Chapter 6. Link Building
We now turn to the true source of ranking power: link building. All of our efforts in content writing and on-page optimization will fail if we do not undertake link building.
Remember the analogy: on-page optimization factors are akin to tuning a race car; link building is the fuel that makes the car go. Without on-page optimization, the car will run slowly. Without inbound links, the car will hardly budge at all.
One of Google's many ground-breaking innovations was the employment of inbound links as a measurement of the relative value and popularity of a website. The idea was that popular sites were popular for a reason, and if Google returned popular pages in its search results, then it was generally returning the "best" results to a search query. Google applied the term "PageRank" to the mathematical formula underlying this idea, and the elements of the process are now the subject of a U.S. Patent. Before this innovation, search results were based entirely on...