(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Platform as a Service is a very interesting take on the traditional cloud computing models. While there are many (often conflicting) definitions of a PaaS, for all practical purposes, PaaS provides a complete platform and environment to build and host applications or services. Emphasis is clearly on providing an end-to-end precreated environment to develop and deploy the application that automatically scales as required. PaaS packs together all the necessary components such as an operating system, database, programming language, libraries, web or application container, and a storage or hosting option. PaaS offerings vary and their chargebacks are dependent on what is utilized by the end user. There are excellent public offerings of PaaS such as Google App Engine, Heroku, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. In a private cloud offering for an enterprise, it is possible to implement a similar PaaS environment. Out of the various possibilities, we will focus on building a Database as a Service (DBaaS) infrastructure using Oracle Enterprise Manager. DBaaS is sometimes seen as a mix of PaaS or SaaS depending on the kind of service it provides. DBaaS that provides services such as a database would be leaning more towards its PaaS legacy; but if it provides a service such as Business Intelligence, it takes more of a SaaS form.
Oracle Enterprise Manager enables self-service provisioning of virtualized database instances out of a common shared database instance or cluster. Oracle Database is built to be clustered, and this makes it an easy fit for a robust DBaaS platform.
Before we go about implementing a DBaaS, we will need to make sure our common platform is up and working.
We will now check how we can create a PaaS Zone.
Enterprise Manager groups host or Oracle VM Manager Zones into PaaS Infrastructure Zones. You will need to have at least one PaaS Zone before you can add more features into the setup. To create a PaaS Zone, make sure that you have the following:
To set up a PaaS Infrastructure Zone, perform the following steps:
You can set a percentage threshold for Maximum CPU Utilization and Maximum Memory Allocation. Any host exceeding this threshold will not be used for provisioning.
Once you have created a PaaS Infrastructure Zone, you can proceed with setting up necessary pieces for a DBaaS. However, time and again you might want to edit or review your PaaS Infrastructure Zone.
This page shows a lot of very useful details about the zone. Some of them are listed as follows:
We saw in this article, how PaaS plays a vital role in the structure of a DBaaS architechture.
Further resources on this subject: