcome this issue. Simply add an offset class, with the screen size to target, and how many columns (1-12) the content should be offset by, as can be seen in the following example:   The following code produces the aforementioned result: Grid wrap up The examples covered so far will suffice for most websites. There are more techniques for manipulating the grid, which can be found on Bootstrap's website. If you tried any of the examples, you may have noticed cascading from smaller screen-size classes to larger screen-size classes. This occurs when there are no explicit classes set for a certain screen size. Bootstrap components There are plethora of amazing components that are provided with Bootstrap, thus saving time creating them from scratch. There are components for dropdowns, buttons, images, and so much more. The usage is very similar to that of the grid system, and the same HTML elements we know and love are used with CSS classes to modify and display Bootstrap constructs. I won't go over every component that Bootstrap offers as that would require an encyclopedia in itself, and many of the commonly used ones will be covered in future chapters through example projects. I would however recommend taking a look at some of the components on Bootstrap's website. If you have found this post useful, do check out this book, ' Responsive Web Design by Example' to build engaging responsive websites using frameworks like Bootstrap and upgrade your skills as a web designer. Get ready for Bootstrap v4.1; Web developers to strap up their boots Web Development with React and Bootstrap Bootstrap 4 Objects, Components, Flexbox, and Layout  
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Savia Lobo
17 May 2018
14 min read
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How to create a generic reusable section for a single page based website

Savia Lobo
17 May 2018
14 min read
There are countless variations when it comes to different sections that can be incorporated into the design of a single page website. In this tutorial, we will cover how to create a generic section that can be extended to multiple sections. This section provides the ability to display any information your website needs. Single page sections are commonly used to display the following data to the user: Contact form (will be implemented in the next chapter). About us: This can be as simple as a couple of paragraphs talking about the company/individual or more complex with images, even showing the team and their roles. Projects/work: Any work you or the company has done and would like to showcase. They are usually linked to external pages or pop up boxes containing more information about the project. Useful company info such as opening times. These are just some of the many uses for sections in a single page website. A good rule of thumb is that if it can be a page on another website it can most likely be adapted into sections on a single page website. Also, depending on the amount of information a single section has, it could potentially be split into multiple sections. This article is an excerpt taken from the book,' Responsive Web Design by Example', written by Frahaan Hussain. Single page section examples Let's go through some examples of the sections mentioned above. Example 1: Contact form As can be seen, by the contact form from Richman, the elements used are very similar to that of a contact page. A form is used with inputs for the various pieces of information required from the user along with a button for submission: Not all contact forms will have the same fields. Put what you need, it may be more or less, there is no right or wrong answer. Also at the bottom of the section is the company's logo along with some written contact information, which is also very common. Some websites also display a map usually using the Google Maps API; these mainly have a physical presence such as a store. Website link— Example 2: About us This is an excellent example of an about us page that uses the following elements to convey the information: Images: Display the individual's face. Creates a very personal touch to the otherwise digital website. Title: Used to display the individual's name. This can also be an image if you want a fancier title. Simple text: Talks about who the person is and what they do. Icons: Linking to the individual's social media accounts. Website link— Example 3: Projects/work This website shows its work off very elegantly and cleanly using images and little text: It also provides a carousel-like slider to display the work, which is extremely useful for displaying the content bigger without displaying all of it at once and it allows a lot of content for a small section to be used. Website link: Example 4: Opening times This website uses a background image similar to the introduction section created in the previous chapter and an additional image on top to display the opening times. This can also be achieved using a mixture of text and CSS styling for various facets such as the border. Website link— Implementing generic reusable single page section We will now create a generic section that can easily be modified and reused to our single page portfolio website. But we still need some sort of layout/design in mind before we implement the section, let's go with an Our Team style section. What will the Our Team section contain? The Our Team section will be a bit simpler, but it can easily be modified to accommodate the animations and styles displayed on the previously mentioned websites. It will be similar to the following example: Website link— The preceding example consists of the following elements: Heading Intro text (Lorem Ipsum in this case) Images displaying each member of the team Team member's name Their role Text informing the viewer a little bit about them Social links We will also create our section using a similar layout. We are now finally going to use the column system to its full potential to provide a responsive experience using breakpoints. Creating the Our Team section container First let's implement a simple container, with the title and section introduction text, without any extra elements such as an image. We will then use this to link to our navigation bar. Add the following code to the jumbotron div: Let's go over what the preceding code is doing: Line 9 creates a container that is fluid, allowing it to span the browser's width fully. This can be changed to a regular container if you like. The id will be used very soon to link to the navigation bar. Line 10 creates a row in which our text elements will be stored. Line 11 creates a div that spans all the 12 columns on all screen sizes and centers the text inside of it. Line 12 creates a simple header for the Team section. Line 14 to Line 16 adds introduction text. I have put the first two sentences of "Lorem Ipsum..." inside of it, but you can put anything you like. All of this produces the following result: Anchoring the Team section to the navigation bar We will now link the navigation bar to the Team section. This will allow the user to navigate to the Team section without having to scroll up or down. At the moment, there is no need to scroll up, but when more content is added this can become a problem as a single page website can become quite long. Fortunately, we have already done the heavy lifting with the navigation bar through HTML and JavaScript, phew! First, let's change the name of the second button in the navigation bar to Team. Update the navigation bar like so: The navigation bar will now look as follows: Fantastic, our navigation bar is looking more like what you would see on a real website. Now let's change href to the same ID as the Team section, which was #TeamSection like so: Now when we click on any of the navigation buttons we get no JavaScript errors like we would have in the previous chapter. Also, it automatically scrolls to each section without any extra JavaScript code. Adding team pictures Now let's use images to showcase the team members. I will use the image from the following link for our employees, but in a real website you would obviously use different images: I have modified the image so all the background is removed and the image is trimmed, so it looks as follows: Up until now, all images that we have used have been stored on other websites such as CDN's, this is great, but the need may arise when the use of a custom image like the previous one is needed. We can either store it on a CDN, which is a very good approach, and I would recommend Cloudinary (, or we can store it locally, which we will do now. A CDN is a Content Delivery Network that has a sole purpose of delivering content such as images to other websites using the best and fastest servers available