Chapter 6. Writing Simple Behaviors
In this chapter, we will begin using Stencyl's signature visual programming interface to create logic and interaction in our game. We will create this logic using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) block-snapping interface. By the end of this chapter, you will have the Player Character whizzing down the screen in pursuit of a zigzagging air balloon! Some of the things we will learn to do in this chapter are as follows:
- Create Actor Behaviors and attach them to Actor Types
- Add Events to our Behaviors
- Use If blocks to create branching and conditional logic to handle the various states within our game
- Accept and react to the input from the player
- Apply physical forces to Actors in real time
One of the great things about this visual approach to programming is that it largely removes the unpleasantness of dealing with the syntax (the rules of the programming language), and the inevitable errors that come with it when we're creating logic...