What this book covers
Chapter 1, The Psychology behind Social Engineering, provides a deep dive into the art of manipulation and how attackers leverage psychological principles to influence the actions of victims.
Chapter 2, Understanding Social Engineering, provides an overview of the most common social engineering attacks on social media, how to spot them, and how to avoid them.
Chapter 3, Common Scam Attacks, provides a comprehensive overview of the most common types of scams and how to avoid them.
Chapter 4, Types of Social Engineering Attacks, provides a comprehensive examination of the most common social engineering attack types, coupled with guidance about how to recognize and prevent them.
Chapter 5, Enhanced Social Engineering Attacks, helps you discover how technology is being used by attackers to elevate their social engineering techniques and learn effective methods for the detection and prevention of these attacks.
Chapter 6, Social Engineering and Social Networks Attacks, provides an exploration of the wide-ranging landscape of social engineering attacks through social networks and mobile apps, including comprehensive guidance on how to protect against those attacks.
Chapter 7, AI-Driven Techniques in Enhanced Social Engineering Attacks, explores the intersection of AI and social engineering in cybersecurity, covering AI’s role in advanced attacks, the impact of deepfakes, and AI-driven phishing attacks.
Chapter 8, The Social Engineering Toolkit (SET), provides a deep dive into the SET framework, including its installation and configuration and a comprehensive review of its components, plus invaluable insights into mitigating and defending against SET-driven attacks.
Chapter 9, Understanding the Social Engineering Life Cycle, provides a thorough exploration of the social engineering life cycle, meticulously unveiling its distinct stages while equipping you with indispensable knowledge to protect you and your organization against these attacks.
Chapter 10, Defensive Strategies for Social Engineering, helps you discover modern defensive strategies against social engineering threats, including employee awareness, phishing countermeasures, practical exercises, capture-the-flag exercises, cybersecurity training, and real-world case studies.
Chapter 11, Applicable Laws and Regulations for Social Engineering, helps you navigate the legal landscape, uncovering the protective measures and regulatory frameworks designed to combat social engineering, plus lessons learned from notable legal cases.