A common mistake is to have a misconfigured truffle.js file. Ensure that for each network you plan to deploy to, there should be a corresponding entry in the networks object, stating the following information:
networks: {
network_name: {
network_id: <number>
host: <string>,
port: <number>,
gas: <number>
How do we know what is the correct gas limit? Well, you have to play with this a little.
Every transaction you make has a gas cost. A migration is a transaction, too, and thus has a gas cost. When attemmpting to migrate your contract, you may run into this error:
exceeds block gas limit
Every transaction you send has a gas limit. Try to decrease the amount of gas specified.
Another error you may encounter is the following:
insufficient funds for gas * price + value
This means the total cost of the transaction exceeds...