Chapter 2. Setting Goals
In this chapter, we will work on the foundations of good time management. We understand from the previous chapter that time management is the result of controlling the activities in our lives. We must now determine what activities we control and how we should go about doing so. This chapter shows that the first question should not be "what" or "how", but "why." When we know why we should do something, there is less resistance and more enthusiasm. We can also filter out activities that take our time but do not add value to our lives. The primary filters are our values and goals. We will explore the process of developing and stating goals. In order to have a consistent set of goals, they must have a strong foundation in values and beliefs. Therefore, we will build a value system to anchor and align our goals and daily activities. In this chapter, we will see how value systems determine goals and how aligning daily tasks to goals and intermediate steps ensure congruence...