to a specific user. I would definitely recommend using one. Create a folder called Images and place the image using the following folder structure: Root CSS Images Team Thumbnails Thumbnails.png Index.php JS SNIPPETS This may seem like overkill, considering we only have one image, but as your website gets more complex you will store more images and having an intelligent folder structure/hierarchy will save an immense amount of time. Add the following code to the first row like so: The code we have added doesn't actually provide any visual changes as it is nothing but empty div classes. But these div classes will serve as structures for each team member and their respective content such as name and social links. We created a new row to group our new div classes. Inside each div we will represent each team member. The classes have been set up to be displayed like so: Extra small screens will only show a single team member on a single row Small and medium screens will show two team members on a single row Large and extra large screens will show four team members on a single row The rows are rows in their literal sense and not the class row. Another way to look at them is as lines. The sizes/breakpoints can easily be changed using the information regarding the grid from this article What Is Bootstrap, Why Do We Use It? Now let's add the team's images, update the previous code like so: The preceding code produces the following result: As you can see, this is not the desired effect we were looking for. As there are no size restrictions on the image, it is displayed at its original size. Which, on some screens, will produce a result similar to the monstrosity you saw before; worry not, this can easily be fixed. Add the classes img-fluid and img-thumbnail to each one of the images like so: The classes we added are designed to provide the following styling: img-fluid: Provides a responsive image that is automatically restricted based on the number of columns and browser size. img-thumbnail: Is more of an optional class, but it is still very useful. It provides a light border around the images to make them pop. This produces the following result: As it can be seen, this is significantly better than our previous result. Depending on the browser/screen size, the positioning will slightly change based on the column breakpoints we specified. As usual, I recommend that you resize the browser to see the different layouts. These images are almost complete; they look fine on most screen sizes, but they aren't actually centered within their respective div. This is evident in larger screen sizes, as can be seen here: It isn't very noticeable, but the problem is there, it can be seen to the right of the last image. You probably could get away without fixing this, but when creating anything, from a website to a game, or even a table, the smallest details are what separate the good websites from the amazing websites. This is a simple idea called the aggregation of marginal gains. Fortunately for us, like many times before, Bootstrap offers functionality to resolve our little problem. Simply add the text-center class, to the row within the div of the images like so:   This now produces the following result: There is one more slight problem that is only noticeable on smaller screens when the images/member containers are stacked on top of each other. The following result is produced: The problem might not jump out at first glance, but look closely at the gaps between the images that are stacked, or I should say, to the lack of a gap. This isn't the end of the world, but again the small details make an immense difference to the look of a website. This can be easily fixed by adding padding to each team member div. First, add a class of teamMemberContainer to each team member div like so: Add the following CSS code to the index.css file to provide a more visible gap through the use of padding: This simple solution now produces the following result: If you want the gap to be bigger, simply increase the value and lower it to reduce the gap. Team member info text The previous section covered quite a lot if you're not 100% on what we did just go back and take a second look. This section will thankfully be very simple as it will incorporate techniques and features we have already covered, to add the following information to each team member: Name Job title Member info text Plus anything else you need Update each team member container with the following code: Let's go over the new code line by line: Line 24 adds a simple header that is intended to display the team member's name. I have chosen an h4 tag, but you can use something bigger or smaller if you like. Line 26 adds the team member's job title, I have used a paragraph element with the Bootstrap class text-muted, which lightens the text color. If you would like more information regarding text styling within Bootstrap, feel free to check out the following link. Line 28 adds a simple paragraph with no extra styling to display some information about the team member. Bootstrap text styling link— The code that we just added will produce the following result: As usual, resize your browser to simulate different screen sizes. I use Chrome as my main browser, but Safari has an awesome feature baked right in that allows you to see how your website will run on different browsers/devices, this link will help you use this feature— Most browsers have a plethora of plugins to aid in this process, but not only does Safari have it built in, it works really well. It all looks fantastic, but again I will nitpick at the gaps. The image is right on top of the team member name text; a small gap would really help improve the visual fidelity. Add a class of teamMemberImage to each image tag as it is demonstrated here: Now add the following code to the index.css file, which will apply a margin of 10px below the image, hence moving all the content down:  Change the margin to suit your needs. This very simple code will produce the following similar yet subtly different and more visually appealing result: Team member social links We have almost completed the Team section, only the social links remain for each team member. I will be using simple images for the social buttons from the following link: I will also only be adding three social icons, but feel free to add as many or as few as you need. Add the following code to the button of each team member container: Let's go over each new line of code: Line 30 creates a div to store all the social buttons for each team member Line 31 creates a link to Facebook (add your social link in the href) Line 32 adds an image to show the Facebook social link Line 35 creates a link to Google+ (add your social link in the href) Line 36 adds an image to show the Google+ social link Line 39 creates a link to Twitter (add your social link in the href) Line 40 adds an image to show the Twitter social link We have added a class that needs to be implemented, but let's first run our website to see the result without any styling: It looks OK, but the social icons are a bit big, especially if we were to have more icons. Add the following CSS styling to the index.css file: This piece of code simply restricts the social icons size to 50px. Only setting the width causes the height to be automatically calculated, this ensures that any changes to the image that involves a ratio change won't mess up the look of the icons. This now produces the following result: Feel free to change the width to suit your desires. With the social buttons implemented, we are done. If you've enjoyed this tutorial, check out Responsive Web Design by Example, to create a cool blog page, beautiful portfolio site, or professional business site to make them all totally responsive. 5 things to consider when developing an eCommerce website What UX designers can teach Machine Learning Engineers? To start with: Model Interpretability
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Amarabha Banerjee
09 May 2018
13 min read
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Getting started with Angular CLI and build your first Angular Component

Amarabha Banerjee
09 May 2018
13 min read
