Variables and constants
What's your favorite Disney song? Our is A Whole New World from Aladdin. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? For us, nothing beats vanilla. If we wanted to print out some of our favorite items in a playground file, we know how to do that!
Create a new playground file and name it FavoriteThings
, as illustrated. Save it wherever you like; we recommend saving all of this work in a place you can remember. That way, you can access it easily when you need to reference it later on:

Clear out all the code that a newly created playground file provides to you; that way, you're left with a completely blank file:

We mentioned earlier that our favorite Disney song is A Whole New World. We also mentioned that our favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. Let's pretend, for a second, that your best friend just asked you those questions. Instead of speaking to them, you decide to write some Swift code (because you...