We can connect to, and import spatial data from, TopoJSON files, Shapefiles, MapInfo tables, GeoJSON files, KML files, and Esri File Geodatabases. Using these files, we can connect to point, linear, and polygon geometries. Currently, mixed geometries are not allowed in Tableau.
Each of the file sources listed earlier has certain restrictions on what the folder containing these files must include. These are listed in the following table:
File Source |
Files Required in Folder |
Esri Shapefiles |
.shp, .shx, .dbf , .prj, and .zip |
Esri Geodatabases |
Either .zip containing .gdb or a .gdb file |
KML files |
.kml |
TopoJSON |
.topojson or .json |
.geojson |
MapInfo |
.MAP, .DAT, .TAB, and .MID, or a .MIF, or .ID file |
For an example of how to create maps using shapefiles, we will use the file downloaded for London Wards as...