When it comes to Angular development, there are some things that are good to know and some things that we need to know to embark on our great journey. One of the things that is good to know is semantic versioning. This is good to know because it is the way the Angular team has chosen to deal with changes. This will hopefully make it easier to find the right solutions to future app development challenges when you go to or Stack Overflow and other sites to search for solutions. In this tutorial, we will discuss Angular components and few practical examples to help you get real world understanding of Angular components. This article is an excerpt from the book Learning Angular Second edition, written by Christoffer Noring & Pablo Deeleman. Web components Web components is a concept that encompasses four technologies designed to be used together to build feature elements with a higher level of visual expressivity and reusability, thereby leading to a more modular, consistent, and maintainable web. These four technologies are as follows: Templates: These are pieces of HTML that structure the content we aim to render. Custom elements: These templates not only contain traditional HTML elements, but also the custom wrapper items that provide further presentation elements or API functionalities. Shadow DOM: This provides a sandbox to encapsulate the CSS layout rules and JavaScript behaviors of each custom element. HTML imports: HTML is no longer constrained to host HTML elements, but to other HTML documents as well. In theory, an Angular component is indeed a custom element that contains a template to host the HTML structure of its layout, the latter being governed by a scoped CSS style sheet encapsulated within a shadow DOM container. Let's try to rephrase this in plain English. Think of the range input control type in HTML5. It is a handy way to give our users a convenient input control for entering a value ranging between two predefined boundaries. If you have not used it before, insert the following piece of markup in a blank HTML template and load it in your browser: <input id="mySlider" type="range" min="0" max="100" step="10"> You will see a nice input control featuring a horizontal slider in your browser. Inspecting such control with the browser developer tools will unveil a concealed set of HTML tags that were not present at the time you edited your HTML template. There you have an example of shadow DOM in action, with an actual HTML template governed by its own encapsulated CSS with advanced dragging functionality. You will probably agree that it would be cool to do that yourself. Well, the good news is that Angular gives you the tool set required for delivering this very same functionality, to build our own custom elements (input controls, personalized tags, and self-contained widgets). We can feature the inner HTML markup of our choice and our very own style sheet that is not affected (nor is impacted) by the CSS of the page hosting our component. Why TypeScript over other syntaxes to code Angular apps? Angular applications can be coded in a wide variety of languages and syntaxes: ECMAScript 5, Dart, ECMAScript 6, TypeScript, or ECMAScript 7. TypeScript is a typed superset of ECMAScript 6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015) that compiles to plain JavaScript and is widely supported by modern OSes. It features a sound object-oriented design and supports annotations, decorators, and type checking. The reason why we picked (and obviously recommend) TypeScript as the syntax of choice for instructing how to develop Angular applications is based on the fact that Angular itself is written in this language. Being proficient in TypeScript will give the developer an enormous advantage when it comes to understanding the guts of the framework. On the other hand, it is worth remarking that TypeScript's support for annotations and type introspection turns out to be paramount when it comes to managing dependency injection and type binding between components with a minimum code footprint. Check out the book, Learning Angular 2nd edition, to learn how to do this. Ultimately, you can carry out your Angular projects in plain ECMAScript 6 syntax if that is your preference. Even the examples provided in this book can be easily ported to ES6 by removing type annotations and interfaces, or replacing the way dependency injection is handled in TypeScript with the most verbose ES6 way. For the sake of brevity, we will only cover examples written in TypeScript. We recommend its usage because of its higher expressivity thanks to type annotations, and its neat way of approaching dependency injection based on type introspection out of such type annotations. Setting up our workspace with Angular CLI There are different ways to get started, either using the Angular quickstart repository on the site, or installing the scaffolding tool Angular CLI, or, you could use Webpack to set up your project. It is worth pointing out that the standard way of creating a new Angular project is through using Angular CLI and scaffold your project. Systemjs, used by the quickstart repository, is something that used to be the default way of building Angular projects. It is now rapidly diminishing, but it is still a valid way of setting up an Angular project. Setting up a frontend project today is more cumbersome than ever. We used to just include the necessary script with our JavaScript code and a link tag for our CSS and img tag for our [SN1] assets and so on. Life used to be simple. Then frontend development became more ambitious and we started splitting up our code in modules, we started using preprocessors for both our code and CSS. All in all, our projects became more complicated and we started to rely on build systems such as Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, and so on. Most developers out there are not huge fans of configuration, they just want to focus on building apps. Modern browsers, however, do more to support the latest ECMAScript standard and some browsers have even started to support modules, which are resolved at runtime. This is far from being widely supported though. In the meantime, we still have to rely on tools for bundling and module support. Setting up a project with leading frameworks such as React or Angular can be quite difficult. You need to know what libraries to import and ensure that files are processed in the correct order, which leads us to the topic of scaffolding tools. For AngularJS, it was quite popular to use Yeoman to scaffold up a new application quickly and get a lot of nice things preconfigured. React has a scaffolder tool called create-react-app, which you probably have saved and it saves countless hours for React developers. Scaffolder tools becomes almost a necessity as complexity grows, but also where every hour counts towards producing business value rather than fighting configuration problems. The main motivation behind creating the Angular CLI tool was to help developers focus on app building and not so much on configuration. Essentially, with a simple command, you should be able to scaffold an application, add a new construct to it, run tests, or create a production grade bundle. Angular CLI supports all that. Prerequisites for installing Angular CLI What you need to get started is to have Git and Node.js installed. Node.js will also install something called NPM, a node package manager that you will use later to install files you need for your project. After this is done, you are ready to set up your Angular application. You can find installation files to Node.js. The easiest way to have it installed is to go to the site: Installing Node.js will also install something called NPM, Node Package Manager, which you will need to install dependencies and more. The Angular CLI requires Node 6.9.0 and NPM 3 or higher. Currently on the site, you can choose between an LTS version and the current version. The LTS version should be enough. Angular CLI Installation Installing the Angular CLI is as easy as running the following command in your Terminal: npm install -g @angular/cli On some systems, you may need to have elevated permissions to do so; in that case, run your Terminal window as an administrator and on Linux/macOS instead run the command like this: sudo npm install -g @angular/cli Building your first app Once the Angular CLI is in place the time has come to create your first project. To do so place yourself in a directory of your choice and type the following: ng new <give it a name here> Type the following: ng new TodoApp This will create a directory called TodoApp. After you have run the preceding command, there are two things you need to do to see your app in a browser: Navigate to the just created directory Serve up the application This will be accomplished by the following commands: cd TodoApp npm start At this point, open up your browser on http://localhost:4200 and you should see the following: Testing your app The Angular CLI doesn't just come with code that makes your app work. It also comes with code that sets up testing and includes a test. Running the said test is as easy as typing the following in the Terminal: You should see the following: How come this works? Let's have a look at the package.json file that was just created and the scripts tag. Everything specified here can be run using the following syntax: npm run <key> In some cases, it is not necessary to type run and it will be enough to just type: npm <key> This is the case with the start and test commands. The following listing makes it clear that it is possible to run more commands than start and test that we just learned about: "scripts": { "ng": "ng", "start": "ng serve", "build": "ng build", "test": "ng test", "lint": "ng lint", "e2e": "ng e2e" } So far we have learned how to install the Angular CLI. Using the Angular CLI we have learned to:    Scaffold a new project.    