Setting up Appium and WebdriverIO
Combining Appium with WebdriverIO helps build an extremely scalable and customizable mobile automation framework. Let us start with Appium installation on macOS.
Appium installation
Next, let us go ahead and install Appium. This can be done using the npm install –g appium@next command to install a version above 2.0 globally. The use of @next here is to force an installation of a beta version (2.0.0). If by the time you install this, 2.0 is available as the latest stable version, you do not have to use @next. With the appium –v command, double-check the version after installation.
Appium involves multiple installations working in tandem, and it would be convenient to have a tool that could provide us with constant feedback on the health of our setup. appium-doctor does just that. Let us install it using the npm install –g appium-doctor command, and the installation can be checked using appium –version.