Modeling for animation
Though an explanation of the full modeling process is beyond the scope of this book, there are a few considerations that you need to be aware of if you have a model that you want to rig for use in Unity:
- Polycount: Think about how many times the model is likely to be shown on screen and how big it will be. Typically, characters that are only present in the background or those that are repeated multiple times, would contain less polygons to free up system resources, and maintain a consistent frame rate. The polycount is the amount of triangles, which the character is made up of. This can often be kept to a minimum by deleting unseen parts of a model and reducing the complexity of less important areas.
- Mesh density: In order to maintain the semblance of a smooth, continuous surface, modelers often organize their character's topology by the direction and flow of edges. A ring of edges is called an Edge Loop. Typically, more edge loops will be necessary on the parts...