Serve up the project and see it displayed in a browser.    Run tests. That is quite an accomplishment. We will revisit the Angular CLI in a later chapter as it is a very competent tool, capable of a lot more. Hello Angular We are about to take the first trembling steps into building our first component. The Angular CLI has already scaffolded our project and thereby carried out a lot of heavy lifting. All we need to do is to create new file and starting filling it with content. The million dollar question is what to type? So let's venture into building our first component. There are three steps you need to take in creating a component. Those are:    Import the component decorator construct.    Decorate a class with a component decorator.    Add a component to its module (this might be in two different places). Creating the component First off, let's import the component decorator: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; Then create the class for your component: class AppComponent { title:string = 'hello app'; } Then decorate your class using the Component decorator: @Component({ selector: 'app', template: `<h1>{{ title }}</h1>` }) export class AppComponent { title: string = 'hello app'; } We give the Component decorator, which is function, an object literal as an input parameter. The object literal consists at this point of the selector and template keys, so let's explain what those are. Selector A selector is what it should be referred to if used in a template somewhere else. As we call it app, we would refer to it as: <app></app> Template/templateUrl The template or templateUrl is your view. Here you can write HTML markup. Using the  template keyword, in our object literal, means we get to define the HTML markup in the same file as the component class. Were we to use templateUrl, we would then place our HTML markup in a separate file. The preceding  example also lists the following double curly braces, in the markup: <h1>{{ title }}</h1> This will be treated as an interpolation and the expression will be replaced with the value of AppComponent's title field. The component, when rendered, will therefore look like this: hello app Telling the module Now we need to introduce a completely new concept, an Angular module. All types of constructs that you create in Angular should be registered with a module. An Angular module serves as a facade to the outside world and it  is nothing more than a class that is decorated by the decorate @NgModule. Just like the @Component decorator, the @NgModule decorator takes an object literal as an input parameter. To register our component with our Angular module, we need to give the object literal the property declarations. The declarations property is of a type array and by adding our component to that array we are registering it with the Angular module. The following code shows the creation of an Angular module and the component being registered with it by being added to declarations keyword array: import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} At this point, our Angular module knows about the component. We need to add one more property to our module, bootstrap. The bootstrap keyword states that whatever is placed in here serves as the entry component for the entire application. Because we only have one component, so far, it makes sense to register our component with this bootstrap keyword: @NgModule({ declarations:  [AppComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} It's definitely possible to have more than one entry component, but the usual scenario is that there is only one. For any future components, however, we will only need to add them to the declarations property, to ensure the module knows about them. So far we have created a component and an Angular module and registered the component with said the module. We don't really have a working application yet, as there is one more step we need to take. We need to set up the bootstrapping. To summarize, we have shown how to get started with the Angular CLI and create your first Angular component efficiently. If you are interested to know more, check out Learning Angular Second edition, to get your way through Angular and create dynamic applications with it. Building Components Using Angular Why switch to Angular for web development – Interview Insights 8 built-in Angular Pipes in Angular 4 that you should know    
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Amey Varangaonkar
09 May 2018
9 min read
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NativeScript: What is it, and how to set it up

Amey Varangaonkar
09 May 2018
9 min read
In this tutorial, we introduce you to the NativeScript library, which allows you to create and deploy a web application on a mobile device and use it like a mobile app, rather than as a web or a hybrid application. [box type="shadow" align="" class="" width=""]The following excerpt is taken from the book TypeScript 2.x By Example written by Sachin Ohri. This book presents essential techniques to leverage the power of TypeScript 2.x to build efficient web applications.[/box] What is NativeScript? NativeScript is the open source framework for building native Android and iOS applications with web technologies. This means we can develop native mobile applications with JavaScript, TypeScript, and/or Angular. It is based on the thinking of write once and run everywhere. Applications developed with NativeScript are pure mobile apps when compared to applications developed with technologies such as PhoneGap. As they are native mobile applications, we can use all the richness of the mobile platform and provide the performance associated with that. We use native APIs and use native controls to render, which allows us to create more sophisticated applications compared to a hybrid approach. Hybrid applications do not provide the same level of flexibility or performance because they are hosted on a separate framework and do not get to interact with low-level mobile APIs directly. The best part is that it does not require us to learn a new programming language, unlike developing an iOS-based application, for which you need to know Objective C or Swift. So, we can use our existing skills to develop mobile applications. NativeScript design NativeScript is a runtime that sits on top of the native mobile operating system and uses the JavaScript Virtual Machine (JVM) V8 on Android and JavaScriptCore on iOS. Having access to these platforms allows NativeScript to expose a unified API system for developers, which is then converted into the native API at runtime. This translation between the JavaScript APIs and the native platform APIs is possible through reflection, which NativeScript uses to create its own set of interfaces. Another advantage of using JavaScript by NativeScript is its independence from specific editors. You can use any of your favorite editors to develop a NativeScript application, and you will have access to all the native APIs rather than using Xcode for iOS-based apps and Android Studio for Android-based apps. Architecture The following is a high-level diagram of NativeScript and its interaction with the mobile platform: As we can see, the runtime is responsible for converting JavaScript application code to the native platform code. It has various components that work together to convert and call the native APIs. Because NativeScript uses JVM and JavaScriptCore, it has access to all the latest ECMAScript language specifications for development, which allows us to use the latest ES6 feature set. One of the main components that we need to understand in NativeScript design is modules. Modules The NativeScript team made sure that the platform was developed in a modular fashion, much like plugins, which allow us to include only the modules that we need in our development. These modules provide us with the abstraction of native APIs and allow us to write code that work on both platforms. It has separate APIs for each logical functionality. For example, if you want to use SQLite for your storage needs, there is a package for that; if you want to use a filesystem, there is a package for