We will now try to determine the roles for our user with Apache Directory Studio. Using the calendar-user1 connection we created previously, perform the following steps:
- Right-click on DIT and select New | New Search.
- Enter a search base of ou=Groups,dc=jbcpcalendar,dc=com. This corresponds to the baseDn attribute of the DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource object we specified, plus the groupSearchBase attribute we specified for the AuthenticationManagerBuilder object.
- Enter a filter of uniqueMember=uid=user1@example.com,ou=Users,dc=jbcpcalendar,dc=com. This corresponds to the default groupSearchFilter attribute of (uniqueMember={0}). Notice that we have substituted the full DN of the user we found in our previous exercise for the {0} value.
- Click on Search.
- You will observe that the User group is the only group returned in our search...