Student's Syndrome
The Student's Syndrome is a tendency to delay starting an assignment until it is almost too late to get it done on time. For example, if a student were assigned a report to be handed in in two weeks, the typical student would not act upon it until the thirteenth day at which point he/she would put in a colossal effort and complete it in the nick of time.
The three issues of procrastination, Parkinson's Law, and Student's Syndrome are related. Procrastination is an open-ended delay or tendency to put off—the work may never get started or completed. Student's Syndrome is a tendency to delay but not open ended—the work gets done at the very last minute. Parkinson's Law generally does not indicate a delay in starting but the task does not get completed until the very last minute. The following table summarizes these issues:
Parkinson's Law |
Procrastination |
Student's Syndrome | |
Start |
Begins well |
Delayed |
Delayed |
End |
Just in time |
May never |
Just in time |
Quality | ... |