that. Let's take one example to see how these modules help us write consistent code for a multiplatform environment. If you want to access a filesystem on the native platform using NativeScript, you will write code similar to what you see in the following code snippet: var filesystem = require("file-system"); new filesystem.file(path) This code is written in pure JavaScript, which first gets a reference to a file-system module, and then, using the API of the file-system module calls a file method. This code, when executed by the NativeScript runtime, first checks the platform it wants to run on and then converts the code accordingly, as shown in the following code snippets. The Android version of the code will be as follows: new The iOS version of the code will be as follows: nsFileManager.defaultManager(); fileManager.createFileAtPathContentsAttributes(path); If you have worked on any of the mobile platforms before, you will recognize this code as using the native filesystem API to access the file path. NativeScript versus web applications Until now, we have been mentioning that we can use our web technologies to write mobile applications with the help of NativeScript. So, can we write a pure web application and use the it in runtime to create a mobile application? Yes and no. Yes, we can, and we will see with our application that we can use the same code base to write with NativeScript. No, because not all components of web applications can be directly used. NativeScript allows us to use our existing JavaScript/TypeScript and CSS skills for developing the business logic and the design for our application. But because the native platforms are not web-based and do not have a DOM, we cannot use HTML as the template for our applications. Although you will see that the extension of our template files will be HTML, the element tags will be somewhat different. To give you a brief example, it does not have UI elements such as <div> or <span>, but has elements such as <StackLayout> and <DockLayout>, which allow us to arrange our UI components. Another thing to note here is that these UI elements are then converted into native elements based on the platform. So, if we use the <Button> control in NativeScript, it will get converted into android.widget.Button on the Android platform and UIButton on iOS. Setting up your NativeScript environment NativeScript provides very good documentation about installing and setting up your development environment. You can find the documentation at We will briefly go through the setup process here, but recommend that you go through the documentation to understand the process. NativeScript CLI The best way to use is through the NativeScript CLI. You can install it from npm using the following command: npm install -g nativescript This command will install the NativeScript library in your global scope. To confirm that the installation has been successful, you can try running the following command from the command-line window: tns The tns command is a short form for Telerik NativeScript, and will show the array of commands associated with it. The NativeScript CLI comes with a host of commands to assist in our development, commands such as create, which helps us create a basic startup project, and deploy, which informs the NativeScript CLI to deploy the application to the device (the device can be a connected device or an emulator). You can check all the commands available with the NativeScript CLI by using the help command as follows: tns --help Installing mobile platform dependencies To build native applications, we need to install the dependencies for those mobile platforms. It is important to remember that if we want to build a NativeScript application for iOS and run it on an iOS-compatible device, we need to use macOS; for building Android applications, we can use both Windows and macOS. It provides an easy single script for Windows and macOS that takes care of the responsibility to install all the tools and framework required. The script for Windows is as shown in the following code: @powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" The script for iOS is as shown in the following code: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" It's important to note that these scripts require administrator-level privileges, so you may need to run them using the sudo command. It also provides a step-by-step guide to installing all these dependencies manually; details can be found at Once you have installed all the packages, you can check if the installation was successful by running the following command: tns doctor This command checks all the required prerequisites for building a NativeScript application, and if there are no issues identified, this command will return a success message, No issues were detected. Installing an Android Virtual Device Once you have installed all the dependencies, the next step is to install an Android emulator, which can be used for testing instead of connecting real devices. To be able to create an emulator, you need to have Android Studio on your machine. You can install Android Studio from Once you have installed Android Studio, you can check whether you have the correct Android SDK version. The NativeScript CLI needs Android SDK version 25 or higher; if you see that you do not have the required Android SDK version, then you can install it either using the following command or using the Android Studio IDE: "%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin\sdkmanager" "tools" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-25" "build-tools;25.0.2" "extras;android;m2repository" "extras;google;m2repository" To install the Android emulator, we use Android Studio, the details of which can be found at On macOS, we need to make sure we have hXcodeCode installed, or else, we will not be able to run iOS-based applications. Again, you can use the tns doctor command to check if your installation was successful. And that's it! You have successfully installed and set up the NativeScript environment. Want to learn how to develop native web apps? We've got it covered. All you have to do is check out this book TypeScript 2.x By Example to create and deploy web app as a native app in a step-by-step manner. Tools in TypeScript Introducing Object Oriented Programmng with TypeScript Writing SOLID JavaScript code with TypeScript  
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Kunal Chaudhari
08 May 2018
23 min read
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Building functional programs with F#

Kunal Chaudhari
08 May 2018
23 min read
Functional programming treats programs as mathematical expressions and evaluates expressions. It focuses on functions and constants, which don't change, unlike variables and states. Functional programming solves complex problems with simple code; it is a very efficient programming technique for writing bug-free applications; for example, the null exception can be avoided using this technique. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to build functional programs with F# that leverage .NET Core. Here are some rules to understand functional programming better: In functional programming, a function's output never gets affected by outside code changes and the function always gives the same result for the same parameters. This gives us confidence in the function's behavior that it will give the expected result in all the scenarios, and this is helpful for multithread or parallel programming. In functional programming, variables are immutable, which means we cannot modify a variable once it is initialized, so it is easy to determine the value of a variable at any given point at program runtime. Functional programming works on referential transparency, which means it doesn't use assignment statements in a function. For example, if a function is assigning a new value to a variable such as shown here: Public int sum(x) { x = x + 20 ; return x; } This is changing the value of x, but if we write it as shown here: Public int sum(x) { return x + 20 ; } This is not changing the variable value and the function returns the same result. Functional programming uses recursion for looping. A recursive function calls itself and runs till the condition is satisfied. Functional programming features Let's discuss some functional programming features: Higher-order functions Purity Recursion Currying Closure Function composition Higher-order functions (HOF) One function can take an input argument as another function and it can return a function. This originated from calculus and is widely used in functional programming. An order can be determined by domain and range of order such as order 0 has no function data and order 1 has a domain and range of order 