Text-based external data is very common and very useful as it is both computer- and human- readable. Text files may be used to allow non-technical team members to edit written content or for recording game performance data during development and testing. Text-based formats also permit serialization—the encoding of live object data suitable for transmission, storing, and later retrieval.
Unity treats all of the following (and also C# scripts) as Text Assets:
- .txt: Plain text file
- .html, .htm: HTML page markup (HyperText Markup Language)
- .xml: XML data (eXtensible Markup Language)
- .bytes: Binary data (accessed through bytes property)
- .json: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- .csv: CSV (Comma Separate Variable)
- .yaml: YAML Ain't Markup Language
- .fnt: Bitmap font data (with associated image texture file)
To learn more about Unity Text Assets in the manual...