Modernizr is an awesome JavaScript library for feature detection. It is great for detecting HTML5 and CSS3 features and is used widely. We are going to focus on Modernizr for feature detection in this chapter.
Downloading and setting up Modernizr
At the time of writing, Modernizr, Version 3, is the most stable version. Modernizr can be downloaded as two versions—development and production. Source code of Modernizr can be checked out from at GitHub.
For the production version, Modernizr provides a custom build tool, which allows us to select only those features that we want to test. These features are divided into several sections such as CSS3, HTML5 features, and Modernizr methods and properties under options. There are almost 240+ options that are available to choose to build one consolidate file. Build tool is available at
Development version can be downloaded using the link