0, if the order is higher than 1, it is called a higher-order function. For example, the ComplexCalc function takes another function as input and returns a different function as output: open System let sum y = x+x let divide y = x/x Let ComplexCalc func = (func 2) Printfn(ComplexCalc sum) // 4 Printfn(ComplexCalc divide) //1 In the previous example, we created two functions, sum and divide. We pass these two functions as parameters to the ComplexCalc function, and it returns a value of 4 and 1, respectively. Purity In functional programming, a function is referred to as a pure function if all its input arguments are known and all its output results are also well known and declared; or we can say the input and output result has no side-effects. Now, you must be curious to know what the side-effect could be, let's discuss it. Let's look at the following example: Public int sum(int x) { return x+x; } In the previous example, the function sum takes an integer input and returns an integer value and predefined result. This kind of function is referred to as a pure function. Let's investigate the following example: Public void verifyData() { Employee emp = OrgQueue.getEmp(); If(emp != null) { ProcessForm(emp); } } In the preceding example, the verifyData() function does not take any input parameter and does not return anything, but this function is internally calling the getEmp() function so verifyData() depends on the getEmp() function. If the output of getEmp() is not null, it calls another function, called ProcessForm() and we pass the getEmp() function output as input for ProcessForm(emp). In this example, both the functions, getEmp() and ProcessForm(), are unknown at the verifyData() function level call, also emp is a hidden value. This kind of program, which has hidden input and output, is treated as a side-effect of the program. We cannot understand what it does in such functions. This is different from encapsulation; encapsulation hides the complexity but in such function, the functionality is not clear and input and output are unreliable. These kinds of function are referred to as impure functions. Let's look at the main concepts of pure functions: Immutable data: Functional programming works on immutable data, it removes the side-effect of variable state change and gives a guarantee of an expected result. Referential transparency: Large modules can be replaced by small code blocks and reuse any existing modules. For example, if a = b*c and d = b*c*e then the value of d can be written as d = a*e. Lazy evaluation: Referential transparency and immutable data give us the flexibility to calculate the function at any given point of time and we will get the same result because a variable will not change its state at any time. Recursion In functional programming, looping is performed by recursive functions. In F#, to make a function recursive, we need to use the rec keyword. By default, functions are not recursive in F#, we have to rectify this explicitly using the rec keyword. Let's take an example: let rec summation x = if x = 0 then 0 else x + summation(x-1) printfn "The summation of first 10 integers is- %A" (summation 10) In this code, we used the keyword rec for the recursion function and if the value passed is 0, the sum would be 0; otherwise it will add x + summation(x-1), like 1+0 then 2+1 and so on. We should take care with recursion because it can consume memory heavily. Currying This converts a function with multiple input parameter to a function which takes one parameter at a time, or we can say it breaks the function into multiple functions, each taking one parameter at a time. Here is an example: int sum = (a,b) => a+b int sumcurry = (a) =>(b) => a+b sumcurry(5)(6) // 11 int sum8 = sumcurry(8) // b=> 8+b sum8(5) // 13 Closure Closure is a feature which allows us to access a variable which is not within the scope of the current module. It is a way of implementing lexically scoped named binding, for example: int add = x=> y=> x+y int addTen = add(10) addTen(5) // this will return 15 In this example, the add() function is internally called by the addTen() function. In an ideal world, the variables x and y should not be accessible when the add() function finishes its execution, but when we are calling the function addTen(), it returns 15. So, the state of the function add() is saved even though code execution is finished, otherwise, there is no way of knowing the add(10) value, where x = 10. We are able to find the value of x because of lexical scoping and this is called closure. Function composition As we discussed earlier in HOF, function composition means getting two functions together to create a third new function where the output of a function is the input of another function. There are n number of functional programming features. Functional programming is a technique to solve problems and write code in an efficient way. It is not language-specific, but many languages support functional programming. We can also use non-functional languages (such as C#) to write programs in a functional way. F# is a Microsoft programming language for concise and declarative syntax. Getting started with F# In this section, we will discuss F# in more detail. Classes Classes are types of object which can contain functions, properties, and events. An F# class must have a parameter and a function attached to a member. Both properties and functions can use the member keyword. The following is the class definition syntax: type [access-modifier] type-name [type-params] [access-modifier] (parameter-list) [ as identifier ] = [ class ] [ inherit base-type-name(base-constructor-args) ] [ let-bindings ] [ do-bindings ] member-list [ end ] // Mutually recursive class definitions: type [access-modifier] type-name1 ... and [access-modifier] type-name2 ... Let’s discuss the preceding syntax for class declaration: type: In the F# language, class definition starts with a type keyword. access-modifier: The F# language supports three access modifiers—public, private, and internal. By default, it considers the public modifier if no other access modifier is provided. The Protected keyword is not used in the F# language, and the reason is that it will become object-oriented rather than functional programming. For example, F# usually calls a member using a lambda expression and if we make a member type protected and call an object of a different instance, it will not work. type-name: It is any of the previously mentioned valid identifiers; the default access modifier is public. type-params: It defines optional generic type parameters. parameter-list: It defines constructor parameters; the default access modifier for the primary constructor is public. identifier: It is used with the optional as keyword, the as keyword gives a name to an instance variable which can be used in the type definition to refer to the instance of the type. Inherit: This keyword allows us to specify the base class for a class. let-bindings: This is used to declare fields or function values in the context of a class. do-bindings: This is useful for the execution of code to create an object member-list: The member-list comprises extra constructors, instance and static method declarations, abstract bindings, interface declarations, and event and property declarations. Here is an example of a class: type StudentName(firstName,lastName) = member this.FirstName = firstName member this.LastName = lastName In the previous example, we have not defined the parameter type. By default, the program considers it as a string value but we can explicitly define a data type, as follows: type StudentName(firstName:string,lastName:string) = member this.FirstName = firstName member this.LastName = lastName Constructor of a class In F#, the constructor works in a different way to any other .NET language. The constructor creates an instance of a class. A parameter list defines the arguments of the primary constructor and class. The constructor contains let and do bindings, which we will discuss next. We can add multiple constructors, apart from the primary constructor, using the new keyword and it must invoke the primary constructor, which is defined with the class declaration. The syntax of defining a new constructor is as shown: new (argument-list) = constructor-body Here is an example to explain the concept. In the following code, the StudentDetail class has two constructors: a primary constructor that takes two arguments and another constructor that takes no arguments: type StudentDetail(x: int, y: int) = do printfn "%d %d" x y new() = StudentDetail(0, 0) A let and do binding A let and do binding creates the primary constructor of a class and runs when an instance of a class is created. A function is compiled into a member if it has a let binding. If the let binding is a value which is not used in any function or member, then it is compiled into a local variable of a constructor; otherwise, it is compiled into a field of the class. The do expression executes the initialized code. As any extra constructors always call the primary constructor, let and do bindings always execute, irrespective of which constructor is called. Fields that are created by let bindings can be accessed through the methods and properties of the class, though they cannot be accessed from static methods, even if the static methods take an instance variable as a parameter: type Student(name) as self = let data = name do self.PrintMessage() member this.PrintMessage() = printf " Student name is %s" data Generic type parameters F# also supports a generic parameter type. We can specify multiple generic type parameters separated by a comma. The syntax of a generic parameter declaration is as follows: type MyGenericClassExample<'a> (x: 'a) = do printfn "%A" x The type of the parameter infers where it is used. In the following code, we call the MyGenericClassExample method and pass a sequence of tuples, so here the parameter type became a sequence of tuples: let g1 = MyGenericClassExample( seq { for i in 1 .. 10 -> (i, i*i) } ) Properties Values related to an object are represented by properties. In object-oriented programming, properties represent data associated with an instance of an object. The following snippet shows two types of property syntax: // Property that has both get and set defined. [ attributes ] [ static ] member [accessibility-modifier] [self- identifier.]PropertyName with [accessibility-modifier] get() = get-function-body and [accessibility-modifier] set parameter = set-function-body // Alternative syntax for a property that has get and set. [ attributes-for-get ] [ static ] member [accessibility-modifier-for-get] [self-identifier.]PropertyName = get-function-body [ attributes-for-set ] [ static ] member [accessibility-modifier-for-set] [self- identifier.]PropertyName with set parameter = set-function-body There are two kinds of property declaration: Explicitly specify the value: We should use the explicit way to implement the property if it has non-trivial implementation. We should use a member keyword for the explicit property declaration. Automatically generate the value: We should use this when the property is just a simple wrapper for a value. There are many ways of implementing an explicit property syntax based on need: Read-only: Only the get() method Write-only: Only the set() method Read/write: Both get() and set() methods An example is shown as follows: // A read-only property. member this.MyReadOnlyProperty = myInternalValue // A write-only property. member this.MyWriteOnlyProperty with set (value) = myInternalValue <- value // A read-write property. member this.MyReadWriteProperty with get () = myInternalValue and set (value) = myInternalValue <- value Backing stores are private values that contain data for properties. The keyword, member val instructs the compiler to create backing stores automatically and then gives an expression to initialize the property. The F# language supports immutable types, but if we want to make a property mutable, we should use get and set. As shown in the following example, the MyClassExample class has two properties: propExample1 is read-only and is initialized to the argument provided to the primary constructor, and propExample2 is a settable property initialized with a string value ".Net Core 2.0": type MyClassExample(propExample1 : int) = member val propExample1 = property1 member val propExample2 = ".Net Core 2.0" with get, set Automatically implemented properties don't work efficiently with some libraries, for example, Entity Framework. In these cases, we should use explicit properties. Static and instance properties We can further categorize properties as static or instance properties. Static, as the name suggests, can be invoked without any instance. The self-identifier is neglected by the static property while it is necessary for the instance property. The following is an example of the static property: static member MyStaticProperty with get() = myStaticValue and set(value) = myStaticValue <- value Abstract properties Abstract properties have no implementation and are fully abstract. They can be virtual. It should not be private and if one accessor is abstract all others must be abstract. The following is an example of the abstract property and how to use it: // Abstract property in abstract class. // The property is an int type that has a get and // set method [<AbstractClass>] type AbstractBase() = abstract Property1 : int with get, set // Implementation of the abstract property type Derived1() = inherit AbstractBase() let mutable value = 10 override this.Property1 with get() = value and set(v : int) = value <- v // A type with a "virtual" property. type Base1() = let mutable value = 10 abstract Property1 : int with get, set default this.Property1 with get() = value and set(v : int) = value <- v // A derived type that overrides the virtual property type Derived2() = inherit Base1() let mutable value2 = 11 override this.Property1 with get() = value2 and set(v) = value2 <- v Inheritance and casts In F#, the inherit keyword is used while declaring a class. The following is the syntax: type MyDerived(...) = inherit MyBase(...) In a derived class, we can access all methods and members of the base class, but it should not be a private member. To refer to base class instances in the F# language, the base keyword is used. Virtual methods and overrides  In F#, the abstract keyword is used to declare a virtual member. So, here we can write a complete definition of the member as we use abstract for virtual. F# is not similar to other .NET languages. Let's have a look at the following example: type MyClassExampleBase() = let mutable x = 0 abstract member virtualMethodExample : int -> int default u. virtualMethodExample (a : int) = x <- x + a; x type MyClassExampleDerived() = inherit MyClassExampleBase () override u. virtualMethodExample (a: int) = a + 1 In the previous example, we declared a virtual method, virtualMethodExample, in a base class, MyClassExampleBase, and overrode it in a derived class, MyClassExampleDerived. Constructors and inheritance An inherited class constructor must be called in a derived class. If a base class constructor contains some arguments, then it takes parameters of the derived class as input. In the following example, we will see how derived class arguments are passed in the base class constructor with inheritance: type MyClassBase2(x: int) = let mutable z = x * x do for i in 1..z do printf "%d " i type MyClassDerived2(y: int) = inherit MyClassBase2(y * 2) do for i in 1..y do printf "%d " i If a class has multiple constructors, such as new(str) or new(), and this class is inherited in a derived class, we can use a base class constructor to assign values. For example, DerivedClass, which inherits BaseClass, has new(str1,str2), and in place of the first string, we pass inherit BaseClass(str1). Similarly, for blank, we wrote inherit BaseClass(). Let's explore the following example in more detail: type BaseClass = val string1 : string new (str) = { string1 = str } new () = { string1 = "" } type DerivedClass = inherit BaseClass val string2 : string new (str1, str2) = { inherit BaseClass(str1); string2 = str2 } new (str2) = { inherit BaseClass(); string2 = str2 } let obj1 = DerivedClass("A", "B") let obj2 = DerivedClass("A") Functions and lambda expressions A lambda expression is one kind of anonymous function, which means it doesn't have a name attached to it. But if we want to create a function which can be called, we can use the fun keyword with a lambda expression. We can pass the kind parameter in the lambda function, which is created using the fun keyword. This function is quite similar to a normal F# function. Let's see a normal F# function and a lambda function: // Normal F# function let addNumbers a b = a+b // Evaluating values let sumResult = addNumbers 5 6 // Lambda function and evaluating values let sumResult = (fun (a:int) (b:int) -> a+b) 5 6 // Both the function will return value sumResult = 11 Handling data – tuples, lists, record types, and data manipulation F# supports many kind data types, for example: Primitive types: bool, int, float, string values. Aggregate type: class, struct, union, record, and enum Array: int[], int[ , ], and float[ , , ] Tuple: type1 * type2 * like (a,1,2,true) type is—char * int * int * bool Generic: list<’x>, dictionary < ’key, ’value> In an F# function, we can pass one tuple instead parameters of multiple parameters of different types. Declaration of a tuple is very simple and we can assign values of a tuple to different variables, for example: let tuple1 = 1,2,3 // assigning values to variables , v1=1, v2= 2, v3=3 let v1,v2,v3 = tuple1 // if we want to assign only two values out of three, use “_” to skip the value. Assigned values: v1=1, //v3=3 let v1,_,v3 = tuple In the preceding examples, we saw that tuple supports pattern matching. These are option types and an option type in F# supports the idea that the value may or not be present at runtime. List List is a generic type implementation. An F# list is similar to a linked list implementation in any other functional language. It has a special opening and closing bracket construct, a short form of the standard empty list ([ ]) syntax: let empty = [] // This is an empty list of untyped type or we can say //generic type. Here type is: 'a list let intList = [10;20;30;40] // this is an integer type list The cons operator is used to prepend an item to a list using a double colon cons(prepend,::). To append another list to one list, we use the append operator—@: // prepend item x into a list let addItem xs x = x :: xs let newIntList = addItem intList 50 // add item 50 in above list //“intlist”, final result would be- [50;10;20;30;40] // using @ to append two list printfn "%A" (["hi"; "team"] @ ["how";"are";"you"]) // result – ["hi"; "team"; "how";"are";"you"] Lists are decomposable using pattern matching into a head and a tail part, where the head is the first item in the list and the tail part is the remaining list, for example: printfn "%A" newIntList.Head printfn "%A" newIntList.Tail printfn "%A" newIntList.Tail.Tail.Head let rec listLength (l: 'a list) = if l.IsEmpty then 0 else 1 + (listLength l.Tail) printfn "%d" (listLength newIntList) Record type The class, struct, union, record, and enum types come under aggregate types. The record type is one of them, it can have n number of members of any individual type. Record type members are by default immutable but we can make them mutable. In general, a record type uses the members as an immutable data type. There is no way to execute logic during instantiation as a record type don't have constructors. A record type also supports match expression, depending on the values inside those records, and they can also again decompose those values for individual handling, for example: type Box = {width: float ; height:int } let giftbox = {width = 6.2 ; height = 3 } In the previous example, we declared a Box with float a value width and an integer height. When we declare giftbox, the compiler automatically detects its type as Box by matching the value types. We can also specify type like this: let giftbox = {Box.width = 6.2 ; Box.height = 3 } or let giftbox : Box = {width = 6.2 ; height = 3 } This kind of type declaration is used when we have the same type of fields or field type declared in more than one type. This declaration is called a record expression. Object-oriented programming in F# F# also supports implementation inheritance, the creation of object, and interface instances. In F#, constructed types are fully compatible .NET classes which support one or more constructors. We can implement a do block with code logic, which can run at the time of class instance creation. The constructed type supports inheritance for class hierarchy creation. We use the inherit keyword to inherit a class. If the member doesn't have implementation, we can use the abstract keyword for declaration. We need to use the abstractClass attribute on the class to inform the compiler that it is abstract. If the abstractClass attribute is not used and type has all abstract members, the F# compiler automatically creates an interface type. Interface is automatically inferred by the compiler as shown in the following screenshot: The override keyword is used to override the base class implementation; to use the base class implementation of the same member, we use the base keyword. In F#, interfaces can be inherited from another interface. In a class, if we use the construct interface, we have to implement all the members in the interface in that class, as well. In general, it is not possible to use interface members from outside the class instance, unless we upcast the instance type to the required interface type. To create an instance of a class or interface, the object expression syntax is used. We need to override virtual members if we are creating a class instance and need member implementation for interface instantiation: type IExampleInterface = abstract member IntValue: int with get abstract member HelloString: unit -> string type PrintValues() = interface IExampleInterface with member x.IntValue = 15 member x.HelloString() = sprintf "Hello friends %d" (x :> IExampleInterface).IntValue let example = let varValue = PrintValues() :> IExampleInterface { new IExampleInterface with member x.IntValue = varValue.IntValue member x.HelloString() = sprintf "<b>%s</b>" (varValue.HelloString()) } printfn "%A" (example.HelloString()) Exception handling The exception keyword is used to create a custom exception in F#; these exceptions adhere to Microsoft best practices, such as constructors supplied, serialization support, and so on. The keyword raise is used to throw an exception. Apart from this, F# has some helper functions, such as failwith, which throws a failure exception at F# runtime, and invalidop, invalidarg, which throw the .NET Framework standard type invalid operation and invalid argument exception, respectively. try/with is used to catch an exception; if an exception occurred on an expression or while evaluating a value, then the try/with expression could be used on the right side of the value evaluation and to assign the value back to some other value. try/with also supports pattern matching to check an individual exception type and extract an item from it. try/finally expression handling depends on the actual code block. Let's take an example of declaring and using a custom exception: exception MyCustomExceptionExample of int * string raise (MyCustomExceptionExample(10, "Error!")) In the previous example, we created a custom exception called MyCustomExceptionExample, using the exception keyword, passing value fields which we want to pass. Then we used the raise keyword to raise exception passing values, which we want to display while running the application or throwing the exception. However, as shown here, while running this code, we don't get our custom message in the error value and the standard exception message is displayed: We can see in the previous screenshot that the exception message doesn't contain the message that we passed. In order to display our custom error message, we need to override the standard message property on the exception type. We will use pattern matching assignment to get two values and up-cast the actual type, due to the internal representation of the exception object. If we run this program again, we will get the custom message in the exception: exception MyCustomExceptionExample of int * string with override x.Message = let (MyCustomExceptionExample(i, s)) = upcast x sprintf "Int: %d Str: %s" i s raise (MyCustomExceptionExample(20, "MyCustomErrorMessage!")) Now, we will get the following error message: In the previous screenshot, we can see our custom message with integer and string values included in the output. We can also use the helper function, failwith, to raise a failure exception, as it includes our message as an error message, as follows: failwith "An error has occurred" The preceding error message can be seen in the following screenshot: Here is a detailed exception screenshot: An example of the invalidarg helper function follows. In this factorial function, we are checking that the value of x is greater than zero. For cases where x is less than 0, we call invalidarg, pass x as the parameter name that is invalid, and then some error message saying the value should be greater than 0. The invalidarg helper function throws an invalid argument exception from the standard system namespace in .NET: let rec factorial x = if x < 0 then invalidArg "x" "Value should be greater than zero" match x with | 0 -> 1 | _ -> x * (factorial (x - 1)) To summarize, we discussed functional programming and its features, such as higher-order functions, purity, lazy evaluation and how to write functions and lambda expressions in F#, exception handling, and so on. You enjoyed an excerpt from a book written by Rishabh Verma and Neha Shrivastava, titled  .NET Core 2.0 By Example. This book will give a detailed walkthrough on functional programming with F# and .NET Core from scratch. What is functional reactive programming? Functional Programming in C#  
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